Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Rental Agreement

Sample Format of Rental Agreement

A rental agreement is a crucial legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between a landlord and a tenant for the rental of a property. It serves as a written record of the agreed-upon terms, protecting the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved. In this blog, we will provide a detailed guide to creating a rental agreement and include a sample format to help you draft your own.

What Is The Rental Agreement?

Renting out properties is an age-old practice in society which continued for a long without any definite laws and rules governing the Landlord-Tenant relationship. Bitter experiences of either of the parties and long pending disputes brought a realization that substantive laws are required to supervise the Tenancy and to guide the Courts in the event of disputes over the same. Here we are providing details regarding the rental agreement and also provide a rental agreement format.

The Rental Agreement is a legally enforceable agreement between a Landlord and a Tenant for their relationship in respect of rented premises, stating the terms and conditions of the tenancy and the details of the parties and premises.

Written Rental Agreement Format

Written Rental Agreements forms have been in trend for a long time. They bring about uniformity and define the terms of relationship. Though a rental agreement format is preferred by the parties to avoid the hassle yet there may be occasions where the parties may choose to include some particulars to suit the premises or individuals.

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You can also download RENT-AGREEMENT Format in PDF format.

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Who Is A Tenant?

A tenant is a person by whom or on whose behalf the rent of particular premises is payable. It also includes a subtenant and a person who continues to possess the premises after the tenancy has been terminated (unless an eviction order has been made by the appropriate court).

Who Is A Landlord?

A person who is either presently receiving, or is entitled to receive, the rental amount of particular rented premises, whether for his own OR on behalf of another person OR as a trustee, guardian or receiver for another person.

What Constitutes A Rental Agreement?

  1. The date of Execution of the Agreement and the date of commencement of the Tenancy
  2. Period of Tenancy
    • If can be renewed or no such option
    • If renewable, then at whose option and for what period
  3. The rental agreement should very clearly mention the details of the parties
    • Name, age and permanent and current address of the Landlord
    • Name, age, and permanent address of the Tenant
  4. The tenant may be a company, firm, bank, a cooperative society, in which case the Legal name and registered address must be mentioned. Also, the Name, age, and residential address of the Authorized Person be specified. You can also download the rental agreement format from the given link of this page.
  5. The details of the Premises being rented out
    • The address as per the title deed
    • Measurements and Schedule of the property
    • Number of floors, rooms, parking space, if any, Terrace etc.
    • Details of appliances furnishes, and upholstery if included with the premise.
  6. Purpose of Tenancy: If the premises shall be used for residential purposes or commercial
  7. Rental amount and its breakup
    • Maintenance amount, to be paid to any committee, society etc., additional or inclusive
    • Charges of water supply, electricity, additional or inclusive
    • Any other charges which require being paid by the tenant
  8. The agreement mentions if the rent may be escalated or not, how much (percentage) and after that
  9. The due date for paying the rental amount must be mentioned. Example: ‘The rent shall be paid by the 5th day of each calendar month.’
  10. The agreement may specify the mode of payment1. Example: ‘The rent shall be transferred to the Account of the Landlord, details of which are provided below……..’
  11. The agreement shall mention clearly if any alterations can be made to the structure of the premises by the tenant, both permanent and temporary.
  12. Who shall bear the cost of repairs and maintenance of the structure?
  13. Provision of Sub-tenancy
  14. If any security amount may be deposited with the Landlord, which shall be returned to the Tenant upon vacating the premises after due deductions.
  15. The agreement shall mention the notice period which may be given to the other party for terminating the Tenancy before the expiry of the same.
  16. The Agreement shall also mention the conditions under which the tenancy may be terminated without any notice period. Example: ‘The Landlord shall be at liberty to serve a Notice of Immediate Termination of the Tenancy to the Tenant in the event that the Tenant fails to pay the rent by the 7th day of a calendar month.’
  17. Amendments, if any, allowed and how.
  18. Who all shall be considered as tenants, i.e.; if the named tenant in the agreement dies, then who may be legally allowed to continue as a tenant.
  19. The provision for the event wherein the Landlord either dies or sells/ transfers his rights in the rented premises to a third party.
  20. The Agreement shall mention the Jurisdiction and Governing Law that parties may approach in the event of a legal dispute.
  21. The Rental Agreement must be read thoroughly by the parties and signed in the presence of two independent adult witnesses.
READ  A Brief Overview on Rental Agreement

What Must Be Kept In Mind Before Signing The Rental Agreement?

1. By Landlord

  • The agreement should clearly mention the terms of default on part of the Tenant in payment of rent, destruction of property etc. and the rights of the Landlord to deal with the same.
  • The premises shall only be used for the purpose it is rented for. Example: A house rented for residential purposes may not be used as a commercial office or shop etc. OR a space rented for commercial activity may not be used as a guest house.
  • The provision or sub-tenancy and its implication must be discussed and provided in the Agreement.

2. By Tenant

  • The title of the landlord must be thoroughly verified to avoid any future conflicts.
  • A provision must be inserted for the event where the Landlord either dies or transfers/ sells the rented premises to another.
  • Attornment of Tenancy: It is the transfer of rights of a tenant to the new owner, who shall then act as the Landlord and get in the shoes of the Previous landlord as per the Rental Agreement format

3. Both Parties

  • Must thoroughly read the Rental agreement form before signing the same

Must obtain a copy of the Rental Agreement.


Creating a comprehensive rental agreement is essential to establish a clear understanding between the landlord and the tenant, ensuring a harmonious tenancy. The provided sample format serves as a helpful guide, but it’s important to tailor the agreement to meet the specific requirements of the rental situation and adhere to local laws and regulations.

Remember, a well-drafted rental agreement protects the interests of both parties and can prevent potential disputes in the future. It is advisable for both the landlord and the tenant to carefully review the agreement and seek legal advice if needed before signing. Communication and transparency between the parties are key to a successful and mutually beneficial rental relationship.

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Lastly, always keep a copy of the signed rental agreement in a safe place and maintain open communication throughout the tenancy. A well-documented and harmonious rental arrangement can lead to a positive renting experience for both the landlord and the tenant.

To know more about rental agreement format and registration, visit us at Enterslice.

Download RENT-AGREEMENT Format
You can also download RENT-AGREEMENT Format in the PDF formats.


  1. Can I use a rental agreement template found online without any modifications?

    While templates can be a good starting point, it is crucial to customize the rental agreement to suit your specific rental situation and comply with local laws. Failing to tailor the agreement may lead to legal issues or misunderstandings between the parties.

  2. Is it necessary to include a witness's signature in the rental agreement?

    The inclusion of witness signatures in a rental agreement may be required by local laws or serve as an additional layer of authenticity. Check with local regulations or consult a legal expert to determine if witness signatures are necessary.

  3. Can a landlord increase the rent during the rental term mentioned in the agreement?

    In most cases, the rent amount mentioned in the rental agreement remains fixed for the duration of the agreed-upon term. However, rent revisions or increases may be permissible after the end of the rental term, subject to mutual agreement and local rent control laws.

  4. What should I do if my tenant violates the terms of the rental agreement?

    In case of a breach of the rental agreement, it is essential to address the issue promptly and professionally. Initiate open communication with the tenant to resolve the matter amicably. If necessary, seek legal advice and follow the eviction process as per local laws.

  5. Can a tenant make changes to the rental agreement after it has been signed by both parties?

    Once a rental agreement has been signed by both the landlord and the tenant, it becomes a legally binding document. Making changes to the agreement without mutual consent can be problematic and may lead to disputes. Any modifications should be made with the agreement of both parties and documented in writing.

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