Leadership Development and Training

Take out your stress on leadership development and training programs. Design your organisation's customised leadership program with Enterslice, your trusted partner for leadership development.

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Understanding the Leadership Development and Training

People and expertise are the most valuable assets an organisation can have during these difficult times. Although companies prioritise leadership development and workplace skills above all else, many organisations don't get the most out of their efforts in leadership development. This is because the present paradigm for managing and obtaining training in professional and leadership abilities is sometimes ad hoc, costly, and time-consuming. Every organisation needs strong leadership, and having successful leaders is critical to any company's success. Even while some professionals are born leaders, all professionals may improve their leadership abilities with the right training and growth. Enterslice offers a comprehensive overview of leadership development and training, covering the goals of leadership development, the significance of leadership development, and the different kinds of leadership training programmes.

What is Leadership Development and Training?

A programme for developing leaders is a methodical way to raise leadership skills inside a company. Regardless of rank, the aim is to upskill your staff members with the power skills necessary for success. Leadership development has a significant behavioural component that includes abilities like enhancing communication, developing empathy, and more. An efficient leadership development programme should offer a range of learning opportunities that support learners in gaining knowledge and provide them with chances to practice and apply it to encourage this behavioural shift. As a result, to promote genuine behavioural change, leadership development training is frequently adaptable and consists of a range of learning opportunities, including courses, coaching, role and skill based learning pathways, and evaluations.

In addition to enhancing the skills and knowledge of those who now hold leadership positions, leadership development and training aid in the identification of high potential individuals who are likely to become leaders. Depending on your company's difficulties right now, leadership potential may require training in hard and soft abilities. For instance, to take on their role, aspiring leaders may need to acquire abilities like time management, dispute resolution, and listening. In contrast, senior leaders might require training to stay current with emerging trends and technology like virtual reality and artificial intelligence. This would help them better articulate the company's overarching strategy.

What does a Leadership Development Program Involve?

Leadership Development context

A programme aimed at developing leaders should emphasise fortifying the bonds between individual staff members and the organisation. It's crucial to comprehend the objectives of a group of employees and determine their motivations for seeking leadership development before designing a programme for them. An employee's objectives and strengths should guide the design of the leadership development programme.

Experiential learning

The goal of establishing a programme for leadership development is to assist aspiring leaders in comprehending leadership development theories and how to apply them in real-world situations. Therefore, the programmes must include experiential learning since it helps both retain staff members and effectively communicate leadership development concepts to them.

Acceptance of change

In the workplace, as in other settings, change is not always met with enthusiasm. Trainers must support staff members in adjusting to the shift in duties and rising to the occasion when they receive training to assume leadership roles. Leadership development needs to incorporate experiences that help individuals get past their resistance to change.

Constructive feedback

employees must receive both qualitative and quantitative feedback to assess their success as they embark on a new chapter in their professional lives. Workers need to understand how their advancement in leadership is impacting the way their company runs. Trainers must make certain that the feedback provided to participants is constructive and aids in addressing any potential skill gaps.

How do you set up effective leadership development training?

Below are some of the effective ways to set up a leadership development program

Establish goals and be aware of your organization's priorities.

Since no two organisations are the same, your motivation for starting a leadership development programme will be distinct. It will rely on your company's current position and its goals for the future

  • Do you now have a growth mode? To progress the business, you need leaders who are ambitious, driven and have brilliant ideas.
  • Are you trying to cut expenses? You need leaders who can communicate, think on the fly, and be adaptable.
  • Do you have trouble keeping people interested and engaged? You need leaders who can motivate others, convey ideas clearly, and influence behaviour.

Greater chances to address these gaps within the organisational level will arise from an understanding of your company's priorities and how they correspond with the capabilities and training needs of your leaders.

Describe leadership development and its Primary Attributes

You may describe what leadership development means to your organisation and what it will look like in practice after you are aware of your company's current priorities.

