Finance & Accounting

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Finance & Accounting

What is an Integrated Supply Chain?

What is an Integrated Supply Chain?

Integrated supply chain means a process where, from procurement of raw materials to production, quality control to packaging, distribution or supply to fin...

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Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting Disclosures & Global Ethical S...

Financial Reporting Disclosures & Global Ethical Standards: Auditor’s Role

Financial reporting includes various disclosure of financial information to the stakeholders regarding the financial performance and organizations’ finan...

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HR Outsourcing

Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Prefer to Stay in a Compan...

Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Prefer to Stay in a Company

Valuable employees prefer to stay when they find a healthy environment to work and grow, get recognition and acclaim, find their career going on a thornles...

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Finance & Accounting

Comprehensive Understanding of Ind AS (Indian Accountin...

Comprehensive Understanding of Ind AS (Indian Accounting Standards)

With time accounting standards have been devised in India. It is also called Ind As. These standards should be adopted by different corporate form and NBFC...

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Finance & Accounting

A Brief Overview on Profit Margin

A Brief Overview on Profit Margin

Profit Margin is one of the most commonly used financial ratios in corporate finance. It is a financial ratio to determine the financial status of a compan...

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Finance & Accounting

Best Practices for Working Capital Optimization of Acco...

Best Practices for Working Capital Optimization of Accounts Receivable

No matter what business structure is in place, it is critical to have a productive accounts receivable strategy to optimize cash. No business can function...

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Finance & Accounting

Importance of Outsourcing Manufacturing Accounting Serv...

Importance of Outsourcing Manufacturing Accounting Services

In a manufacturing business, several aspects can be outsourced in order to bring about improved productivity and efficacy. The manufacturing accounting ser...

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CFO Service Financial Reporting

National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) – C...

National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) - Composition, Role and Powers

National Financial Reporting Authority is constituted under the provisions of Section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013. The constitution of the authority is...

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