Company Registration In Argentina

Explore the vast business opportunities in the heart of South America by setting up your company in Argentina. To know more about how to set- up a business in Argentina, contact us today!

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Company Registration In Argentina

Argentina boasts abundant resources and great potential for future growth. Argentina’s energy sector holds significant promise with the world’s second-largest shale gas reserves, fourth-largest shale oil reserves and a wealth of solar and wind resources. Developing sectors such as agriculture and energy require access to advanced U.S. technology, equipment and expertise. In addition to being digitally capable, Argentina has a relatively equitable income distribution compared to other Latin American nations. The country is home to a sizable middle class, with a strong demand for American consumer goods. Developing sectors such as agriculture and energy require access to advanced U.S. technology, equipment and expertise. In addition to being digitally capable, Argentina has a relatively equitable income distribution compared to other Latin American nations.

An Overview of Company Incorporation in Argentina

The country offers several sectors with significant business opportunities for business planning for Argentina's business incorporation. The Argentine government supports the oil and gas industry and further encourages exploration and production, particularly in Vaca Muerta and offshore exploration. Renewable energy also presents medium and long-term prospects with oversubscribed energy auctions from renewable sources. Agricultural technology and machinery are other vital sectors, with two-thirds of Argentina’s exports being agricultural. Public-private infrastructure projects and investments in roads, rail, ports and utilities have attracted funding from the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank.

With Enterslice, Embrace Your Company Incorporation in Argentina

Start With Purpose and Mindset 

Let us start the journey of your company's incorporation in Argentina with support and determination. Let us help you create purpose for your business with a sustainable business model. 

Co-Create the New Culture 

Let us create a healthy space within your company to let innovation breathe and give Enterslice a chance to make a humane-friendly business space. 

Think outside the Box 

Enterslice, with its innovative approach, could bring diversity to your business by aiding experiments and intrapreneurship culture within your organisation. 

Eligibility Criteria for Company Incorporation in Argentina

Unique Tax Identification Code

To commence any economic activity in Argentina, citizens and companies must register with the AFIP (Federal Administration of Public Revenues) and obtain a Unique Tax Identification Code (CUIT).

No. of shareholders

You can start a business in Argentina with at least one shareholder who can be a person or a legal entity.

Deposit of minimum paid-up capital

To start a business in Argentina, it is required to deposit at least 25% of the initial paid-up capital with the Argentine National Bank, Banco de la Nacion Argentina. The company must pay the remaining 75% within the next two years.

Articles of incorporation

To start a business in Argentina, the founding partners must provide their signatures on the articles of incorporation of the company in the presence of a notary public.

Procedure to incorporate a company in Argentina

  1. Define the legal structure of your company

    Determining the type of business you want to establish and the corresponding business plan is crucial if you set up an offshore company in Argentina. It will enable you to identify the appropriate legal entity that provides the necessary governance structure. The Argentine Companies Law provides several legal entity options, each with unique characteristics. Selecting one that best suits your intended commercial activities and governance requirements is essential.

  2. Appoint a Power of Attorney

    The next step in setting up a company in Argentina is to create and sign a Power of Attorney Document that authorises a legal expert to establish the company on your behalf. If you or your partner are non-residents, appointing a local lawyer is necessary. The selected lawyer will form the company and represent you during the process. This Document’s purpose is to provide the required authority to the appointed lawyer to carry out the company formation process and ensure that your business operates legally in Argentina.

  3. Choose and reserve your company name

    Selecting and securing the company name is the third step in setting up a company in Argentina. The IGJ is responsible for verifying and approving the company name and initiating the process by submitting a request through the official website and required payment.

  4. Create the bylaws or social compact and certify it

    To start a business in Argentina, you must prepare your company’s bylaws, which serve as a social contract and lay out your commercial objectives. All company shareholders must sign this Document, and the signatures must be certified by a Public Notary. Once completed, the bylaws must be registered with the Public Registry of Commerce to establish your company in Argentina.

