
Right to Education in India: Everything You Should Know

Right to Education

What is your perspective about education? The common answer given by everyone is that it is a way through which a person can earn a great respect and position in the society. Of course, nothing is much important than education to improve society, community, and whole nation because it is the most powerful tool. It has the ability to shape the destiny of every people and the entire nation. Especially, women education is extremely powerful in changing the destiny of the entire country and individual as well.   

right to education
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When you look at the aspects accountable for demarcating the boundaries between under-developed and developed countries, education always appears as the single most common factor spinning the entire wheel of progress in the developed countries. This clearly revealed that educated citizen not only enhances the social and economic status of the country but also the political scenario.

When you think about education generally, it is a form of learning in which skills, knowledge, and habits of the people group transferred from one generation into other through research, training, and teaching. Any experience, which has a formal effect on the way a person, actually feels, thinks, and acts may consider educational. This is why people now give more voice to women education.

How does the Right to Education Act come into existence?

  • Education becomes indispensable for everybody in the world as it helps people earn recognition and respect. Though it is a vital part of everyone’s life both socially and physically, the unequal criterion of education is still considered as the big issues, which require to be solved. Unfortunately, India has failed to eliminate the threat of illiteracy even after six decades of independence. It is true to mention that Government has not focused much about education in the beginning.
  • Though the prime duty of Central and State government is to offer free education and healthcare facilities to all the Indian citizens without any kind of prejudice, they have abandoned this vital area of human rights and resource development. Besides, the effort made by educationists, NGOs, and civil society groups who used to follow the rights-based approach resulted in the 86th constitutional amendment passed by the parliament and Article 21A passed in 2002 that actually made right to education the fundamental right.
  • Afterward, the President of India approved the right to free and compulsory education act on 26 August 2009. The right published in the Gazette of India officially on 27 August 2009. With this amendment, India has become one of the 135 nations to make education the fundamental human rights for its citizen, which came into force on 1 April 2010. This actually put the right to education at par with the rights to life.
  • This right to education act 2009 bounds all the stakeholders such as schools, parents, society, states and central governments to play their vital roles to offer free and compulsory education to all the children between 6-14 years of age in the country. All the education practitioners welcome the intent of this act and even believe it as the momentous movement regarding universalization of elementary child education through out the nation. Similar to, Indian constitution should pass the necessary acts against women education to make the country avail the global standard.
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What are the causes and background of RTE act 2009?

Over the past few years, approach and opinion towards education underwent a huge transformation due to the universal declaration of human rights. Typically, it announces everybody in the country has the right to education where in fundamental and elementary education will be compulsory and free. The world conference on education for all in 1990 implemented that every individual whether it is a child, youth, or adult will be able to advantage from educational opportunities designed to fulfill their basic learning requirements.

The notion of the basic education surpassed the twin notion of the elementary and fundamental education. Simultaneously, a swing in emphasis about educational and learning illustrate people demands education to be compulsory and free to full their learning requirements. For every child, special and basic learning is highly important for his/her future. Government has taken some time to understand this requirement in-depth and finally passed the right to education act 2009 in which education is free and compulsory for all the children around 6-14 years. 

What is the Constitutional Provision protecting the RTE Act?

The 86th Amendment of the Indian constitution in 2002 got inserted article 21-A that is free and compulsory education for all the children between 6-14 years old. Actually, this article made education the fundamental human rights for all children. Under article 21-A, the RTE act of 2009 indicates that each child has the right to study in the primary school in the proper way so that it should meet necessary

The right to education act 2009 and Article 21-A has come into effect on April 2010. As mentioned prior, this act basically encourages and supports free and compulsory child education. Here, the free education denotes that none of the children in the country need to pay any kind of fees for getting education except for the children whose parents have the capability to afford their fees and all other expenses related to studies.

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The compulsory education signifies that it is the duty of the Government and other local authorities to check for the students’ proper attendance, ensure proper admission, and take care of the fundamental child education. Apart from the right to education act 2009 under Article 21-A, other articles in the constitution of India has children as their main focus. They are Article 24, 39, 45, 51A (K). Like child education, the Government of India has to take enough steps to increase the literacy rate of the nation by empowering the women education.

What are the Salient Features of RTE act 2009?

The right to education act 2009 comprises of following features, which helps you to know the real benefits of child education for the country and community.

  • Every child has the fundamental and human rights to avail compulsory and free education
  • The right to education act denotes that getting the education is the fundamental right that no one should avoid for any reasons
  • The right to education act 2009 lays down enough rules for maintaining the school infrastructure, working hours for teachers, and much more
  • This act lays down the rules regarding the PTRs (pupil-teacher ratios)
  • The right to education act makes enough rules for the non-admitted students to be admitted in the school at the right age to the specified class because child education is the backbone of the nation development
  • The right to education also makes sure that the employment of each teacher wherein the rural or urban areas is in a balanced way and must maintain the appropriate ratio
  • After thinking a lot about education, the President of India has passed this act and specifies various responsibilities to both Government and local authorities to ensure to offer compulsory and free education
  • The right to education act also suggests employing well educated and trained teachers who know the importance of child and women education
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