Finance & Accounting

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Finance & Accounting

Identification of Operating Segments under IFRS 8


IFRS 8 deals with the identification of operating segments of an organization. The underlying concept of IFRS 8 is that an organization should disclose inf...

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Finance & Accounting

GAAR accounting and its Scope to combat tax evasion...


The provisions for General Anti-Avoidance Rules ('GAAR') were added to the Income Tax Act of 1961 ('Act') on April 1, 2017, by way of introduction of Chapt...

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Finance & Accounting

An overview of Contingent Liabilities and Commitments...

Contingent Liabilities

The books of accounts do not recognise contingent liabilities. However, in Ind AS-37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, it is necess...

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Finance & Accounting

Significant disclosure under IFRS 7 for Financial Instr...


IFRS 7 is one of three IFRSs that apply to financial instruments: IAS 32, IAS 39, and IFRS 7. IAS 39 is being revised in stages; a portion of the...

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Finance & Accounting

IAS 20 on Government Grants and Assistance

IAS 20

IAS 20 deals with the accounting of government grants and other types of government assistance. This Standard applies to financial statements for fiscal ye...

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Finance & Accounting

Implementation of IFRS 6 for Exploration of Mineral Res...


IFRS 6 is devoted to assets derived from the exploration and utilization of natural mineral resources. It should be noted that IAS 16 on property, pla...

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Financial Reporting

Important Financial Deadlines you can’t afford to mis...

Financial Deadlines

If you are a taxpayer or an investor, then there are various deadlines that you cannot afford to miss. These deadlines range from filing belated income tax...

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Finance & Accounting

The treatment of Non-Current Assets that are Held for S...

Non Current Assets

Non-current assets held for sale are subject to IFRS 5. Such assets occur when companies decide to stop specific operations or sell assets that were not pr...

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