Business Set-Up in Bermuda

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory. The country attracts heavy foreign investment. If you’re one among those willing to invest in Bermuda by setting up a business there, then you’re at the right place. We at Enterslice provide end-to-end support to businesses to have a global presence.

Benefits of setting up business in Bermuda

The reasons to establish a business in Bermuda are as follows:

Number of attractive legal corporate structures

Developed Financial Sector

Asset Protection

Low-tax jurisdiction

Low reporting requirements

One day incorporation

Minimalist shareholder requirement


Tax exemption

Absence of Stamp Duty

Positive Banking Reputation

Business Structures in Bermuda

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

This business structure is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. It is a flexible way of doing business. An LLC can be formed either by one person or more than one person. In the case of more than one person, only one is responsible for the company's operations while the other(s) only makes contributions to the company.


A trust is best suitable for asset management and gives sufficient protection. However, trusts do not engage in trading activities.

Permit Company

This type of business structure is suitable for overseas companies which become eligible to conduct business activities upon obtaining a permit from the Minister of Finance. Such a company carries on business in Bermuda with an option to carry out business overseas as well. The appointment of a legal representative is required in this type of company.

Mutual Funds Company

This business structure has limited shares with statutory capital and is formed to invest the funds of its members for their mutual benefit. The liability of the members is limited to the unpaid amount of shares.

General Partnership

In this business structure, the business activities are carried out by two or more partners jointly and the liability is borne by them jointly for all the results of such business undertakings.

Limited Partnership

In this type of business structure, the company is arranged by one or two persons who are the general partners responsible for the management and bear the outcomes jointly and severally and by one or more persons who are not liable for any debts of the partnership.

Exempt Company

Exempt company means a company completely exempt from tax on profits. Tax exemption is provided while preserving the feature of LLC regarding the financial liability of shareholders. The liability of the members is only limited to the amount of unpaid shares. An exempt company can be formed by one or more persons who may be either natural or legal. The exempt company has to maintain a register of its members and beneficiary owners. The information of the beneficiary owners remains confidential by default and it can be disclosed in a limited manner in certain exceptional cases. An exempt company should declare its status in the statutory Documents and must hold an annual general meeting at least once a year.

Different types of taxes in Bermuda

Different types of taxes in Bermuda are as follows:

Land Tax

Financial Service Tax

Payroll Tax

Corporate Service Tax

Foreign Currency Purchase Tax

Stamp Duty

Hotel Occupancy Tax

Timesharing Service Tax

Timesharing Occupancy Tax

Passenger Tax

About our Services

Enterslice is one of the leading management consultancy firms which offers end-to-end business set-up, financial, regulatory, taxation, legal, and advisory services to early-stage businesses, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and large corporate houses across the globe.

Our Bermuda Entry Strategy services involve the following services:

About Bermuda Entry Strategy

Our Bermuda Entry Strategy is further classified into the following:

Business Set-up Services

Our business set-up services include advisory related to the type of business structure a business should opt for while setting up a business in Bermuda. There are various business structures in Bermuda such as Limited Liability Partnerships, Exempt companies, Permit companies, Mutual Funds company, General Partnership, Limited Partnership and Trust. Our team guides you in selecting the most suitable business structure for your business. Apart from this, we also assist in the registration of business structure, opening a bank account for the business and post-registration compliance, etc.

Consultancy on Managing the Business

Our Consultancy services are related to creating a strategic plan for your business, establishing a budget, and developing cash flows. We assist in reviewing the internal control processes and conduct thorough business reviews.

Legal Advisory Services

Our Legal experts provide advisory services on a range of activities from advice on cross-border transactions to preparing legal Paper works. We deal with legal issues and concerns relating to contract management, corporate decisions, corporate growth, etc.

IP Advisory Services

Our IP experts provide advice on IPR protection and guide the registration of patents and trademarks. We also ensure that all legal and regulatory compliance relating to intellectual property is duly and timely complied with.

Tax advisory and compliance services

Our experts advise on the payment of taxes to the Office of the Tax Commissioner. We assist in Paper works arrangement and in the timely filing of tax returns.

Fintech and Cryptocurrency Services

We assist in setting out a business plan, nature, and scale to conduct business activity. We assist in obtaining a license to conduct digital asset business if required depending upon the type of business. We guide in formulating the policies and procedures to meet the obligations under the Digital Asset Business and the Companies and Limited Liability Company (Initial Coin Offering) Amendment Act 2018 read with the rules formulated thereunder.

FAQ Section

Bermuda is considered a tax haven because companies owned entirely by non-residents of Bermuda are exempt from taxes and exchange controls. No tax is levied on income or capital gains. Neither is there any branch profits tax in Bermuda. These companies just have to pay an annual company fees based on the share capital level. In addition to this, a company is considered a tax resident if it is incorporated in the country itself. Bermuda has also not entered into any double tax agreements.

Yes, Bermuda is a tax haven country in the sense that no tax is levied on foreign businesses incorporated in Bermuda. Yes, Bermuda has several taxes which is so because Bermuda is a country that imports almost everything including food which leads to inflation and high cost of living in Bermuda. The taxes levied serve as a major source of government revenue.

Bermuda is a country that majorly depends upon foreign investments. Bermuda welcomes foreign investments and is continuously developing its policies to make the business environment easy and less risky for foreign investors. Further, Registering a company in Bermuda comes with several benefits, especially tax benefits.

With no capital gains tax, corporate income tax, or withholding tax, Bermuda minimizes the tax burden. Doing business in Bermuda is safe as it provides a reliable, safe, and secure political environment. With just one shareholder required for company incorporation, there is a minimalist shareholder requirement. Apart from these, Bermuda is also known for its strategic location, various corporate structures, and high protection for sensitive data and information of businesses and individuals.

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