FSSAI Registration

Every business owner dealing in food products has to secure the FSSAI License from the relevant authority. This license is a 14-digit number which provides proof that the business follows standards related to quality as per the requirements of the FSSAI. Quality of products would not only be determined by their s..

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FSSAI Registration- An Overview

FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. This regulatory body was set up to access the quality standards of business that handles food products. The FSSAI authority is the main regulatory body dealing with issuing of food licenses in India.

This authority was established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The provisions of the FSSAI Act would apply to this body and all food body operators in India.

To comply with international standards of food safety, this body was set up as an autonomous institution to administer the quality of food in India. This institution ensures that the food is unadulterated and safe for consumption for human beings. Quality checks would be conducted as prescribed by the FSSAI.

Any industry dealing with food products has to secure this license. For instance the manufacturer has to secure this license. Apart from this a other institutions that take part in the food manufacturing process also require this license. Hence, it is crucial to abide by the rules of the FSSAI.

Requirement of FSSAI Registration License

Under the FSSAI Act, 2006 there are specific requirements which have to be complied by every food operator. Under section 31(1) and 31(2) of the Act, every food operator would require to take this license from the relevant authority.

Both the terms FSSAI license and FSSAI registration do not mean the same, as these terms would be determined based on the size of the business. Every business dealing in food products would have to go for an online FSSAI registration.

Previously the registration process for FSSAI was conducted online through Food Licensing and Registration System (FLRS).  Since November 2020, the Food Safety and Compliance System (FosCos) has replaced the previous system (FLRS). This is an important update which is required to be adhered to.

If an applicant requires a new license then the system under FosCos has to be utilised.  Any registered user having a license under the previous system would have to verify the details of the license under the FosCos.

When the business is registered, then a 14- digit number would be generated for the user. This number consists of 5 parts which are unique in their way. This number has to be present where the business is operating. Apart from this, the number must also be affixed to all the packages of products.

Under this system, operators dealing with food products are known as FBOs or Food Business Operators.  Under section 3(0) of the Act, the Food Business Operator is an individual or owner of the business, who takes all the precautions and measures to ensure compliance, is present under the act.

What are the types of food business operator? 

types of food business operator

  • Manufacturers

This would include any manufacturer carrying out activities related to producing food products.

  • Fast Food Joints

Any Joint that serves fast food would have to take the FSSAI registration. Irrespective of whether the food joint is small or large, this form of registration is mandatory.

  • Hotels

Any hotel which has restaurants have to secure this license. Whether the hotel is large or small, this compliance is mandatory.

  • Banquet Halls

Banquet Halls and Marriage halls only deal with serving food. However, before the food is served, it is handled. Any process related to food would also include handling. Hence FSSAI registration is required for banquets and marriage halls.

  • Import and Export Houses

Any institutions that deal with the import and export of food products would have to secure the FSSAI registration. Apart from the FSSAI License, this institution would also have to a valid IEC license (Import-Export Code) license.

  • Airports

Restaurants and eateries are present in airports, hence to comply with quality standards, even airports have to secure compliance under FSSAI.

  • Airplanes

Any airline or Airline Company would have to secure this license, as meals are prepared and served during the flight.

  • Storage Houses

Any institution that stores meat based products and other food products would be required to comply with the requirements of securing an FSSAI license.

  • Stall Selling Food Products

Any small stall which is selling food products would also have to secure this license. If the food is prepared and served by an individual through the movable cart, then the license is not required. However other stalls would be required to secure this license.

  • Units which utilize vegetable oil, cottage mills

Any industrial unit which utilised vegetable oil would require food license. Apart from this cottage mills and small scale industries. Such units which have the production or processing of vegetable oil through the refinery system or expeller system. The capacity of such systems should not exceed more than 100 litres per day.

  • Dairy Units

Any units or industry that is carrying out handling milk and milk based products. This would include processes such as chilling of milk, procurement and handling of milk.

  • Slaughter Houses

Any institution which is considered as a slaughter house.

  • Any other Institution that sells food

Any other institution that falls under the eligibility criteria has to go for the process of FSSAI registration.

Types of FSSAI License

Types of FSSAI License

  • Basic FSSAI License

Any FBO having a turnover of less than 12 lakhs per annum must go for basic FSSAI registration. Hence any business which serves food and is considered as a petty food business would require this license. The applicant has to fill details in Form- A and submit to the FSSAI to secure this form of license.

  • State FSSAI License

Any FBO having a turnover of more than Rs 12 Lakhs per annum and less than Rs. 20 crore must go for the state fssai license. A medium sized food business operator should consider this form of license. The applicant has to fill details in Form- B and submit to the FSSAI to secure this form of license.

  • Central FSSAI License

For this form of license, the applicant must have a turnover of more than 20 crores per annum. Any large food business or government office supplying food to other countries must secure this form of license. The applicant has to fill details in Form- B and submit to the FSSAI to secure this form of license.

