Finance & Accounting

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Finance & Accounting

Cost Management – The Key for Business Sustainability...

Cost Management

In the present competitive scenario for any business to stay active and succeed it is important to closely monitor the costs incurring in the business and...

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Finance & Accounting

What is Account Receivable Services and why to choose?...

Accounts Receivable Services

In today’s era, businesses are facing a challenging economy. Therefore, it has become quite essential for the companies to reinforce their resources and...

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CFO Service Financial Reporting

FDI and Unregulated Financial Services in India

Unregulated Financial Services

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment whereby a firm or individual of one country makes an investment in a business located in another country....

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CFO Service Finance & Accounting

Key Elements of Financial Statements

Elements of Financial Statements

Financial Statements are used for indicating the financial performance and business activities via written accounting reports. These are prepared by the ma...

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HR Outsourcing

How to Draft an Effective Employee Offer Letter

Employee Offer Letter

Every working employee must be aware of the term offer letter. However, do you know what all is included in the offer letter? Whenever there is an intervie...

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Financial Reporting

How Government’s new FDI rules can affect E-commerce...

New FDI Policies for e-commerce

On the 26th day of December of 2018, the government has made some Amendments to the existing FDI policy in e-commerce. In this article, we are going to dis...

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HR Outsourcing

How Outsourcing HR Services Helps the Business

Outsourcing HR Services

Here, we will discuss how outsourcing HR services can help a business but analyzing all the possible pros and cons of outsourcing such activities for the b...

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HR Outsourcing

Which Kind of HR Services Shall Suit Your Enterprise?...

Hr Services

Kinds of HR Services Suitable for Enterprise What all things constitute HR services? Payroll administration, including produce checks, handling taxes,...

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