Typically, leadership positions are described as those that are essential to a business, such as motivating team members, enhancing brand recognition, or fostering employee success. You might focus only on people in official leadership positions, or you could search further into the field for people who are highly influential but do not have official positions.

Speak with both current and future leaders. Forward a brief questionnaire to inquire about the essential leadership attributes they believe are necessary for the company's prosperity.

Examine your present leadership development in light of the requirements for employee training

You can assess your present group of leaders by comparing them to a predetermined set of leadership attributes.

Conducting a 360-degree development programme is one approach to evaluating your present leaders. These provide you with a clearer image of whether they are exhibiting leadership traits towards their supervisors, peers, and direct reports.

However, to inspire leaders to perform even better, you should contrast their results with those of the top 10% of respondents or with a strong industry standard. There's a chance that leaders could be made to believe they don't need to do much by only focusing on average scores.

Create and carry out a larger programme for leadership development and training.

The 70-20-10 rule is still the most often used framework for leadership development programmes, even after thirty years.

  • 70% learning on the job with opportunities and tough assignments
  • 20% mentoring, in which experienced leaders impart their knowledge
  • 10% of training that pushes and strains them

The majority of business schools concur that this combination of teaching approaches best suits the mindset of most leaders, who would rather have responsibility and autonomy than spend their time in a classroom studying how to lead. But not every experience is made equally.

Finding the experiences that provide the most learning opportunities is crucial. This ought to be determined by each person's unique demands. You might think about rotational programmes for high-potential leadership positions or those just starting in their careers. Here, staff members spend time with various departments, picking up a range of leadership abilities and improving their comprehension of the interactions and synergies between the business units.

Involving your senior leaders in the process of developing training and experiences is something else you should think about. Ask them to describe the company's future state and how leaders will flourish within it in five, ten, or twenty years.

Work with leaders to create personal growth strategies in a leadership development program.

You might design individual leadership development programmes for your present group of leaders based on their strengths and shortcomings as well as the particular skills required for their roles. These programmes ought to foster personal development only; they shouldn't be viewed or applied as corrective actions.

If your leaders are gifted, highlight how important it is to develop their skills. Leaders should concentrate on staying at the top of their field and serving as an example for other staff members in their company because standing still eventually means being overtaken.

Why Invest in Successful Leadership Development and Training?


Growth is the first convincing argument. Your business will ultimately stagnate if your leaders are not dedicated to ongoing professional and personal growth.

Globalisation is accelerating

Most corporations will have their headquarters in emerging regions by 2025. To manage teams across borders and get over obstacles like distance and culture, executives will need to acquire new abilities.

The increase of remote workers

In ten years, freelancers and contractors will make up the workforce. In addition to managing distributed teams, leaders will need to learn how to include and bring them together.

Generation gaps

The leadership gap is the difficulty that organisations are having filling leadership positions, which is the final strong argument in favour of spending money on leadership development. This puts strain on conventional leadership development philosophies and necessitates training to bridge gaps.

Types of Leadership Training Programs

There are numerous options for leadership development and training programmes, each with a special emphasis and methodology. The following are a few of the most popular kinds of leadership development programs

Programmes for the Development of Executive Leadership

Senior executives and top-level managers are the target audience for executive leadership development programmes.

High-level leadership abilities, including strategic thinking, decision-making, and change management, are the main goals of these programmes. Usually, in-person coaching, mentoring, and training sessions are used to give them.

Programmes for the Development of Managerial Leadership

Programmes for developing managerial leadership are geared towards supervisors and mid-level managers. The development of communication, delegation, teamwork, and performance management abilities is the main goal of these programmes. Usually, coaching, mentoring, and in-person or online training sessions are used to deliver them.

Programmes for the Development of Team Leadership

Project managers and team leads are the target audience for team leadership development programmes. These courses concentrate on fostering abilities, including cooperation, handling conflict, and making wise decisions. Usually, role-playing exercises, group activities, and in-person or virtual training sessions are used to deliver them.

