CFO Service

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CFO Service

Overview of Debt Reduction and Debt Planning

Debt Planning

In today’s world were large investment and huge business opportunities are present in the world, businesses need huge amount of fund and proper debt plan...

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Due Diligence

Due Diligence in India-Process, Type and Categories...

Due Diligence

Foreign companies planning to invest in India should perform a due diligence check. It helps identify or prepare against any possible exposure to risk. Ass...

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CFO Service

Role of Virtual CFO in an SME

Virtual CFO

SMEs are playing a very important role in the Indian manufacturing sector and providing a platform to the businessperson which as a result helps in the eco...

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Finance & Accounting

What is Account Receivable Services and why to choose?...

Accounts Receivable Services

In today’s era, businesses are facing a challenging economy. Therefore, it has become quite essential for the companies to reinforce their resources and...

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CFO Service

Cash Flow Forecasting in Financial Model

Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash Flow Forecasting is done to forecast the company’s future financial position. In terms of the financial management of the company, it is considered...

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CFO Service

10 Benefits of Outsourcing Accounting Services

Outsourcing Accounting Services

Accounting is a very important function which is performed by organizations throughout the year. Adoption of proper financial accounting procedures is nece...

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Mergers and Acquisitions

Fast Track Merger under the Companies Act, 2013

Fast Track Merger

To develop the value generation, market share and cost-efficiency of businesses, companies time and again direct themselves to mergers and acquisitions. Ty...

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CFO Service Financial Reporting

FDI and Unregulated Financial Services in India

Unregulated Financial Services

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment whereby a firm or individual of one country makes an investment in a business located in another country....

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