Company Registration

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Company Registration

Disclosure of Interest by Director: Section 184 of the...

Section 184 of the Companies Act

Section 184 of the Companies Act, deals with the Disclosure of Interest by Directors. The main purpose of this section is to bring to the notice that the D...

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Company Registration

Advantages of One Person Company over other Company Typ...

Advantages of One Person Company

The major advantages of One Person Company are that the owner is solely responsible for all the affairs/matters of the company, has fewer liabilities, enjo...

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Company Registration

OPC Registration Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read Th...


One-person Company is the company, where there is only one Promoter/founder. As per the Companies Act 2013, One-Person-Company  is the important miles...

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Company Registration

Incorporation of Company with Foreign Director

Foreign Director

A company is an artificial person registered under the Companies Act, 2013 or any other previous company law which is managed and controlled by the Directo...

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Company Registration

Various Types of Company Registration in China


China has one of the largest populations in the world and with the rapid increase in the competition, the population is becoming urbanized. China is rapidl...

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Company Registration

Conversion of Unlimited Liability Company into a Limite...

Unlimited Liability Company and Limited Liability Company

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide Notification dated 27.7.2016, The Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2016. Among all the amendme...

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Company Registration

9 Reasons to Form a Private Limited Company

Form a Private Limited Company

Any entrepreneur thinks about the kind of entity he/she wants to form when commencing a new business venture. This is a vital business decision as it is li...

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Company Registration

How to Provide an Inter-Corporate Loan by one Private C...

Provide an Inter Corporate Loan

Whenever a company gives any loan, guarantee or security in favor of any other company or a person, then it is termed as inter-corporate loans. Under the C...

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