Mergers and Acquisitions

Term Sheets In Merger &Acquisition Transactions

Term Sheets

A term sheet is a legal document that sets forth the proposed terms and conditions that parties to a business agreement will be required to abide by. A term sheet is a prospective document since it serves as a roadmap for attorneys to draft transactional documents efficiently. A drafted term sheet could serve as the foundation for numerous additional transactions in the future. 

Term Sheets are non-time-specific, and they are pre-financial papers. They represent the initial phase of investment contracts, including shareholder agreements and share purchase agreements. These Term Sheets will likely develop into investment contracts and go into effect. Before the execution of the agreements as mentioned above and after both parties have agreed to the terms outlined in the term sheets, they are signed.

A term sheet is a formal agreement signed during a pitch meeting or an initial commercial agreement regarding the proposed transaction. The term sheet, memorandum of understanding, or letter of intent all serve the same purpose by allowing the parties to a transaction to communicate their intentions through a written document that includes all of the key terms and conditions of the deal. However, the terms of the term sheet change depending on the transaction. 

Term sheets typically serve as a template for the execution of definitive agreements between the parties, making them non-binding agreements. However, one must consider the facts and circumstances of the situation at hand in order to evaluate the nature of the term sheet, “whether binding or not binding.” The key financial and other terms of a proposed transaction are outlined in a term sheet. These terms are still subject to discussion. Certain preconditions must be met before the final legal documents, such as a business transfer agreement, joint venture agreement, subscription agreement, shareholders agreement, and others, can be formed. It serves as the foundation for all definitive agreements.

Transactions involving term sheets

Transactions involving Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) – Term Sheets are commonly used in important financial documents like PE and VC. Private equity[1] is when money is invested in a business that is not publicly traded. Investing in fledgling businesses or entrepreneurs with the potential for long-term growth is known as venture capital.

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Merger & Acquisitions(M&A) transaction – Term Sheets are used in merger and acquisitions (M&A) deals and financial transactions. The firms and assets are combined through different financial transactions in this case. These consist of tender offers, consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions.

Deal Strategic advantages and business restructuring are the goals of M&A transactions. A term sheet used in an M&A transaction will include details on the offered price, the preferred payment method, the assets and liabilities, the company’s specifics, and other standard phrases.

Term Sheets in Merger & Acquisition Transaction

A term sheet is a non-binding agreement that outlines the key terms and conditions of a merger and acquisitions (M&A) transaction. It is a document prepared early in the M&A process, typically after the initial stages of due diligence have been completed and before the final transaction agreement is negotiated and signed. 

The term sheet typically includes the following information: 

  1. Purchase Price – The amount of money to be paid by the acquiring company for the target company. 
  2. Payment Structure – The method by which the purchase price will be paid, such as cash, stock, or a combination of both.
  3. Closing Condition – The conditions that must be satisfied before the transaction can be completed, such as regulatory approvals, due diligence, and shareholder approval.
  4. Representations and Warranties: Statements made by the target company about its business, assets, liabilities, and operations, which are typically subject to indemnification provisions. 
  5. Indemnification Provisions – Provisions that allocate risk between the parties by requiring one party for losses arising from certain events or circumstances.
  6. Condition precedent – The conditions that must be satisfied before the transaction can be completed.
  7. Non-disclosure and Exclusivity – The term governing the confidentiality and exclusivity of the negotiations.
  8. Termination Rights – The circumstances under which either party can terminate the transaction.
  9. Due diligence – The scope and timing of due diligence investigations to be conducted by the buyer.
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It is important to note that a term sheet is a non-binding document, which means that either party can back out of the transaction if the final agreement differs significantly from the proposed terms outlined in the term sheet. However, the term sheet serves as a starting point for negotiations and helps to establish a framework for the final agreement.

Importance of Merger and acquisition transaction term sheet

The term sheet plays an important role in a merger & acquisition transaction for several reasons:

  • Provides a roadmap: The term sheet provides a roadmap for the negotiation process and outlines the basic terms and conditions of the proposed transaction. It helps both parties to understand the key issues and to focus their negotiations on the most critical aspects of the deal. 
  • Saves time and resources: The term sheet helps to save time and resources by allowing the parties to reach a preliminary agreement on the key terms of the transaction before incurring significant legal and due diligence costs.
  • Helps to manage expectations: The term sheet helps manage both parties’ expectations by clearly understanding the proposed terms of the transactions. It can help to avoid misunderstandings and disagreements later in the negotiation process.
  • Non-binding nature: The non-binding nature of the term sheet allows the parties to negotiate the key terms of the transactions without committing to a final agreement. It allows both parties to walk away from the deal if they cannot reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
  • Provides clarity: The term sheet provides clarity on important aspects of the transaction, such as the purchase price, payment terms, closing date, due diligence, representations and warranties, and conditions precedent. This helps to ensure that both parties clearly understand the proposed terms of the transaction and can negotiate in good faith. 
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In summary, the term sheet is an important document in M&A transactions as it provides a framework for the negotiation process, helps to save time and resources, manages expectations, provides clarity, and is non-binding, allowing for flexibility in negotiations.

Why do the parties wish to sign a term sheet instead of directly entering into an agreement?

Having a summary of the important terms ensures that the parties have an understanding of the essential terms before moving forward because the parties will spend a significant amount of money and time discussing the definitive agreement and other associated documents. The term sheet gives the document’s drafters, solicitors and advisors instructions.

Even though an M&A term sheet is not legally binding, the contract is crucial to the deal’s success as a whole Term sheets give contract security and structure as well. These agreements also give the buyer and target company the confidence to undertake the transaction with an agreement they can review as they move forward.


A term sheet is a document that outlines the basic terms and conditions of a proposed merger and acquisition transaction. It is usually prepared by the buyer and presented to the seller as a preliminary offer. While it is not a legally binding agreement, it provides a framework for both parties to work from as they work towards finalising the transaction. Once both parties agree upon the term sheet, negotiations can begin to finalise the details of the transaction, leading to the drafting and execution of a formal merger and acquisition agreement. Overall, the term sheet is a crucial document that helps facilitate the M&A process and sets the stage for a successful transaction.

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