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Finance & Accounting Income Tax

A detailed guide on IAS 12 on Income Taxes

IAS 12

Because its concept and application are difficult to understand, deferred income tax is one of the top ten causes of accountants' challenges. When it comes...

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Finance & Accounting

All you need to know about IAS 16

IAS 16

IAS 16 specifies the accounting treatment in relation to property, plant, and equipment (PPE), making it one of the essential and widely used standards. Th...

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Finance & Accounting

What does IAS 10 say about Events after the Reporting P...

IAS 10

There may be a period of time between the balance sheet date (or the reporting date) and the day the financial statements are approved. Some events will oc...

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Finance & Accounting

A detailed guide on IAS 8: Accounting policies and chan...


The goal of this Accounting Standard, i.e., IAS 8 is to regulate the criteria for choosing and revising accounting policies, as well as the accounting trea...

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Financial Reporting

Considerations in IFRS 2: Share-based payment transacti...

Share-based payment transactions

The International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS 2) requires a company to record share-based payment transactions in its financial statements, which in...

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Finance & Accounting

A summary of IAS 7: Statement of cash flows

Statement of cash flows

The purpose of this Standard is to necessitate the presentation of information regarding a corporation's historical changes in cash and cash equivalents th...

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Digital Transformation

What are ‘virtual digital assets’? A detailed Expla...

virtual digital assets

The Budget of 2022 has made the Cryptocurrency investors rife because of the imposition of 30% tax on them. However, mostly people are not aware that the p...

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Financial Reporting

A Detailed Overview of IFRS 1

A detailed overview of IFRS 1

The IASB is in charge of establishing IFRS and approving interpretations of those standards. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are des...

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