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GST Advisory

Anti-Profiteering Provisions under the GST Law

Anti Profiteering Provisions

Lok Sabha has finally passed the GST bill, and it is implemented from July 1, 2017. It has brought a revolutionary change to the way business and the econo...

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GST GST Advisory

GST Effect on Startup Eco-System in India

GST Effect on Startup

The Goods and Services Tax is implemented from July 1st, 2017 and will affect the prices of the good and services in the market. With all the new laws that...

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GST Exemption: Agriculturist and Small Traders

GST exemption

GST has been making rounds in the news for quite some time now. The Goods and Services Tax is here to stay for a long time and has been passed...

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Prepaid Wallet License RBI Registration

Deployment of Money Collected on E-wallets


In this article, we will discuss the use of fund collected on E-wallets and RBI has issued certain guidelines which have to be followed by the Semi-cl...

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Micro Finance Company

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microfinance Companies...

Microfinance Companies

Microfinance companies have been established for the purpose of providing financial services to the micro-sector of the economy, which basically consists o...

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Peer to Peer Lending

Peer to Peer Business Lending in India & Abroad (P...

Peer to Peer Business Lending

The need for personal and commercial finance is gradually increasing in the present financial scenario. The banks, financial institutions, as well as NBFCs...

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Micro Finance Company RBI Registration

Micro Finance Company Registration Procedure in India...

Microfinance Company Registration procedure

In recent years, RBI Norms for Microfinance companies have been simplified for small lending business India. Microfinance has been playing a great role in...

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Peer to Peer Lending

Regulation of Peer 2 Peer Lending (P2P)

Regulation of Peer 2 Peer

Peer 2 Peer Lending (P2P Lending) is the new player in the financial market of loans and advances. It is an online platform where borrowers of funds meet t...

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