  5. First investment in the National Bank’s share capital

    While setting up a company in Argentina, depositing a minimum of 25% of the subscribed capital to the Bank of the Argentine Nation and obtaining proof of payment is required. Alternatively, the business can present an estimated amount of cash to a Notary who will certify the amount. You can withdraw this amount after registering the company’s bylaws with the Public Registry of Commerce.

  6. Publicise the founding of your business

    To announce the formation of your new business in Argentina, you must publish a notice in the Official Gazette, a national publication. A registered lawyer can only carry out this step. It’s important to note that the Official Gazette charges per line published the cost is around ARS169 (approximately USD 2.90) per line.

  7. Incorporation fee payment

    To set up an offshore company in Argentina, you must pay a fee for the forms and processing costs of submitting the necessary Documents. You can complete the process online via the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights website.

  8. Register the business’s books

    When setting up a company in Argentina, it is necessary to register various accounting books such as journals, inventories, and balance sheets, along with additional books containing meeting minutes, board minutes, records of actions, and shared deposits and attendance records. You must formalise these books by submitting them to the Public Registry of Commerce. The Public Registry of Commerce may provide certified copies of some of these books directly to the company.

  9. Get a CUIT, or unique tax identification number and register with the Social Security

    To obtain a Unique Tax Identification Code (CUIT), a business planning to set up an offshore company in Argentina must go to the Federal Public Revenue Administration (Administration Federal de Ingresos Punlicos, or AFIP) unit at the company’s registered address. It is necessary to present proof of company registration before the Public Registry of Commerce, along with other relevant Paper works. After obtaining the CUIT, one can register taxes and social security on the AFIP website by logging in through the profile of the company’s administrator or manager. It is important to note that the company’s partners, legal representatives, or administrators must have already obtained their Fiscal Code (CUIT) or the foreign equivalent (CDI) from the National Public Revenue Administration.

  10. Create a business bank account

    To conduct commercial transactions, your business will need a corporate bank account. The Paper works required to open a corporate bank account may vary slightly depending on the bank in Argentina. Typically, you must provide identification for your business shareholders and details about your new business. By providing this information, you can open a corporate bank account and conduct commercial transactions for your company in Argentina.

Qualities you will find in the Services provided by Enterslice

  1. Client Focus

    Enterslice puts great emphasis on client focus. We prioritise the needs and complaints of our clients when offering any business service.

  2. Timeliness

    Enterslice is particular about time management as it is vital on the road to personal success and even more critical in the management of any business. We attend to all client’s needs to surpass the agreed timelines.

  3. Adaptability

    Enterslice has a unique quality of adapting to different levels of management and business environments. We believe that the synchrony created by business services catapult an organisation to great success.

Tax Structures of Companies Incorporated in Argentina

The tax structure for companies incorporated in Argentina includes various taxes at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. Companies in Argentina are subject to corporate income tax on worldwide income. The standard corporate income tax rate is applied to the company’s taxable income. Value Added Tax (Impuesto al Valor Agregado- IVA) is a consumption tax levied on selling goods and services. Companies collect IVA on their sales and remit it to the tax authorities. Personal Assets Tax (Impuesto sobre los Bienes Personales) applies to the net wealth of individuals and companies. Companies are subject to this tax on their net equity.  Minimum Presumed Income Tax (Impuesto a la Ganancia Minima Presunta) is based on the presumed income of companies. It is assessed even if the company reports a loss for tax purposes. Companies contribute Social Security Contributions to the social security system, which covers employees' pensions, healthcare and other social benefits. A stamp tax is levied on specific transactions, contracts, and Documents. Municipal taxes may be imposed on particular activities depending on the company's location.

Different Types of Business Structures in Argentina

  1. Sole Proprietorship (Persona Fisica)

    The sole proprietorship is the most popular and straightforward business structure for companies wanting to start a business in Argentina. It is owned and operated by an individual who assumes full responsibility for the business and its debts.

