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An Overview of Forensic Technology Services


Organizations face very complex issues with digital data. Forensic Technology is essential for the majority of contentious, Non- contentious and fraud-related litigation.

What are Forensic Technology services?

In this electronic world, where all the data is protected in electronic form, there are chances of misuse of data. Mishandling of data can create reputational, regulatory and legal risks to the business. The business can face a threat due to loss of data or project failure. Forensic Technology Services helps in protecting information and data loss.

How Forensic Technology services help?

Forensic Technology services help to detect fraudulent Activities, identity threat, and recovering data. It also helps to investigate frauds, data thefts and crimes of digital nature as well as in the collection of evidence, its examination, and report creation. Forensic Fintech helps in:

  • Breaches in security
  • Data Protection and Recovery
  • Training employees
  • Impact Assessment

Breaches in security: Breach of security is most critical for any organization. Forensic Technology services can limit the amount of damage done. It can help to analyze further steps and causes of the breach.

Data  Protection and  Recovery: Data process is the process of safeguarding important information from corruption or loss. Protecting data is quite critical and if lost, recovering is of utmost importance. Loss of data can lead to a decrease in sales, decreased productivity, some other additional expenses and also a maligned image of the company.

Training employees: The employees should be trained to know about the correct investigative procedures. They should be taught to maintain proper security measures.

Impact assessment: If there is a security breach of any kind the forensic team helps to conduct an immediate investigation into the damage and also helps to analyze the consequences leading to damage.

What are the tools used in Forensics?

For better research and investigation, Forensics have created forensic tools. Fintech uses these tools for better work performance:

  • Disk and data capture tools
  • File viewers
  • File analysis tools
  • Registry analysis tools
  • Internet analysis tools
  • Email analysis tools
  • Mobile devices analysis tools
  • Mac OS analysis tools
  • Network forensics tools
  • Database forensics tools

Importance of Forensics

Forensics Fintech is important as its main goal is to identify, collect, analyze and preserve data.  If a network has been attacked and intruder has been caught then good knowledge about computer Forensics will help. In computer two types of data are stored:

  • Persistent data – Persistent data is stored on local disk drives or on the other media and is protected when the computer is turned on or off.
  • Volatile data – Volatile data is stored in  Random  Access Memory (RAM) and is lost when the computer is turned off or loses power. Volatile data is located in caches, RAM and registers.

As organizations are increasing in number and the risk of hackers and contractors has also increased it is important to protect the data using Forensics. Advanced tools and techniques are used to recover deleted, damaged or corrupt data against attacks and intrusions.  If the network has been attacked and intruder has been caught then good knowledge about forensics will help to provide evidence and persecute the case.


The classification, analysis, collection and evaluation of digital documents takes a significant amount of time.  The devices and the network jurisdictions can be spread across areas, jurisdictions and sometimes borders. The data can be duplicated or modified but such digital data stored may not be relevant to the investigation. In order to overcome these challenges, professional tools are used.

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Overview of our service offering

Enterslice helps organizations overcome technological challenges with the help of electronic Investigation. Our services offered are:

  1. Data Acquisition
  2. Analysis
  3. Discovery Management
Data Acquisition process
Data Acquisition process
Analysis Process
Analysis Process
Discovery Management Process
Discovery Management Process


There has been much malicious activity in the digital world such as hacking and cyber fraud, in this case, forensic services prevent the fraudsters from instigating crime.  In many cases, forensic fintech with the help of tools indicates the violation. Organizations rely heavily on Electronically Stored Information for creating new business challenges. Forensic Technology helps in protecting that information.

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