FSSAI Food License

Difference between FSSAI and AGMARK: A Critical View

Difference between FSSAI and AGMARK

Food Safety Standards Authority of India has come under the Act by the Parliament to regulate and control the food quality and safety standards in India. FSSAI has come under the Act of 2011. FSSAI is well known as the Food Authority of India.


The significant laws that existed before the FSSAI Act were:

  1.  FSS Act 2006
  2.  Vegetable Oil Products Order 1947
  3. Food Adulteration Act of 1954
  4. Meat Products Order 1973
  5. Fruits Products Order 1955
  6. Milk Products Order 1992

All the essential aspects of the have been incorporated under the FSSAI Act 2006[1].

Why this Act came/Significance

Food operators in India are involved in the manufacture, storage, distribution, imports, and sale of food products. Hence FSSAI registration is required for these commercial activities.


Significance of FSSAI
  • The FSSAI license is required by all the food operators in India.
  • The license is the mark of the quality; that is, the food is product quality is excellent and suitable for consumption.
  •  A 14 digit number -A 14 digit number is provided after the application is approved by the Authority. This number is applied to every food packages along with the FSSAI Logo.
  • FSSAI License gives legal benefits to its users when registered under the food safety authority of India. It builds the trust of their consumers and encourages them to buy the products.
  • The regular inspection by the authorities of FSSAI of the manufacturing, processing, distribution, and storage of food products. This also includes the routine inspection of the imports and exports of food products. There are quality control and checks.
  • This kind of Certification is like publicity for the food operator and increasing the Guinness of the products within their consumers.
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AGMARK stands for Agricultural Marketing. AGMARK logo is used as the mark of Certification to be used on agricultural products in India.


 In 1970-1980 the Indian Government promoted the AGMARK certification by the name of Agricultural Mark Certification, made on all agricultural products.

The effort was made by the Government to increase the awareness related to the agricultural Certification on agricultural products.

The effort indicated that the food products which we consume should be toxic-free, so was in the promotion of AGMARK amongst the public.

The acts which were introduced for the agricultural marketing:

  1. Agricultural Produce (Grading &Marking) Act, 1937, and 198 amendments.

Significance of AGMARK

Significance of AGMARK
  1. It is approved by the Government for all the agricultural products.
  2. It assures the quality along with the standards.
  3. It is a combination of two words- AG- Agriculture and MARK –indicates Certification.
  4. The guidelinesfor this Certification cover all the products of Agriculture.
  5. It assures the product is free from sub standardization, adulteration,
  6. This mark ensures that the agricultural products meet the government standards.
  7. AGMARK is the Government made standard quality certification mark.
  8. This logo is not used on every product.  It has to be made on the products, which affects the health and safety of the consumers.

Difference between AGMARK v/s FSSAI

1.MeaningFSSAI License means getting the Certification of the quality food and adulteration  free foodAGMARK is a  type of Certification that is compulsorily made on agricultural products in India. 
2.EstablishmentIt is established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2011. Also, the Ministry of Health &Family Welfare governs it.Established under the Agricultural produce, i.e., grading and marking the Act of India, 1937.
3.Food categories coveredFSSAI has all the food products for some standards which have been prescribed, while a lot of them have to abide by the different terms of the law.Present AGMR standards cover the quality guidelines, for the 205 different products/commodities, under different variation of pulses, cereals, etc.
4.Allotment of licenseThe allotment of license t is done based on turnover and activity.The allotment is done after various analysis.
5.TypeIt is a type of inspection agencyIt is a certification agency
6.Type of productsIt basically deals with food products and their licensing requirements.It deals with the licensing of agricultural products.  
7.MonitorsIt supervises the functioning of the food operators in India.They supervise and regulate the activity of licensing or Certification of agricultural products.

Understanding the structure of AGMARK AND FSSAI

After going through the structure and requirements of both the logos of AGMARK and FSSAI, it is clear both secures the food product, one with the point of view of agricultural products and the second with the other category of food products.

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One is a government agency, and the other provides the label for the quality of agricultural products. The advantage of FSSAI is that it covers all categories of food products, be it agricultural or non-agricultural products. FSSAI covers a broad spectrum from labeling to import or export or manufacturing and sales of food items. There is a regular inspection of the agencies. The two legislations are, for FSSAI, it Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006, and whereas AGMARK, it is Agriculture Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1986.

Under the AGMARK, the list is composed of agricultural products that are duly tested and verified under the government laboratories, and the pesticides content and chemical analysis is done correctly.

While the FSSAI license is dependent on various factors, it is granted on turnover and conducted by a particular food establishment.

Example: McDonald’s will require a food license, and each branch will require a food license separately, need to have a separate FSSAI license. Despite of the fact, they are operating under the same brands. FSSAI license has been categorized under three kinds of permits: primary, state, and central license. Whereas no such difference has been laid down by AGMARK.

It is approved by the marketing and inspection directorate, whereas FSSAI has been given by regulatory bodies, issues a license of its own.


It can be well critically evaluated; FSSAI is more based on scientific standards for its quality inspection. It assesses the product and its essential attributes from all the sides that are from manufacturing, warehouse, and distribution. It brings awareness about the products, and the ingredients used are safe for public consumption.

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AGMARK is a type that gives the product list that is consumable under the agricultural category. The AGMARK provides the Certification with to the kinds of agriculture products used.

No redressal option in AGMARK, whereas for FSSAI, the FBO can resolve their issues with respective FSSAI officers.

Read our article:FSSAI Registration/Licensing for Restaurant Business in India

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