  2. Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada or SRL)

    An SRL can have one or more members. The minimum share capital required is ARS 10,000. The member’s liability is limited to their contributions.

  3. General Partnership (Sociedad en Comandita Simple or SCS)

    This form of partnership has two types:

    1. The general partners oversee the business and have unlimited liability.
    2. The limited partners contribute capital but have limited liability.
    3. Company limited by shares (Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones or SCA)

    It is another form of partnership for companies wanting to start a business in Argentina where there are two types of partners: the general partners, who manage the business and have unlimited liability, and the limited partners, who contribute capital but have limited liability. The use of shares differentiates it from the SCS.

Favorable Business Environment

Argentina is known for its abundant natural resources, including fertile agricultural land and significant energy reserves. Agriculture, mining and energy businesses may find opportunities in the country. The country has a well-educated and skilled workforce, particularly in technology, research and development. This can be advantageous for businesses in knowledge-based industries. Despite economic challenges, Argentina has a growing startup ecosystem, particularly in cities like Buenos Aires. The government and private initiatives support entrepreneurship and innovation. Argentina has trade agreements with various countries and economic blocs, facilitating international trade for businesses. These agreements reduce trade barriers and open up new markets.

Documents Required for Company Incorporation in Argentina  

The Documents required for company incorporation in Argentina are: i) Articles of Association and ii) Signature of the founding partners in a notarised form. iii) Details of the minimum subscribed capital given by the bank iv) fiscal code of the company issued by the Administration Federal de Ingresos Publicos v) tax identification number, special licenses and permits required for certain activities or services of your business.

Benefits of working with Enterslice that you can’t miss

  1. Highly Professional and Reliable Team

    When dealing with professional services, having a professional and reliable team is essential for a smooth and successful experience, whether for company incorporation, compliance or other business-related services.

  2. In-depth Knowledge and understanding of local rules and regulations

    Enterslice has a profound experience and knowledge of local rules and regulations in company incorporation, compliance, and business consulting.

  3. Strong Connection with Argentina Authorities

    Enterslice has a strong connection with Argentina and is a valuable asset for businesses in Argentina. The connection facilitates smoother interactions, enhances regulatory compliance and contributes to positive relationships with relevant government agencies.

Benefits of Company Registration in Argentina

  1. Access to a Large Consumer Market

    Argentina's relatively large population gives businesses access to a substantial consumer market. This mainly benefits retail, consumer goods companies, and other industries targeting local consumers. The country has a high level of urbanisation, with a significant percentage of the population residing in major cities such as Buenos Aires, Cordoba, and Rosario. This concentration of urban population can facilitate targeted marketing and distribution strategies.

  2. Natural Resources and Agriculture Opportunities

    Argentina is rich in natural resources and is a major player in agriculture. Companies involved in agribusiness, farming and related industries may find significant opportunities in the country. The country is the world’s leading agricultural producer and exporter. The nation is known for producing soybeans, corn, wheat and beef. The fertile Pampas region is a central agrarian hub.

  3. Strategic Location

    Argentina’s geographical location can serve as a strategic advantage for companies involved in international trade. Its proximity to other South American countries can facilitate regional business operations. The nation has a long coastline along the Atlantic Ocean, providing critical access to maritime trade routes. Ports such as Buenos Aires and Bahia Blanca are crucial gateways for international shipping, facilitating trade with Europe, Africa and other regions.  

Challenges of Incorporating a Company in Argentina

  1. Economic Volatility

    Argentina has experienced economic volatility, including inflation and currency fluctuations. Businesses must carefully consider the financial landscape and plan for potential changes in market conditions.

  2. Currency Controls

    Argentina has implemented currency controls at times, restricting access to foreign currency. This can affect businesses engaged in international transactions and may impact the repatriation of funds.

  3. Tax Complexity

    The tax system in Argentina can be intricate, involving various federal, provincial and municipal taxes. Meeting the tax obligations and understanding the implications of tax laws on business operations can be challenging.