Coaching for Leadership

A one-on-one programme called leadership coaching is intended to assist people in enhancing their leadership abilities. Coaches collaborate with individuals to pinpoint their areas of strength and weakness and create personalised strategies to enhance their leadership abilities. Both in-person and remote coaching sessions are possible.

Programmes for Online Leadership Development

Individuals can complete self-paced training through online leadership development and training programmes. Webinars, online classes, and virtual coaching sessions are some examples of these programs. They are perfect for people who would rather learn at their own pace or are unable to attend in-person training events.

In person Workshops on Leadership

The purpose of in-person leadership development courses is to give people practical training. Interactive talks, role-playing scenarios, and group exercises are possible components of these programs.

For those who would rather learn in a more interactive setting, they are the best choice.

Workshops on Leadership

Short-term training courses on certain leadership subjects, including delegation or time management, are called leadership seminars.

These programmes are made to offer focused instruction to people who might not have the time or means to participate in a long-term leadership development course.

Selecting a leadership training and development programme that fits with a person's aims and objectives is crucial, regardless of the program's kind.

People should evaluate a program's length, cost, and mode of delivery before committing to it to make sure it meets their needs.

Top leadership Development Skills to Teach in Development Training

Many organisations opt for guidance on where to begin when creating an exceptional employee experience programme for leadership development potential. Creating leadership development competencies that are specific to your organization's needs, company, and sector is the best-case scenario. If your business has not formalised those leadership characteristics, it is usual to concentrate on the professional development of the following qualities

Setting and organising goals

Defining both big and minor objectives that advance the organization's objectives. To ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals, evaluate the resources available to your team, establish reasonable goals based on those resources, and assign assignments to individuals.


It's critical to be able to communicate effectively in writing, speaking, listening, and presenting information. It's also important to know which method of communication skills are most appropriate for a certain message, such as an email versus a video conference meeting.


Leaders who have mastered the art of fair negotiation and strong influence will be able to return to their teams with the knowledge that effective influence on staff members is more important than power in achieving desired outcomes.


A leader helps everyone know where they stand to achieve the necessary objectives by clearly defining accountabilities and strictly holding direct reports to their commitments.


The capacity to give duties to people, even ones that a leader needs assistance with, is known as delegation. Effective delegation allows you to select the most qualified team members and provide them with clear instructions.


This establishes the expectations for your conduct and work ethic, which include being nice and on time, that people will look to you to uphold on the job. Dependable individuals are trusted by others to finish tasks accurately and on schedule and to lend a hand when necessary.


Integrity is accepting responsibility for your acts and errors as well as being truthful and upholding your moral principles in the face of adversity. A competent leader may even take responsibility for the mistakes or shortcomings of their group. Integrity-driven individuals set a good example for others, encouraging others to take responsibility for their actions, ambitions, and mistakes.


The capacity to make rapid, well-informed, and excellent decisions—even under stressful situations. Decisive leaders are aware of their options and the effects of their choices. Having extensive industry knowledge and experience is also necessary for being decisive, so these are vital abilities that should be cultivated over time.


Persuading teammates to finish work, accomplish objectives, and advance their careers is a sign of motivation. Being self-motivated is also essential for completing your tasks, accomplishing your goals, and setting an example for others.

Conflict Management

The capacity to arbitrate disputes between parties over a subject or circumstance is known as conflict management. Through the use of conflict management, you can investigate all sides' claims, mediate a debate between the parties, and work towards a settlement.

Team Building

Building great teams with compatible personalities and necessary skills requires the ability to recognise each team member's strengths and opportunities for development. In addition, team building entails fostering cooperation and support via bonding exercises and training that deepens the understanding of team members as professionals.

