Trademark Registration

The Ultimate Guide to Trademarking a Clothing Brand

The Ultimate Guide to Trademarking a Clothing Brand

A clothing brand’s success often relies on the strength of its trademark, which sets it apart from competitors and creates a unique identity in the market. Understanding the trademarking process is crucial to safeguard your brand’s reputation and value. This comprehensive guide will explore all aspects of trademarking a clothing brand, from choosing a distinctive name to protecting your trademark in the long run.

The Importance of a Unique Brand Name

  • Selecting a unique and creative name is paramount when trademarking a clothing brand. The brand name should not be too similar to existing trademarks, as this can lead to legal issues and potential rebranding in the future.
  • Creating an Original Trademark: To create an original trademark, consider the following strategies:
    • Modify an existing word with a slight modification that makes it unique and trademarkable.
    • Combine two existing words
    • Form a phrase using two words

The Different Types of Trademarks

A clothing brand typically has three main types of trademarks:

  • Name: The brand name is the primary identifier and should be registered first.
  • Logo: A unique design that represents the brand visually.
  • Slogan: A memorable tagline encapsulating the brand’s message.

Filing separate trademark applications for each element is advisable to ensure comprehensive protection.

The Trademark Registration Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

The registration process can be complex and time-consuming, but you can confidently navigate it with an understanding of the steps involved.

  • Choose a unique brand name: As discussed earlier, select a distinctive and original name for your clothing brand.
  • Conduct a trademark search: Check online databases, such as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and perform a general web search to ensure your chosen name is not already used.
  • File your trademark application: File your application with the USPTO, either as “in-use” (if you are already using the trademark) or “intent-to-use” (if you plan to use it in the future). Remember to include the relevant filing fees.
  • Wait for the examination: The USPTO will assign an examining attorney to review your application, which can take up to 10 months. They will check for originality and compliance with legal and procedural requirements.
  • Address any objections or refusals: If the examining attorney raises any issues, you may need to respond or amend your application accordingly.
  • Publication period: If the USPTO approves your trademark, it will enter a 30-day publication period during which anyone can oppose its registration. If no opposition is filed, the examining attorney will review your application again.
  • Receive your trademark registration: Upon final approval, you will receive a Certificate of Registration or a Notice of Allowance, depending on your filing basis. If you filed on an “intent-to-use” basis, you must submit a Statement of Use with evidence of your trademark’s commercial use.
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Working with a Trademark Attorney

Considering the complexity of the trademark registration1 process, hiring a professional trademark attorney is recommended. As a professional, he can guide you through each step. According to the Wall Street Journal, engaging a trademark attorney can increase your chances of approval by over 50%.

An attorney can help you navigate the intricacies of the process, respond to USPTO objections, and ensure you pay the appropriate filing fees, among other benefits.

Trademark Searches and Registrability Review

Before filing your trademark application, conducting thorough trademark searches and a registration review is crucial. A trademark attorney can guide you through this process, checking for potential conflicts with existing trademarks and evaluating the likelihood of your trademark being approved.

Using Your Trademark Correctly

Once you have filed your trademark application, it is essential to use it properly to prevent challenges and cancellation after approval.

  • Use the “TM” (™) symbol alongside your mark to indicate your claim to the trademark before registration.
  • After registration, use the circled “R” (®) symbol to signify that your trademark is registered with the USPTO. Remember that your trademark should be displayed on tags, labels, or packaging associated with your clothing products. Using the logo purely as a decorative element on the clothing itself is considered “ornamental” and may not qualify as trademark use.

Trademark Monitoring and Enforcement

It is crucial to actively monitor and enforce your trademark rights to protect your brand from infringement. A trademark attorney can help you establish an effective monitoring strategy and take necessary legal action against infringers.

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The Benefits of a Strong Trademark Portfolio

A robust trademark portfolio offers better protection against infringement and adds value to your clothing brand. Potential buyers will appreciate a well-maintained portfolio with multiple trademark registrations during due diligence when considering acquiring your business.

Common Trademark Mistakes to Avoid

Be aware of the following common trademark mistakes to ensure a smooth registration process:

  • Filing a trademark application with a generic or descriptive name
  • Failing to conduct thorough trademark searches
  • Not responding to USPTO objections on time
  • Incorrectly using the trademark symbols (™ and ®)

Long-term Trademark Protection and Maintenance

Trademark registration is not a one-time process. To maintain your trademark rights, you must continue to use your trademark in commerce and file regular maintenance documents with the USPTO. Moreover, it is essential to stay updated on trademark law changes and trends, ensuring your brand remains protected and adapts to the evolving legal landscape.


Trademarking your clothing brand is critical in building a strong brand identity and protecting your business from potential infringement. By following the given guidelines, you can successfully navigate the trademark registration process and safeguard your brand’s value for the long term.



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