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Tech Startups are Conquering the world – Get ready to begin your Journey!

Tech Startups

A Startup is the most fashionable term in today’s world. Now a day people prefer to work with startups over conventional organizations. Startups tend to lure the young generation, offering fantastic perks and benefits, never seen before. Startups have given birth to a totally new culture of work ethics. The demographics of these established and upcoming startups reflect the involvement of the younger workforce, who believe in working hard and party harder. In this article, we will discuss Tech Startups.

All these startups; a business, company or partnership are basically seen as an exploration to build a repeatable and scalable business model. These businesses became possible because of the boom of the dot com bubble and its worldwide accessibility.

There is a range of startups in the market; however, if we look at it majorly, it can be divided into two parts; tech startups and Non-tech startups.

As Walt Disney said “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”

Define tech startups.

We all use products and services provided by the tech startups, knowingly or unknowingly. All the applications installed in your mobile phone are a result of tech startups, even the mobile phones and other gadgets you use on daily basis are offered by the tech startups which are evolved into big companies after their success.  Tech startups became more popular because of the internet boom and its connectivity across the world.

Define Non-tech startups.

You must have heard about or used the services provided by the Uber, like this, there are so many services that make our lives easier and simpler. The Non-tech startup doesn’t mean that these businesses are completely away from technology. However, these businesses leverage technology for the growth of their businesses.

It includes companies such as Airbnb, Groupon; niche food companies such as Sweetgreen, chaos, etc. But in the end, these businesses involve less technology involvement and risks caused by them. They just need the basic facilities catering by the technology, which includes a website, an online ordering system and course of the actual product.

Most of us think that how do even these tech startups generate their profits. They completely rely on the technology, innovation etc. Further, we will take a look at the practices of these Tech startups that make them successful in this world.

What to keep in mind to build a Successful tech Startup?

Most of us are either waiting or in the process of building their dream business. If you are one of them, then you must start taking steps in the right direction and at the right time. Let’s take a look at what all we have to tick off from our list of to-dos, to have better chances of success in this most competitive market in today’s world.

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A clear picture of your goals (You should know what you want)

If you don’t have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, you will be left in the middle of nowhere. You must know where you want to reach, before asking somebody for the directions.

Take your time and ask questions to others and yourself, what you are trying to do, is actually achievable or not?

For example, if you want to make a certain amount of profits by the end of the month then you need to take steps by asking the following questions-

  • How many sales do you need to make to earn that xyz amount?
  • How many customers do I need to approach, to convert these sales?
  • Can I collaborate with somebody to make it happen?

And many more questions like this to make it all possible.

Laboratory invention and Formulation of an Innovative Concept

There is a number of incubation centers, where you could go and work on your idea. You can use the resources provided by them. You can test your technologies’ ideas and see whether you could actually make something out of it.

You would also meet lots of other people who could make your dream become a reality. You would be able to share your ideas with the people, who can actually understand the insights of your idea.

Read our article:Startup India Registration Process – The Complete Guide

What do Analysis and testing tell about your Business?

Analysis and testing of your idea are some of the most crucial steps of initiating the business. For every business, it is very important to keep track of your goals. A journey without an endpoint doesn’t count.

There is a number of analytics tools available in the market, which you can use to collect the data and make use of it for the growth of your business.

Digital Marketing is a must!

Are you aware of the new ways and techniques of marketing? Have you heard about the term Digital Marketing? Now a day marketing patterns have changed, you need to be very active on the digital platforms.

For any business to be visible to a maximum number of people, you must create a website and have a presence on social media channels and related networking sites. Your content has to be original and appealing to the consumers.

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Reach out to the Customers (Shout out loud!)

Once you are done with the product formation, the next step is to deliver it to the customers. But what if people are not even aware of your products and services, in that case, you have to take your product to your customers.

There are lots of events that keep on happening, where you can take your product and bring it in the eye of consumers. This will help you to understand and acknowledge so many things about your customer base.

Guide to have your own Startup

For the formation of the startup, you need to register your company. You can register your company in the form of a private limited company.

You can come up with the logo for your company and get it registered, which would help in the visibility of your company.

There are certain registrations that are necessary to start any company, which includes startup registration, GST registration, etc.

After this, you need to work on the policy of your company, decide upon the management and structure of the business.

Technological aspects of the Company

For any business now a day, a website and an application is a must. You must keep in mind to optimize the website and application to work properly on every device.

Once you are ready to cater to the needs of customers, you have to make sure to reach as many people as possible. How do you make it possible? Here comes the marketing part of the business.

As we all know, it is a digital generation. Gone are the days of conventional marketing where you would try to push sales by knocking on the doors of the people. This leads to a term known as digital marketing[1]. We all are influenced by digital marketing to make daily choices. There is so much of digital marketing at every level that we can’t choose to skip the attention of this marketer, there is no option but to watch their creative way of marketing their products and services.

Let’s take look at the difference of bringing your company in the eyes of the customers on the digital platform.

Video Marketing

Video marketing basically involves the webinar, podcast and video generations to upload on different platforms of the marketing channels.

SEO Marketing

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is one of the best ways of generating traffic from free “organic” search results on Google.

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All the major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo have fundamental search results. These search engines show the web pages and other content such as videos, or local listings in accordance with the rank based on what is most relevant to the customer needs.

Keep your content as genuine, original and relevant as possible.

Social Media Marketing

In today’s world, every other guy is a social media addict. It is essential to have social media channels. It needs rigorous posting of content and you have to be as creative as possible to gain the followers.

Content Marketing

Content marketing has become a crucial part of any marketing strategy. If you have a website, you can post blogs, make your website as relevant as possible. For this, you need to keep on finding HOT topics to attract as many consumers as possible.

You must keep in mind to make authentic content. It would bring credibility to your business in the long run.

Email Marketing

Have you ever heard about email marketing before? Do you receive emails from companies in your inbox? These emails are primarily part of email marketing. Companies send promotional emails with discount; share their newsletters through it and much more.

How do you make your Company bigger and Grow?

You must have heard or seen through various channels, that XYZ startup has gotten the funding of millions. This news mentions the terms such as angel investor, crowdfunding etc.

When you come up with the idea of business, and in the nascent stage; you need to look for the investors who would believe in your idea and ready to invest in it. These investors majorly prefer the private limited companies over other forms of business entities.


If you have any idea to start your own business, it is the best time to make it possible. There are people looking to invest their money into upcoming startups. It is easier to get the support and infrastructure at this point.

If you any regarding anything related to startups/company registration, just connect with the team of Enterslice. We have a team of professionals who have helped a number of clients in the past. For any query regarding this, do contact Enterslice.

Read our article:How to Start a Technical Startup as a Non-technical Person

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