FSSAI Food License

What is the Procedure of Applying for FSSAI Central License?

FSSAI Central License

FSSAI Central license can be applied if an FBO (Food Business Operator) has a turnover of more than 20 crore or operating in more than 2 states or doing the business of export and import of food products in India.

What are the types of FSSAI License/Registration?

The Food Safety & Standards Authority of India has categorized types of food licenses. An FSSAI License type is based on the nature of a business, its turnover, or production. The types are as follows:

  1. FSSAI Basic Registration
  2. FSSAI State License
  3. FSSAI Central License

The FSSAI Central License is considered to be the Uppermost FSSAI license. A business that comes under Central License are:

  • Business with a turnover of more than 20 Cr per annum

Food business operators whose annual turnover is more than Rs. 20 crores need to have a Central License. It is mandated for such business to attach self-declaration about their turnover or account statement while filling the FSSAI Central License application.

  • Wholesaler with a turnover of more than 30 Cr per annum

Wholesalers turnover are usually very high because of frequent deliveries to retailers and suppliers. Hence, they are kept in a separate category and their turnover slab is increased to Rs. 30 Crores annually to apply for Central License. As above, supporting documents like Self-declaration of turnover or account statement would be required for application filing.

  • Food vending agency with more than 100 machines in multi-states

If any food vending agency is operating in multiple states with more than 100 machines, they are mandatorily required to have an FSSAI Central License. Details of all food vending machines with the locations are required to be submitted while processing the application.

  • Transporters with more than 100 vehicles
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All transporters whose vehicles are directly involved in carrying the food products are essentially required to possess an FSSAI License. With more than 100 such vehicles, transporters are required to have FSSAI Central License. Supporting documents like proof of turnover or the self-declaration of a number of vehicles are mandatory. Also, a copy of the registration certificate (RC) of all the vehicles would be required during application filing. And only the registered vehicles would be allowed to operate under that license number.

  • Hotels with a rating of 5 Star and 7 Star

All hotels with a rating of 5 Star and 7 Star is required to get an FSSAI Central License. Supporting documents are:

  1. A copy of a certificate issued by the Ministry of Tourism[1].
  2. A copy of the certificate by Hotel & Restaurant Approval and classification committee (HRACC) about the classification of Star rating.
  • Importers & Exporters

Food business operators who are directly involved in importing or exporting of any food products should keep a Central License to operate the business. A copy of IE code (issued by DGFT) certificate is required while filing the application under this business category. FSSAI Import License can be obtained in 20-30 working after getting IEC Registration.

  • Manufacturing and processing units of vegetable oil

Manufacturing and processing units of vegetable oil by solvent extraction method and factories with a capacity of more than 2 metric tonnes per day.

Procedure to get FSSAI Central License

The procedure is as follows:

  • Fill out the application form B as prescribed by FSSAI.
  • Submit the required documents and pay the applicable fees.
  • If you satisfy the requirements prescribed by the FSSAI, you should be able to get license in a few days time.
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Documents required

The following documents are required for FSSAI Central License:

  • Plan of the processing unit;
  • List of directors, partners and their address;
  • List of equipments and machinery used;
  • Analysis report of water to be used in the process;
  • Source of raw material for milk, etc;
  • Min. Of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU;
  • NOC issued by FSSAI;
  • IE code issued by DGFT;
  • Form IX;
  • Proof regarding possession of premises;
  • NOC and copy of license from manufacturer;
  • FSSAI Declaration Form;
  • Certificate from Ministry of Tourism;
  • NOC from municipality or local body.

Fees Required for Central License

Above mentioned details is the broad description of the FSSAI eligibility. However, there are many other factors that define the required license type. Fees for a Central License is Rs. 7500 per year and a food business operator can apply for a maximum of 5 years. Central licenses are issued on the basis of a verification report issued by the food inspector after the physical verification of the food business premises.


Any food business being conducted without the proper food license is considered illegal. Such a food business can be imposed with a heavy penalty up to Rs. 5,00,000 or 6 months imprisonment or both.

Different teams have been formed by the department to make sure that all operators are working as per the FSSAI guidelines and not violating any laws. With such great efforts by the government, all food business operators are now more alert and conscious to get the appropriate license for their business.

Read our article: Implications of Non Compliance with the Provisions of FSSAI

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