FSSAI Food License

FSSAI Registration Process and Penalties under FSS Act

FSSAI Registration Process

If you are a food business operator or planning to open a food business then this post has the information that you need to know. In this blog, you shall learn about the FSSAI Registration process as well as the penalties prescribed under FSSAI Act.

Overview on FSSAI

FSSAI, an acronym used for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, is the supreme authority that regulates and supervises food security in India. The Food Safety and Standards Authority was established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.

FSSAI is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The licensing and registration procedure and requirements are regulated by Food Safety & Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011. The main objective of FSSAI is to reduce food adulteration and enhance the accountability of manufacturers by issuing them a food license.

It is mandatory for food business operators like manufacturers, traders and food store owners to obtain FSSAI license. In order to maintain food safety and curtail food adulteration, FSSAI ensures that food products undergo quality checks. All the rules and regulations of running a food business in India are laid down by FSSAI. FSSAI Registration Process is different from FSSAI License depending on the size or scale of the food business. Food Business Operators (FBO) has to obtain the necessary registration or License.  The FSSAI registration number is a 14 digit number that gives details about the assembling state, date of enrolment etc.

Types of FSSAI License/Registration in India

Types of FSSAI License

There are three types of Food License, depending on the factors like turnover of the business and business volume. On the basis of factors like turnover of the business, location, capacity of the business, applicants are eligible for licenses such as Basic Registration, Central License, and State License.

  • Basic FSSAI Registration: Businesses with turnover not more than Rs 12 lakhs per annum require Basic FSSAI Registration. Examples of this category include a petty retailer, hawker, vendor or temporary stallholders.
  • State FSSAI License: A business with turnover between Rs 12 lakhs to Rs 20 crore requires State FSSAI License. The turnover limit remains the same for FSSAI State Trading License or an FSSAI State Manufacturing License.
  • Central FSSAI License: A business with the turnover exceeding Rs 20 crore requires this license. Some of the examples of food businesses falling in this category include Food manufacturing, trading, and storage units.
READ  FSSAI mandates Restaurants to mention FSSAI Licence Number on bills from October

Pre-Requisites for obtaining the FSSAI Registration

If you own a small-scale food business, you will have to apply for FSSAI Registration i.e. the Basic Registration. Businesses covered in this category are:

  • Any Food Business Operator (FBO) with an annual turnover of not exceeding more than Rs 12 lakhs
  • Petty retailer dealing in food products
  • Any person who carries on the manufacturing and selling of any food article by himself
  • Individual who distributes food in any religious or social gathering excluding the caterer
  • Cottage industries dealing in the food business

Documents Required for FSSAI Registration

Following is the list of documents required for Basic FSSAI Registration:

  • Form A duly completed and signed.
  • Photo Identity Proof of Food Business Operator (FBO)
  • Proof of the possession of the premise such as rent agreement
  • MOA, AOA, Partnership deed, etc- depending on the type of entity
  • Complete list of the food products involved
  • Plan of food safety management system

Documents Required for FSSAI Registration

Following is the list of documents required for Basic FSSAI Registration:

  • Form A duly completed and signed.
  • Photo Identity Proof of Food Business Operator (FBO)
  • Proof of the possession of the premise such as rent agreement
  • MOA, AOA, Partnership deed, etc- depending on the type of entity
  • Complete list of the food products involved
  • Plan of food safety management system

Documents required for Central FSSAI License

Documents required for obtaining Central FSSAI License are as follows:

  • Duly completed and signed Form B by the proprietor or owner.
  • Blue Print of the location
  • The list and details of the machinery and equipments
  • List of Directors/Partners/Proprietor with Photo Id, address, and phone number
  • List of food category to be manufactured
  • Authority letter with name and address of the responsible person
  • Sources of various raw materials
  • Analysis report of water to be used from a recognized/public health laboratory
  • Recall plan where applicable
  • NOC from the municipality and local body, if applicable
  • Certificate from Ministry of Tourism
  • NOC/PA document issued by FSSAI
  • Proof of the possession of the premises
  • NOC and copy of License from the manufacturer
  • Supporting documents for proof of turnover and transportation, if applicable
  • FSSAI Declaration form
READ  How to Apply for Basic FSSAI Registration

Documents required for State FSSAI License

Following is the list of documents required to obtain State FSSAI License:

  • Duly completed and signed Form B by the proprietor or owner
  • Blue Print of the location showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation
  • List of Directors/Partners/Proprietor with Photo Id, address, and phone number
  • Complete list of machinery and equipments with details
  • List of food category to be manufactured
  • Authority Letter with name and address of the responsible person
  • Analysis report of the water to be used from a recognized/public health laboratory
  • Proof of possession of premises
  • Partnership deed/affidavit of proprietorship
  • NOC and Copy of License from the manufacturer
  • A copy of the certificate obtained under the Coop Act 1861/ Multi-State Coop Act 2002
  • Food Safety Management System Plan or Certificate
  • NOCs from Municipality or local body

Step by Step Process of obtaining FSSAI Registration

  • The first steps towards obtaining FSSAI Registration process is submitting form A[2] (application) to Food and Safety Department.
  • The submitted application can be accepted or it may be rejected as well by the department within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application. In case the application is rejected, the department intimates the applicant about rejection in writing.
  • Further, if the application is accepted, then the Department grants a registration certificate with a 14 digit registration number and the photo of the applicant.
  • Once FSSAI Registration is granted, the Food Business Operator will have to display the certificate of registration at his business location during the business hours.

Fees of obtaining FSSAI Registration/License

The table made below lays down the fee structure for FSSAI Registration/ License –

READ  How can a food dealer obtain FSSAI License?
Type of ApplicationRegistrationState LicenseCentral License
New ApplicationRs 100Depends on the scale of businessRs 7500
Renewal of ApplicationRs 100Depends on the scale of businessRs 7500
Modification of License/CertificateRs 100Depends on the scale of businessRs 7500
Duplicate License/Certificate10% of the applicable fees10% of the applicable fees10% of the applicable  fees

Penalties under FSS Act

Some of the penalties under the FSS Act are specified below:

  • Penalty for running a food business without a FSSAI license: Up to 5 lakh rupees and six months imprisonment
  • Penalty for sub-standard food: Rs 5 lakh
  • Penalty for misbranded food: Rs 3 lakh
  • Penalty for misleading advertisement or false description: Rs 10 lakh
  • Penalty for extraneous matter in food: Rs 1 lakh
  • Penalty for failure to comply with Food safety officer direction: Rs 2 lakh
  • Penalty for using unhygienic  way of processing or manufacture: Rs 1 lakh


Every food business operator must get FSSAI registration/License mandatorily. Obtaining it increases the creditability of the food items sold, distributed or stored by your entity.

Read our article: Implications of Non Compliance with the Provisions of FSSAI

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