FSSAI Registration

FSSAI Registration – Eligibility, Benefits, and Types

FSSAI Registration

What is FSSAI?

FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India[1]) is an organization that monitors and regulates the food business in India. It is found under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.  This article describes the FSSAI Registration Eligibility, Benefits, and Types.

FSSAI ensures that the drinks and food products sold in the market are safe and reliable for human consumption. FSSAI registration ensures public health as it verifies the quality of food provided by each brand/company.

What is the need of FSSAI registration?

Every food business operator dealing in food products must obtain an FSSAI license or registration. Having such registration or license gives you the legal right to sell the food product, and it also develops consumer trust, thereby leading consumers to buy the products from you. Such registration is also guaranteeing the fact that the food product is safe for consumption and its quality has not been compromised.

Who can apply for registration?

Application for registration can be made by all food business organizations that involve manufacturing, processing, distributing, storing, selling, and importing food.

What are the types of FSSAI registration?

Barring small businesses, food business operators are required to have an FSSAI License to carry on their businesses legally.

 The FSSAI License can be categorised into two types, namely:

  • State FSSAI License; and
  • Central FSSAI License.

The classification is based on the size of the organization and the annual turnover of the organization, whether it is a medium scale or a large scale business.

What is the eligibility to apply for Basic FSSAI Registration?

The entities that can apply for an FSSAI registration are as follows:

  • The one who manufactures or sells the food products or through retailers, hawkers, itinerant vendors or temporary stall owners;
  • Those distributing foods regularly, publicly like at religious gatherings, etc; and
  • Those who carry on a small scale food industry with a turnover of less than 12 lakhs rupees per annum.
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The eligibility criteria are also provided on the basis of capacity, as mentioned below:

  • Food production capacity (Milk and milk products, meat and meat products are not permitted) – Less than 100 kg/litre per day. 
  • Milk– 500 litres per day.
  • Milk solids– 2.5 metric tons per annum.
  • Vegetable oil processing units– Turnover of up to 100 kg or litre per day.
  • Meat processing units– more than 100 kg per day or 30 metric tons per day.
  • Slaughtering capacity– less than 2 large animals or 10 small animals or 50 poultry birds per day.
  • Food units other than those mentioned above– 100 litre/kg per day.
  • Cold storage– a turnover of up to 12 lakhs rupees per annum.
  • Wholesalers– a yearly turnover of up to 12 lakh rupees.
  • Retailers– a yearly turnover of up to 12 lakh rupees.
  • Distributors– a yearly turnover of up to 12 lakh rupees.
  • Suppliers– a yearly turnover of up to 12 lakh rupees.
  • Dhaba owners– 12 lakh rupees turnover per annum.
  • Clubs/Canteen– 12 lakh rupees turnover per annum.
  • Hotels/Restaurant– 12 lakh rupees turnover per annum.
  • Transporters– 12 lakh rupees turnover per annum.

What is the eligibility to apply for the State FSSAI License?

The eligibility to apply for a state FSSAI license is mentioned below as per capacity:

  • Dairy Units– 501 litres per day to 50000 litres per day.
  • Milk solids– 2.5 million tons to 2500 metric tons per annum.
  • Vegetable oil processing units– up to 2 metric tons per day or an annual turnover of 12 lakh rupees and more.
  • Large animals– more than 2 and up to 50 animals.
  • Small animals– more than 10 and up to 150 animals.
  • Poultry birds– more than 50 and up to 1000 birds per day.
  • Meat processing units– up to 500 kg of meat per day or 150 metric tons per annum.
  • Storage business– up to 50000 metric tons.
  • Storage (cold and refrigerated) – more than 10000 metric tons.
  • Storage (cold and controlled) – more than 10000 metric tons.
  • All food processing units– more than 100 kg per litre and up to 2 metric tons per day.
  • Wholesalers– a yearly turnover of up to 30 crore rupees
  • Retailers– a turnover of up to 20 crore rupees per annum
  • Distributors– a turnover of up to 20 crore rupees per annum
  • Suppliers– a turnover of up to 20 crore rupees per annum
  • Dhaba owners– annual turnover of 12 lakh rupees.
  • Clubs/Canteen– annual turnover of 12 lakh rupees.
  • Hotels- 3 star to 5-star rating.
  • Restaurants- a turnover of up to 20 crore rupees.
  • Marketers– annual turnover of 20 crore rupees.
  • Transporters– a minimum of 100 vehicles or an annual turnover of up to 30 crore rupees.
READ  How to Avoid Delay in Getting FSSAI License?

What is the eligibility to apply for the Central FSSAI License?

All manufacturers of proprietary foods, all 100% export oriented units, food catering services at seaports, units having premises in Central Government Agency, food processing units under Central Government Agency can apply for a central FSSAI license.

The eligibility to apply for a Central FSSAI license is mentioned below as per capacity:

  • Dairy units– more than 50000 litres per day.
  • Milk solids– more than 2500 metric tons per annum.
  • Vegetable oil processing units– more than 2 metric tons per day.
  • Large animals– more than 50 per day.
  • Small animals– more than 150 per day.
  • Poultry birds– more than 1000 per day.
  • Meat processing units– more than 500 kg of meat per day or 150 metric tons per annum.
  • Food ingredients and additives– All importers are allowed.
  • Storage business– more than 50000 metric tons.
  • Storage (cold and refrigerated) – more than 10000 metric tons.
  • Storage (cold and controlled) – more than 1000 metric tons.
  • All food processing units- more than 2 metric tons per day.
  • Wholesalers– a yearly turnover of more than 30 crore rupees.
  • Retailers– a turnover of more than 20 crore rupees per annum.
  • Distributors– a turnover of more than 20 crore rupees per annum.
  • Suppliers– a turnover of more than 20 crore rupees per annum.
  • Hotels- above 5-star rating.
  • Restaurants- a turnover of more than 20 crore rupees.
  • Marketers– annual turnover of more than 20 crore rupees.
  • Transporters– more than 100 vehicles or an annual turnover of more than 30 crore rupees.
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What are the benefits of FSSAI Registration?

FSSAI Registration has numerous benefits. Some of them are mentioned below:

benefits of FSSAI Registration
  • Legal Right

Having an FSSAI license/registration gives you the legal right to sell food products. It is also evidence of the fact that your food doesn’t compromise on quality or safety standards.

  • Public trust

Having an FSSAI License/registration also helps in winning customer trust as the people are aware that your food is approved by the government.

  • Increase your goodwill

FSSAI Registration can increase your goodwill and reputation in the market, which will be beneficial in the long run.

  • Expansion of Food network

It will also facilitate the expansion of your food network or your food business.

  • Quality up-gradation

FSSAI license/registration will cause you to provide quality food, which will lead to quality up-gradation of your overall food business.


Starting a food business is an ideal choice, but complying with the regulations of FSSAI Registration must be ensured so that you may have a smooth experience while running your business.

Also read: How to Apply for Basic FSSAI Registration

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