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Payment Bank License

Payment Aggregator vs. Account Aggregator. How they are...

Payment Aggregator vs. Account Aggregator

There are numerous benefits of using online payment and database solutions; it is an effective and efficient solution to the wastage of time and effort in...

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Different Startup Valuation Methods to Assess Your Star...

Startup Valuation Methods

Valuation of a startup or an entrepreneurship is to ascertain the company's growth potential and future success of a business. In simple words, startups ar...

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Employement Documents

Labour Laws Relating to Termination of Employment

Termination of Employment

Labour Law is a concurrent subject under the Constitution of India; both central and state governments have the right to make laws and rules for regulating...

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Digital Lending

How NBFCs are Levelling the Lending Market in India...

Lending Market in India

The banking and finance sector has been subject to a tremendous growth spurt, especially in the last decade. The increasing contribution of Non-Banking Fin...

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Prepaid Wallet License

Growth of Prepaid Digital Solutions Sector in India...

Prepaid Digital Solutions

With rising demand for cashless payments and changing digital landscape, the Indian Fintech sector has recorded strong growth. We have reacted fast to the...

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Prepaid Wallet License

A Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Wallet PPI in India...

Virtual Wallet

Digital transactions are becoming the most convenient mode of payment for goods and services. Such transactions had gained pace, with an increase in the us...

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CFO Service

Why Outsourced Accounting Services are Beneficial for a...

Outsourced Accounting Services

Nowadays companies and new start-ups are looking for getting access to high quality accounting services and advice on market driven strategic financial dec...

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Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Stock Exchan...

Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Introduction On July 4, 2022, SEBI introduced changes in the Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Stock Exchanges, including Commodity Derivatives Ex...

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