How NGOs Contribute in Societal Development?


NGOs are a type of organization that works for the charitable and non-profitable purpose. The NGO registration in India can be done in the following ways:

  • Section 8 under the Companies Act 2013,
  • Trust under Indian Trusts Act,1882
  • Society under Societies Registration Act 1860.


Further Non-government organization is termed as NGOs i.e. also termed as Non-Profit Organization. The entities which are independent of government influence which may receive government funding also.

Activities covered under Non Government Organizations (NGOs)

The organizations involved in the below-mentioned activities are termed as Non-profit organization and which are tax-exempt:

  1. Scientific
  2. Religious
  3. Charitable
  4. Educational
  5. Literary
  6. Public Safety
  7. Cruelty prevention causes or purposes.

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What is the main Objective of the NGOs?

The main objective of the NGOs is to promote the non-profitable objectives like trade, commerce, arts, religious, scientific activities etc. and serve the public at large through goods or services or through the combination of both. Proper disclosure of information whether financial or operational information must be required to be made on a regular basis to the public.


Doing that the donors will be informed about where and how their funds have been utilized by the NGOs. NGOs need healthy relations with the public to meet their goals. On a large or normal scale, NGO can work to promote social and political change which plays a very crucial and important role in uplifting the standards of the society, community improvement and promoting the participation of the citizen.

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Management of the NGOs

The NGOs are usually step up for the charitable purpose with the service motive. The trustee is elected by the members of the organization who manages the organization in such a way to meet the objectives. The committee (Managing and executive) are elected by the members of the organization. The reputation of the organization is totally dependent upon the work done for the public welfare.

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How NGO contribute to the society?

  • To improve standards of society, NGOs have developed to emphasize societal issues and for the sustainable development of society. The main motive of the NGO is to help the poor people and to develop the proper understanding and loopholes of the social, political and economic factors affecting the life of people.

NGOs also aware the society, basically to alert the people against imposters and fraudulent people

  • To seek media attention and to influence policy changes NGOs maintain a large informed network. NGOs work on the ground, national and international level in promoting the strategies related to the development of the human-orientation without the help of the government in uplifting the growing movement of the Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • NGOs also provide critical relief to the society at the time of War, Natural disaster-affected areas.NGOs through the influence of the political parties seek to achieve large-scale change in the society and also maintain a large informed network ofsupporters with the only aim to reach the masses and to avoid injustice prevailing in the society.
  • NGOs are funded by various means and run primarily by volunteers. Basically, they focus on issues like human rights, environmental, health etc. The working of the NGO totally depends upon the scale at which it works like local, national and international.
  • NGOs work as the implementer, catalysts, and a partner which helps in understanding the issues raised by the people by interacting with the stakeholders and policymakers.
  • NGOs works on different ways i.e. level of operation and level of orientation which is divided on the basis of the level of working from local level to international level and includes charitable and participatory organizations which help out the common man with their rightful demands and to help the needy people in a best possible way.
  • To make society work on ethics and moral’s NGO is playing a very vital role. NGOs are also involved in healthcare facilities, family planning and education services where people are expected to participate in the implementation by receiving the services.
  • NGOs involve in the charitable orientation involves the activities directed toward meeting the needs of the poor by distributing foods, clothes, housing and, transportation to the needy people during a natural and man -made disaster by seeking funds from the government and personal donation.

For example – NGOs face serious financial and capacity challenges. The country is facing increasing developmental challenges in areas including health, education and poverty, as the NGO has a common goal which is to contribute to the society in such a way to vanish all the loopholes of the society and by creating awareness among the people.


For the well-being of mankind the NGO is playing vital role and carry certain advantages for the society.The NGOs are independent of state and international governmental organizations which are usually funded by donations and may rely heavily on volunteers for their operation.NGOs working globally are engaged in a wide range of activities.

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