Main objectives of taking FSSAI registration

The main objectives of taking FSSAI registration are the following:

  • To comply with the standards of food quality and safety.
  • To ensure that raw materials and other products comply with the benchmark on quality.
  • To reduce any form of adulteration and production of substandard quality of food.
  • To comply with the standards of transparency and governance of food products.
  • To improve customer confidence in dealing with food products.

Benefits of FSSAI Registration

Benefits of FSSAI Registration

  • Increased Awareness

Through the FSSAI registration, the business would be more reputed in the minds of consumers. Nowadays, when it comes to quality of food standards, consumers ensure that the quality complies with the requirements of the FSSAI.

  • Compliance with Laws

Any Food Business operator having this license would comply with the requirements of the law. Any form of penalties will be avoided if the business maintains compliance.

  • Logo

Having this FSSAI license number would increase the reputation of the business. Plus, it will also add to the main name of the business. Consumers are more likely to buy products which have the FSSAI logo when compared to products which do not have any logo.

  • Government Funds

Increased Amount of funding is also possible, through this registration. In the eyes of the public an FBO which has this license, is more compliant with the rules brought out by the government. Having this license increases the avenues of securing public funds and also government funds.

  • Increased Reputation

Last and foremost, the reputation and goodwill of the business would automatically increase as a result of having the FSSAI registration license.

Eligibility Criteria for FSSAI Registration

The criteria for FSSAI registration would depend on the following:

criteria for FSSAI registration

Type of Business

The type of FSSAI license would definitely depend on the business. For example, the FSSAI license which is required for a food stall operator or a street hawker is different from the FSSAI registration required for a government food manufacturing busness. Depending on the size and nature of operations of the business the prescribed license would be taken.

Turnover of the Business

The following turnovers have to be considered to be eligibility for the types of registration under FSSAI procedure:

  • Basic Registration- Annual Turnover below 12 lakhs.
  • State Registration-Annual Turnover above 12 lakhs and below 20 crores.
  • Central Registration- Annual Turnover above 20 crores.

Metric Capacity of the Business

The metric capacity of the business would be considered also for which type of license under FSSAI registration. For example, if the unit produces more than a specific amount of products, then they may have to go for another registration.

Who FBO requires basic registration?

The following require basic FSSAI registration:

  • Any FBO or dhaba or footstall which has turnover of lesser than 12 lakhs per annum.
  • Petty Food Stalls.
  • Cottage Industries.
  • Vegetable Units.
  • Milk producing units- This would be equivalent to about 2.5 metric tons of milk based solids. Hence FSSAI registration is required for such units. Any milk outlet producing more than 500 litres of milk.
  • The slaughter house must have the capacity of least 2 large animals or 50 poultry birds. This would be applicable for a slaughter house which has 10 small animals also.

Which FBO requires State registration?

  • Any FBO with an annual turnover of more than 12 lakhs and less than 20 crores.
  • Branded Food Products and Businesses.
  • 4 Star Hotels and Resorts.
  • Storage Houses having a Capacity of 50,000 metric tonnes. This must be measured on annual basis.
  • Dairy Units that handle, process or procure milk products between 500 to 50000 litres capacity.
  • Slaughter House – 50 Large animals or 150 small animals of 1000 poultry birds.

Which FBO requires Central Registration?

  • Any FBO with an annual turnover of more than 20 crores.
  • Production of any form of vegetable oil or solvent which exceeds the capacity of 2 metric tonnes per day. This would include solvent extraction and refineries.
  • Clubs, Hotels or Resorts with branches more than one state.
  • 5 star hotels and resorts
  • Whole Salers whose annual turnover exceeds 30 crores.
  • Airports, Railways, Defence and Other Services which are provided by the Central Government.
  • Dairy Units producing or handling milk more than 50,000 litres per day.
  • Slaughter House – More than50 Large animals or 150 small animals of 1000 poultry birds.
  • Storage Houses having more than 50,000 metric tonnes of capacity. This must be measured on annual basis.

FSSAI Registration process (Food Registration)

The procedure on how to get fssai license is enumerated below:

procedure to get fssai license

  • Submit Form on Official Website

First the applicant has to choose the type of business he is operating. Based on the annual turnover the applicant will either have to go for the process of basic registration or state/central registration. If it is basic registration, then Form-A should be used. If it is state or central registration then Form-B must be used. Since November 2020, the Food Safety and Compliance System (FosCos) has replaced the previous system (FLRS). So the applicant has to go to the FosCos website to make a fresh application.

  • Registration Fees

With the form the applicant would have to pay the registration fee for FSSAI registration.

  • Attach Documents

Respective Documents have to be attached along with this.

  • UARN Number

After this process is complete, a unique application reference number (UARN) would be generated. The applicant would have to quote this in all correspondence. Even for state or central registration, the same process is used.

  • Scrutiny by Authority

After the form is received by the authority, they will scrutinise the same.