  4. Import and Export Restrictions

    Trade Regulations and restrictions may affect businesses engaged in import and export activities. Understanding trade policies and complying with customs regulations is crucial for companies involved in international trade.

Company Incorporation Services provided by Enterslice

  1. Business Set-Up Services

    Enterslice provides advisory related to the type of business structure. We also assist in the business registration process, opening bank accounts for the business and in post-registration compliance.

  2. Consultancy on managing the business

    Enterslice formulates a budget and develops cash flows for your business. We also review internal control processes and conduct reviews.

  3. Legal Advisory Services

    Our legal experts provide legal advice on business operations, finances, IP protection, etc. We also ensure that all legal and regulatory compliance are duly complied with.

  4. Accounting and Audit Advisory Services

    Our experts provide bookkeeping services, assuring the proper maintenance of different accounting records.

Safety and Security of Doing Business

Safety and security considerations are important factors for businesses operating in any country. Argentina, in general, is considered safe for business operations. Argentina may have experienced periods of political and economic instability in the past. Staying informed about political developments and understanding their potential impact on business operations is crucial. Argentina has also faced economic challenges, including inflation and currency fluctuations. These factors can influence the business environment, affecting costs, pricing and financial stability. Argentina has a history of labour strikes and protests. Businesses should be aware of potential disruptions to operations due to labour actions and consider developing contingency plans. However, these are in the past. In present times, there is complete safety and security of doing business.

Our Commitment to Excellence

  1. Quality Service

    At Enterslice, we are committed to providing our clients with top-notch services, ensuring that their business needs are met with precision and accuracy. Our team of dedicated professionals go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results.

  2. Client Satisfaction

    Your satisfaction is our priority. We aim to meet your expectations by understanding your needs, addressing your concerns and providing personalised solutions. We value your trust and work tirelessly to ensure your complete satisfaction.

  3. Continuous Improvement

    We believe in constantly evolving and improving our services to stay ahead of the curve. Our team is dedicated to staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices to provide innovative solutions that drive success.

Hassle-Free Company Incorporation in Argentina by Enterslice

Enterslice offers hassle-free company incorporation in Argentina. We provide initial consultation and advisory services to understand the client’s business requirements, goals, and preferences, which helps determine the most suitable jurisdiction and structure for the business entity. We assist in choosing the right place for company incorporation. We handle submitting applications to the relevant authorities on behalf of the client, which includes interacting with government offices, submitting required forms and managing the application process. We engage in follow-up activities with the authorities, ensuring the application progresses smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Foreign legal entities and natural persons can own 100% of a business in Argentina.

Yes, you can start an LLC in Argentina by following the below-given steps:

i)                  Minimum of two directors and shareholders;

ii)                Notarised passport details of shareholders and directors;

iii)              Appoint a local registered agent and provide the address of the company;

iv)              Attested registered Documents

v)                 Annual meeting requirement

Argentina has a high quality of life and an attractive, pleasant business environment, making it one of the leading countries that attract business people to invest and settle.

The cost of incorporating a company in Argentina is ARS 1,447,025 in 1st year and the annual cost in 2nd year and beyond amounts to ARS 322,140.

The risks of doing business in Argentina include persistent and systematic corruption, lack of regulatory coherence, weak intellectual property rights protections, inefficient customs and legal processes, poor infrastructure, costly labour, and limited availability of financing.

In present times, approximately 40% of Argentinians are living in poverty, and the economy is moving towards recession.

No, Individual residents in Argentina are taxable on worldwide income and can obtain foreign tax credits from taxes paid on income from foreign sources. Non-residents are taxed only on the source income.

No, Argentina does not have GST. It has VAT known as Impeusto al valor agregado (IVA).

The VAT rate prevalent in Argentina is 21%.

No, foreigners receive a direct and automatic reimbursement of 21% VAT charged on accommodation in Argentina. 


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