RBI Registration

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Latest News RBI Registration

What is Payment Aggregator?

Payment Aggregator

Payment Aggregator is also known as Merchant Aggregator. Payment Aggregators are service providers through which e-commerce merchants can process their pay...

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Micro Finance Company

What do you mean by Microcredit in India?


Microcredit has been explained as the provision of thrift, credit and other financial services and products to the deprived class of people in rural, semi-...

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Micro Finance Company RBI Registration

Difference between Microcredit and Microfinance


Microcredit and microfinance are two types of fund related activities. In this article, we shall look at what makes them different. Although they may sound...

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Peer to Peer Lending RBI Registration

Peer To Peer Lending (P2P) and Crowd Funding in India...

P2P Lending and Crowd Funding

P2P lending and Crowd funding are terms that are slowly but steadily growing in India. It is yet to gather momentum as payments banks or mobile wallets. RB...

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Prepaid Wallet License RBI Registration

All you need to know about Mobile Wallet in India

mobile wallet

If you are a fin-tech startup and willing to apply for mobile wallet license, Government has published new regulatory norms for PPI license. In this articl...

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Payment Bank License RBI Registration

Payments Banks License in India: RBI Regulation

Payments Banks

Payments Banks is a concept introduced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Maximum deposits are restricted to amount INR 1 Lakh per customer which sha...

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Prepaid Wallet License RBI Registration

All you need to know about Pre-Paid Instruments


With the extensive use of technology and smartphones, it has begun to affect not only the way we use products or services but how we pay for them. One of.....

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RBI Registration

Proposal for RBI Compounding Application


“Compound” refers to “Settling a matter by money payment, instead of any other liability.” It describes the concept of compounding as a mechanism w...

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