Legal Agreements

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Legal Agreements

What are the Steps for Contractor Agreement

Contractor Agreement

Steps for Contractor agreement were never easy like this before to understand and follow. Gone are the days when the building builds on the words of mouth,...

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Legal Agreements NBFC

What is the Share Purchase Agreement in Case of NBFC?...

Share Purchase Agreement in Case of NBFC

Share Purchase Agreement in case of NBFC formal agreement that is signed between the buyers and sellers to affect the sale and purchase of the shares. They...

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Legal Legal Agreements

All about Relinquishment Deed

Relinquishment Deed

It’s always good to make a will while you are alive to avoid any legal dispute after death. However, for those who die intestate i.e. without making a wi...

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Legal Legal Agreements

What is a Letter of Intent?

Letter of Intent

A letter of intent (LOI) is a kind of document which outlines the terms of an agreement which is executed between two or more parties prior to the finaliza...

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Legal Legal Agreements

What is Indemnity Bond: Meaning, Format, Types, Legalit...

Section 124 of the Indian Contract Act of 1872 outlines a contract of indemnification. The terms of Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act of 1872, which ap...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Stock Agreement

Stock Agreement

What is Stock Agreement? Stock Agreement is a written agreement or instrument putting forth the restrictive terms of a stock i.e.a stock that is subje...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Security Agreement Format

Security Agreement

What is  Security Agreement? Loans are always an important part of growing one’s business. Loans may be secured or unsecured. Security Agreement When a...

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Legal Agreements

Supply Agreement Sample Format

Supply Agreement

What is the  Supply Agreement? An agreement between a supplier and a buyer stating the terms and conditions of the supply and purchase of products a S...

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