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Amendment in RBI Act: What is there for NBFCs?

mendment in The RBI Act in relation to NBFCs

Recently, amendments in the RBI Act were done in the Finance {No.2} Bill, 2019. It was passed by Lok Sabha on 18th July 2019. The Finance {No.2} Bill, 2019...

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Complete Story Behind Non Banking Financial Institution...

Non Banking Financial Institutions

For the rapidly growing Indian economy, Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFC) is playing a vital role in the economic development of the country. NBFC...

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Fintech NBFC

SIDBI Launched Pilot Scheme for FinTech NBFCs to Promot...

digital lending

FinTech NBFCs are companies that make use of the latest technologies to provide Digital Lending. SIDBI launched a scheme to promote digital lending. The Sm...

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Foreign Investments Criteria for NBFCs: An Overview...

Foreign Investments Criteria for NBFCs

Companies and NBFCs make foreign investments by taking loans, Foreign Direct Investment etc. In this blog we are going to learn about what types of foreign...

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The Concept of Chit Fund Company and How to Register It...

Chit Fund Company Registration Process

Chit fund is a popular option for saving by contributing money in India. It is an unorganized money market industry which runs a chit company and provides...

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NBFC Peer to Peer Lending

Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform Safe for Investment and B...

P2P lending

P2P lending refers to Peer-to-Peer lending or crowd-lending. It is a new form of lending money for individuals and business’ through online services that...

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NBFC Fintech Model – A Scalable and Profitable Bu...

NBFC Fintech Model

NBFC Fintech models are digital loan companies. NBFC provides fast and convenient access to funding and leverage information technology. As the main functi...

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Now Mutual Funds Investment May not be Desirable Source...

Mutual fund investment

On 27th June 2019 Securities and Exchange Board of India {SEBI} announced that now the rules for mutual funds investments will be tougher for borrowers to...

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