Ruchi Gandhi

Never Stop Learning

Ruchi Gandhi

About Ruchi Gandhi

A CA together with MBA (Fin) and M Com, she relishes taking interest in insightful writing in the domain of taxation and finance. She has gained experience as a full-time author and has also served an accounting role in industry.

Transfer Pricing in India

Meaning of International Transaction in Transfer Pricin...

Transfer pricing pertains to the pricing policy used when goods or services are transferred between affiliated businesses. The goal of transfer pricing law...

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Transfer Pricing in India

An overview of Specified Domestic Transaction in TP Pro...

Transactions between related parties have long been suspected of being used to shift income and thereby decrease a company's or group's overall tax burden...

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Transfer Pricing in India

An introduction to the 5 Transfer Pricing Methods

Multinational enterprises and tax authorities can apply a variety of methodologies to determine an appropriate arm's length transfer price for transac...

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Transfer Pricing in India

Transfer Pricing Audit and its Regulations in India...

With the liberalization of trade and foreign exchange policy beginning in the year 1991, India has begun to integrate its economy with the global economy....

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Finance Business

What are FCFF and FCFE approaches to valuation?

Two terms FCFF and FCFE sound quite similar and may be easily confused. Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) (also known as Unlevered Free Cash Flow) and Free Cas...

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Transfer Pricing in India

A Guide to Transfer Pricing Regulations in India

As multinational corporations become more involved in economic operations in the country, new and complex challenges have arisen as a result of transaction...

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Financial Reporting

A Detailed Overview of IFRS 1

The IASB is in charge of establishing IFRS and approving interpretations of those standards. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are des...

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Finance & Accounting

Applicability of Accounting standards on Mergers &...

There is no uniform accounting standard that governs accounting procedures and disclosures in situations where one business gains control of another. The a...

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