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A Complete Overview of RBI Guidelines for Outward Remit...

Outward Remittance

FEMA and RBI govern the FOREX Transaction Rules of India. RBI AND FEMA provide the guidelines for outward remittance depending on the purpose and nature of...

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FEMA Foreign Investment

Investment in Foreign Company by Indian individual: An...

Investment in Foreign Company by Indian individual

In current times, Indian investors are increasingly looking to expand their business, gain access to new markets, procure intellectual property, and undert...

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FEMA Foreign Investment

Investment in Foreign Company by Indian Company

Investment in foreign company by Indian company

Investments made outside India or Outbound investments have undergone a significant change in terms of geographical and sectoral composition.  It has...

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Advance Payment for Import of Goods and Services under...

Advance Payment for Import

The process of importing or import is defined as bringing goods and services into the territory of India. The importing process can be done by –air, sea,...

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RBI’s guidelines on Step Down Subsidiary

step down subsidiary

Over the years, the Indian industry has been building up its presence successfully abroad with increasing overseas acquisitions, and thereby the exposure o...

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Options for Exiting from a SEZ Unit – A complete over...

Exiting from a SEZ Unit

In the year 2000, the Government of India established a scheme for setting up of business zones or units to increase the production processes, gross domest...

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General and Operational Guidelines relating to Import P...

Import Payments

As per section (p) of FEMA, the term import means bringing any goods or services into India. Import trade is regulated and managed by the Directorate Gener...

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FEMA Foreign Investment

Foreign Investment in India and its Regulatory Framewor...

foreign investment in India

Overview Foreign Investment in India has been the direct result of policies undertaken and implemented by successive governments and of the liberal trade....

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