Company Registration

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Company Registration Compliances

Threshold Limit Under the Companies Act 2013


The Applicability of the section and its provision is based on the inception whether it relates to the Appointment of the directors, Key Managerial Personn...

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Company Registration Compliances

Read about Filing of Annual Return as Per Companies Act...


Every company is required to file an annual return with the Registrar of the Companies at the end of financial year. Filing of Audited Financial Statement...

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Change in Business Company Registration

Appointment of Alternate Director


Alternate Director is the Director appointed by the Board of Director i.e. The Board of Director of a Company if so authorized by the Articles of Associati...

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Company Registration MCA Notification

Fraud and Offences Punishable under Companies Act 2013...


In India, Fraud and Offences have taken place in the form of financial, corporate frauds and scams which require the attention of the Lawmakers. Stringent...

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Company Registration Compliances

Types of Committee as per the Companies Act, 2013


For improving the Board’s effectiveness and efficiency, Committees or ‘Board Committees’ are formed in areas where more specialized and technical dec...

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Company Registration Compliances

Registration & Satisfaction of Charge under the Co...


As per the Companies Act, 2013, A Charge is an interest or lien created on the assets or property of a Company or any of its undertaking as security and......

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Change in Business Company Registration

All you Need to Know About the Appointment of Independe...


An Independent director is a part of the board of directors of a company that does not have any relation to the company related to material, or pecuniary m...

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Company Registration

Private Limited Company Incorporation Procedure

Company Incorporation Procedure

If you are on the verge of starting a business, then you must read this blog about the business commencement procedure. This blog can provide you with all...

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