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How to Register Cyber Crime Complaint with Cyber Cell of Police?

cyber crime complaint

Cybercrimes are the criminal activities that are carried out by using the Internet and computers. There are lots of cyber crimes available that includes software piracy, virus dissemination, cyberstalking, hacking, DoS (denial of service) attack, and phishing & credit card fraud. The cybercriminal may utilize the device for access the secure government, business information and personal information of users. A cybercrime also elicits or sell the above-mentioned details online.

Who can tackle the cybercrime issues?

Criminal Investigation Departments (CIDs) of different cities now created by Cybercrime cells in various cities. The Indian Information Technology Act states that when the cybercrime is performed, it has a worldwide jurisdiction. Hence you need to file a cyber crime complaint at the cyber cells.

What are the major types of cyber crimes?

  • DDoS Attacks

These kinds of attacks are used for making internet services unavailable. They also take a network down by simply overwhelming the website with a huge amount of traffic with various sources. The hug networks of various infected devices are developed by simply deposition some malware on your computers. Then the hackers hack into your system when your network is completely down.

  • Identity Theft

It happens when cybercriminal gets access to your personal details for accessing your confidential information, stealing funds, participating in health insurance or tax fraud and much more. Also, they can open an internet/phone account in your name. 

They also use your name for planning some criminal activities and also claiming government rewards in your name. The cybercriminals do these activities by simply finding out your password with the help of hacking or retrieving personal details from social media platform or simply sending some phishing emails.

  • Phishing

It is the process of sending malicious URLs or email attachments to users for acquiring access to either their computer or accounts. Cybercriminals are turning into highly established and most of the emails are not fully flagged as spam. When you are tricked into emails, you need to update your billing information or changing your password. It is the most dangerous process because it gives criminals an opportunity to access your personal information.

  • Online Scams
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The online scams are available in various forms including spam emails or ads. It includes the promises of offers or rewards or an unrealistic sum of cash. When you click on these online scams, it will cause malware to compromise and interfere information.

How to easily file a cyber crime complaint?

  • You may require offering your name, telephone number and mailing address along with your application letter.  It is important to ensure that the letter can address the chief of the cyber crime cell while filing your complaint.
  • After that, you must submit certain documents for registering a complaint. The document list will differ with the kind of cybercrime.

Documents required for filing any hacking complaint 

If you experience any hacking process, you must file an along with these following details.

  • Server logs
  • Also, a clear copy of the defaced website page in both hard copy and soft copy format, if the website of a victim is defaced.
  • Details of the access control mechanism
  • List of guesses if the victims are having some suspicions on any individual
  • Relevant details which are leading to answer of the following questions
  • What is actually compromised?
  • Who has compromised your system?
  • When is your system compromised?
  • Where is an impact of attack-identifying the end system from a network?
  • Why is the system compromised?
  • How many numbers of systems are compromised by an attack?

Documents required for filing email based cyber crime compliant

  • You should provide these following details in the instant of vulgar e-mail, e-mail abuse, etc.
  • A briefly written application regarding the offense
  • A precise copy of a suspected email which is received by an original receiver
  • The entire header of a suspected email
  • Soft and hard copies of both alleged email and header
  • You can ensure that your soft copy is offered in the form of CD-R.
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For business email related complaints

  • A briefly written application regarding the offense
  • Originating account number and bank name
  • Originating location and name
  • The name of a recipient
  • Account number of recipient
  • Bank location of a recipient
  • Amount and date of the transaction
  • SWIFT number

For Malware/Ransomware complaints

  • The phone number, email ID or proof of other modes of communication through which demand for the ransom is made
  • If the malware is sent in the form of email attachments, you need to send the screenshots of email with an entire header of the first receiver

For Internet-related Cheating Complaints

  • Bank statement of a victim
  • A print copy of the alleged email with the complete header which is received by an original receiver
  • Details of suspected transactions
  • Soft copies of the above-mentioned documents

For Data Theft-related Complaints

  • A precise copy of stolen data
  • Details of suspected employees
  • The copyright certificate of allegedly stolen information
  • Here are the required documents related to suspected employees:
  • Appointment letter
  • Non-disclosure Agreement
  • Assigned duty list
  • List of clients which is handled by a suspect
  • The breach-proof of the copyright data
  • Devices used by accused during their term of service

Tips to get protected from cyber crime

People who are using the internet should exercise a few basic precautions. The following tips help you to get protection against various cybercrimes.

  • Use a full-service and secure internet security suite

You can take Norton Security as an example. It offers real-time security against emerging and existing malware that includes viruses and ransomware. Also, it helps you to protect your financial and private data while going online.

  • Create strong passwords

You can avoid repeating the passwords on various sites. You can try to change the passwords on a regular basis. Most significantly, you can make the passwords complex. It means you can use the combination of minimum of ten symbols, letters, and numbers. The password management tools aid you in keeping the passwords protected.

  • Manage your social media settings
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You can keep both your private and personal data locked down. The social engineering criminals can get personal data often with certain data points. You can ensure that you share minimum publicly. 

  • Keep the software updated

It is very important with both your internet security software and operating systems. Frequently cybercriminals use the known flaws or exploits in the software to get access to the system. You can try to patch the flaws and exploits to become less targeted to cybercrime.

  • Strengthening your residential network

You can start this step from the virtual private network and an effective encryption password. When it comes to VPN, it encrypts the traffic leaving the systems until it reaches its destination. When cybercriminals manage to back the communication network, they never intercept any information but encrypted data. 

  • Security measure against cybercrime

Cybercriminal is educated and trained experts who have committed a crime for economic theft like credit card fraud, ATM theft, hacking band accounts and much more. Due to this, the government takes lots of security measures for addressing serious cybercrimes. Also, it creates separate cyber cell police who can handle your cyber crime complaint.


Fighting against cybercrime is important for almost everyone who uses the internet, social media, computer, and even smartphones. To get better protection against cybercrimes, you can follow the above-listed tips and keep yourself and your family members safe. If you experience any kind of cybercrime-related problems, you need to file a cyber crime complaint at an appropriate time.

For more information related to Cyber Crime, kindly contact the team of experts at Enterslice.

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