Finance & Accounting

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Financial Reporting

NFRA’s Interpretation on SA 230 – Audit Documen...

NFRA’s Interpretation on SA 230 - Audit Documentation

Standard of auditing 230 refers to the auditor's purpose in constructing documentation of audit, which gives an adequate and relevant record of the basis f...

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Financial Reporting

Overview: Financial Reporting and Analysis

Overview: Financial Reporting and Analysis

While people may know that a financial reporting and analysis process is important, maybe people understand its undeveloped power and potential. Financial...

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Finance & Accounting

Financial Modeling: Top 6 Best Practices

Financial Modeling: Top 6 Best Practices

What is a Financial Modeling? Financial Modeling helps estimate a project or business's financial position by considering all factors, growth and risk assu...

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Finance & Accounting

Disparities between Accounts Payable vs Accounts Receiv...

Disparities between Accounts Payable vs Accounts Receivable

The accounting terms, account payable and account receivable, create confusion sometimes. It seems like they are the same, but their treatment is different...

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Finance & Accounting

Complete Guide on Generally Accepted Auditing Standards...

Generally Accepted Auditing Standards

Auditing is one of the fundamental processes carried out in an organization, it’s a crucial responsibility which cannot be undermined by the entity. An a...

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Finance & Accounting

Risk of Material Misstatements- Brief Overview

Risk of Material Misstatements

Misstatement in financial statements refers to the difference of an amount, classification or disclosure between items in the financial statements. General...

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Finance & Accounting

Best Practices in Collection Strategies

Collection Strategies

Collection strategies are the services that maintain the balance in the lending process and cordial client relationship of a company. In the lending busine...

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Finance & Accounting

How to Increase Profits Using Price Waterfall Method?...

Price Waterfall

As businesses worldwide grow more competitive, it has become equally crucial for them to have a more in-depth understanding of the market. Further, if an e...

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