Commitment to Excellence Related to Our Leadership

Outstanding Service

At Enterslice, we're committed to providing our clients with outstanding service and ensuring that their demands are met exactly and accurately. Our team of dedicated professionals goes above and beyond to deliver exceptional results.

Client Satisfaction

Ensuring your happiness is our main priority. We put a lot of effort into going above and beyond your expectations by attending to your needs, addressing your concerns, and providing tailored solutions. We work hard to ensure your complete satisfaction since we value your trust.


A fruitful working relationship depends on maintaining consistency. We've taken action to ensure that our teams share the same protocols, tools, and technical information and communicate regularly with one another. It means that no matter who you talk to, whatever office you call, or what day of the week it is, you can be confident that you'll always get the same experience.

How can Enterslice Assist you in Leadership Development and Training?

Your company is as distinctive as you are. Even though there are a lot of competitors out there, what makes your organisation special is that it shares your leaders, goals, and philosophy. Because of this, there isn't a single leadership development programme that can suit all of your company's needs. Since every organisation is different, Enterslice's leadership development program is customised to meet the specific demands of each one in terms of business development. Together, we design leadership development programmes that provide your company's executives with the perspective and abilities they need to alter it at the speed and scale necessary to be competitive in a world where change is constant.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Leadership Development and Training

A programme for developing leaders is a methodical way to raise leadership skills inside a company. Regardless of rank, the aim is to upskill your staff members with the power skills necessary for success. Leadership development has a significant behavioural component that includes abilities like enhancing communication, developing empathy, and more.

Strong leadership development is essential to the expansion of any company. The leadership development training programme is developed to take its significance into account for business development. We provide thorough leadership development training programmes that enable people at all levels, including managers, senior leaders, and first-time managers, to acquire the competencies required to succeed in their positions. Our programme improves leadership competencies by emphasising areas such as driving change, coaching, sales leadership, and managerial efficiency.

Leadership programmes are essential for both professional and personal development. We offer some of the greatest leadership development programmes in India and give people the tools they need to succeed. The top leadership development courses cover topics including goal-setting, creating change, coaching, sales leadership, management effectiveness, critical thinking, decision-making, managing millennials, and influencing abilities.

Strategic thinking, decision-making, effective communication, and flexibility are all crucial components of company leadership. We provide the greatest leadership development courses to give people these vital abilities. Our leadership development programme equips participants with the know-how needed to lead with assurance and promote corporate success.

Participants in corporate leadership programmes acquire important abilities and perspectives that are critical to the success of businesses. Participants in our leadership development programme strengthen their decision-making ability, communicate more effectively, and obtain a deeper comprehension of team dynamics in addition to developing strong leadership talents. They come out as assured leaders prepared to propel the expansion of the company and bring about success.

Leadership development services come in a variety of forms, and the best kind to use depends on your organization's particular setting, culture, and business issues, as well as your values, mission, and objectives. We provide leadership development programmes, coaching, training, tools, and fully customisable solutions for individuals, teams, and the entire organisation.

Our leadership services, solutions, and programmes assess and address the needs of individuals, teams, and your entire organisation through a methodical, integrated development plan, assisting your organisation in increasing capacity, competencies, and skills at all leader levels.

The success of a firm is significantly influenced by its leadership. Good leadership creates a great work environment, increases productivity, and motivates employees. As a company specialising in leadership development, we enable companies to prosper and experience long-term growth.

A thorough leadership development programme gives people the abilities and information needed to succeed in leadership positions. It emphasises critical skills, including team management, strategic thinking, effective communication, and decision-making. Participants in our leadership development programme in India get the skills needed to lead with assurance and propel company success.

The reason leadership matters is that it is essential to success and development. Efficient decision-making, team inspiration, and motivation are all enhanced by effective leadership. It increases productivity and fosters a positive work environment.

Yes, without a doubt! It is well known that not all firms can benefit from a one-size-fits-all approach. Combine our solutions to create a customised learning development programme for your company.

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