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Legal Legal Law

When can a criminal case be filed?

Criminal Case

Criminal cases occur when a person is convicted for committing a crime, which is considered as an offense as per the laws of the respective Nation. The law...

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Legal Legal Law

Powers and functions of National Green Tribunal


The need to always protect the environment and wildlife of a country is something which is always constant. In order to make sure that the environment of I...

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Foreign Portfolio Investment

A detailed study on Foreign Venture Capital Investors...

Foreign Venture Capital

Foreign Venture Capital (VC) is an essential source of funding seed capital for start-up ventures and significant technology projects. Venture Capital is a...

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Transactions Treated As Supply under GST Even If Made W...

Treated As Supply under GST

The transactions made between related persons and their related activities have been prescribed under Schedule I of the GST Act. Schedule I of the GST Act...

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PF Registration

What is the Procedure of PF Balance Check

PF Balance Check

A person who is involved in the job sector must have heard the term PF.  Well, PF is properly abbreviated as the provident fund. The question is what...

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Latest News

Explaining different aspects of Covered Bonds

Covered Bonds

A bond is an instrument via which the investors lend money to an entity (corporate or government) and earn income from this investment. Covered Bonds are s...

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CFO Service Financial Reporting

FDI and Unregulated Financial Services in India

Unregulated Financial Services

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment whereby a firm or individual of one country makes an investment in a business located in another country....

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Government Registration MSME Registration

Mandatory submission of details of the amount due to MS...

MSME Suppliers

Getting your business registered under the MSME is not yet mandatory but it is probably the best thing you can do when you have a business in India. Both M...

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