  • Premises Inspection

In the next step, the premises would be inspected by the authority to see if it meets the criteria and standards as required by the FSSAI.

  • FSSAI Registration Certificate

If there is no issues with the application and the premises, the authority will issue the FSSAI registration Certificate.

Documents for FSSAI Registration

  • Application form – Form A or Form B which is signed by the applicant
  • Two Photographs of the Applicant- recent
  • PAN Card of Executives of the Business
  • Rent Agreement
  • Utility Bills if the premises is owned by the applicant
  • In case the firm is a partnership, then the copy of the partnership deed must be taken
  • Food Products and Category List
  • ‘AOA and MOA in case the entity is a company
  • Board Resolution- Form X for the purposes of appointment
  • Aadhaar and Voted ID- Identification Documents

Apart from the above, there are specific Documents required for state registration:

  • Layout of Premises with Machine Plan
  • NOC
  • Permit from manufacture if required
  • Food Products Details
  • Copies of Relevant Food Safety Management Systems.

For Central Registration there are more Documents required:

  • Layout of Premises with Machine Plan
  • NOC
  • Permit from manufacture if required
  • Food Products Details
  • Copies of Relevant Food Safety Management Systems
  • Water Analysis and Report from Laboratory
  • Information on Annual Turnover
  • Details of Supply and Procurement of Milk and Meat
  • IEC Certificate
  • NOC from FSSAI
  • Pesticide Residual Report- If business is engaged in Mineral Water Production.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes under section 31(2) of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 . They are the following:

• Petting manufacturer of food in house for the purpose of conducting business

• Petty Retailers

• Any Hawker or Street Vendor

• Temporary Stall owner

• Small FBOs and Cottage Food Industries.

The following fee is charged by the FSSAI:


Application Type




New License

Rs. 100

Between Rs. 2000 to 5000

Rs. 7500

License Renewal

Same fees as above

Depending on the operations carried out by the business

Same fees as above

There are harsh consequences of not taking the license:

• The FSSAI Logo cannot be utilized.

• Obtaining Credit would become hard.

• Non-compliance will cause penalties such as fines.

• Apart from this, the authority can also close down the business.

Yes the following are the penalties levied under the FSSAI Act, 2006:

• Substandard Quality: Rs. 2 Lakhs, Rs. 25 thousand for petty manufacturers

• Brand name of food is copied or misguidance Rs. 5 Lakhs

• Fake Description Rs. 10 Lakhs

• Adulterated Matter in Food: Rs. 1 Lakh

• Non-Compliance of orders of officer Rs. 2 Lakhs

• Unhygienic ways of Processing: Rs. 1 Lakh.

Yes the following guidelines have to be adhered for the FSSAI registration process:

• The FSSAI license number and the logo design must be affixed to all food products. The colour must not be the same as the package.

• The name of the brand must be mentioned in the package.

• When it comes to imports, then there is no exemption regarding the same. Their license number and import information must be clearly mentioned. This is required for securing clearances from different authorities.

• The height numbers and letters must be prescribed in '2.3.3' of FSS (Food Safety and Standards - Packaging and Labelling Regulation, 2011.

• The Logo is not a certificate.

Usually the food safety license is valid for a period of 5 years. Just before 30 days of expiry, the applicant must make an application for renewal of the same. The applicant must refill the respective forms and submit the information to the authority.

No, there is no requirement of the business to apply for multiple Licenses. Instead the business can make an application for the central license. This would provide licenses to all the FBOs controlled by the main business.

Yes food is recalled, when there is no compliance with the requirement of quality of a particular product. Usually food is recalled throughout India. This is present under section 28 of the Act.

Yes Central FSSAI registration license is required for export and import house. Apart from this, the house would also require to take IEC registration.

FSSAI Registration is required for all companies, manufacturers and food beverage entities in India that deal with production of food and supply of food.

Previously the registration process for FSSAI was conducted online through Food Licensing and Registration System (FLRS). Since November 2020, the Food Safety and Compliance System (FosCos) has replaced the previous system (FLRS). This is an important update which is required to be adhered to.

Yes any Food Business Operating Licence or Shop and Establishment licence is required for the food truck in India.

Yes FSSAI license is required for repackaging and selling. Any business that is dealing with food requires this form of license.

The following procedure has to be considered for checking FSSAI license number online:

• Enter the 14 digit account number

• Check and see validity

• Login with User Name and Password

• Get Details

All companies that are handling or dealing with food manufacturing and processing require this license. The license has to be displayed on all packets where the food is packed. Apart from this, the license is required to displayed in the business

The process of FSSAI registration is completely online. The applicant has to utilise the FosCos System for FSSAI registration.

The validity period of the FSSAI License would depend on the application. Usually this period varies between 1 year to 5 years. The amount paid by the applicant would determine the validity. The applicant has to make a renewal of application 30 days before expiry of the license.

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