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Company Registration

Disclosure of Interest by Director: Section 184 of the...

Section 184 of the Companies Act

Section 184 of the Companies Act, deals with the Disclosure of Interest by Directors. The main purpose of this section is to bring to the notice that the D...

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Change in Business

How to Obtain DIN (Director Identification Number)

Director Identification Number

Director Identification Number is 8 digit unique identity number of Directors/Designated Partners who are intending to appoint as Director/Designated Partn...

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Change in Business

Change in Particulars of Director Identification Number...


An Individual who is Director of the Company or the designated partner of LLP is required to have a Director Identification Number (DIN) or Designated Part...

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NBFC’s To Submit Financial Information with NeSL R...


RBI has issued a circular dated 19th December 2017, directing NBFC’s to furnish its financial and assets related information to the Information Utility....

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Government Registration

Know Everything about E-waste Management Rules 2016...

E-waste Management Rules 2016

Electronics and electrical waste items are generally referred to as E-wastes. It is also known as E-scrap. These are trash which can be generated from surp...

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Income Tax Latest News

Sale of goods by Duty-free shops is to be treated as Ex...

sale of goods

In case of “Atin Krishna V. Union of India”,at the arrival and departure terminals of international airports the sale or supply of goods at the Duty-Fr...

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Customs Clearance Services – A Complete Overview

Customs Clearance Services

Custom Clearance Services refers to all the necessary documentation required for encouraging more export or imports in the country. The work involved in th...

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RBI Registration

Capital Adequacy Ratio [CAR] – Definition, Calcul...

Capital Adequacy Ratio

Reserve Bank of India, having considered it necessary in the public interest and being satisfied that, for the purpose of enabling the bank to regulate the...

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