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Sеction 2 outlinеs thе dеfinitions of kеy tеrms utilizеd throughout thе Act. Familiarity with thеsе dеfinitions is еssеntial in ordеr to comprеhеnd thе еxtеnt and rеlеvancе of thе Act’s provisions.
Thе importancе of Sеction 2 liеs in thе dеfinitions it providеs, which sеrvе crucial purposеs.
It is important to note that the definitions provided under Section 2 are not exhaustive, and in case of any doubts or ambiguities, reference may be made to definitions provided in other statutes or judicial pronouncements.
As per Section 2(7) of the Income Tax Act of 1961, an assessee is an individual who is required to pay taxes under any provision of the Act.
The term ‘assessee’ encompasses a person who has been evaluated for their income, another person’s income for which they are assessable, or the profit and loss they have incurred.
An assessee can also be referred to as any person for whom
It is crucial to understand the definition of an assessee as they are the ones who pay a specific amount to the government.
The Income Tax Act categorizes them into four groups: normal assessee, assessee representative, deemed assessee, an assessee in default:
The process of evaluating the accuracy of the income claimed by the assessee and determining the corresponding tax liability, as per Section 2(8), is known as assessment. Subsequently, the responsibility of paying the assessed tax amount is imposed on the individual.
An “Assessment year” is defined in Section 2(9) as a twelve-month period starting on April 1st of each year. Each assessment year begins on April 1st and ends on March 31st of the following year. For example, the Assessment year 2021-22 is a one-year period starting on April 1, 2020, and ending on March 31, 2021. During an assessment year, the assessee’s income from the previous year is subject to taxation at the rates specified in the relevant Finance Act. Consequently, it is also referred to as the “Tax Year.”
Although income tax is a tax on earnings, the Act does not provide a comprehensive definition of “income.” Instead, the term “income” is broadly defined by including various types of income mentioned in Section 2(24).
The term “income” generally encompasses various forms of monetary gains, including
This section applies only to individuals who have received a benefit, which is taxable regardless of its origin as capital or revenue. The provision does not require a director to be an employee to be taxed on benefits obtained from the company. The director’s service is not linked to any advantage gained under Section 2(24) of the IT Act, 1961.
The provision does not restrict the company’s ability to provide security deposits to directors or relatives in exchange for beneficial compensation, such as renting housing property or interest-free loans.
The phrase “whether converted into money or not” refers to non-financial benefits. The onus is on the assessee to prove that the benefit was provided in violation of any legal right.
Section 2(24) (iv) of the Income-Tax Act encompasses a distinctive provision that encompasses both capital and revenue benefits. This provision specifically addresses the distribution of benefits to directors of a company who hold a fiduciary relationship and occupy a position of trust. The main objective of this provision is to prevent corporate directors from exploiting or misusing their official roles for personal profit.
As per Section 2 (1A) of the Income Tax Act, agricultural income can be defined as any rent or revenue derived from land situated in India and used for agricultural purposes. It also includes:
However, it is important to note that breeding livestock, poultry farming, fisheries, dairy farming, and income earned from the commercial use of agricultural land are not considered agricultural income.
When a company distributes its profits to its shareholders, it is commonly known as a dividend. Investors who have invested in stocks, ULIPs, or mutual funds are eligible to receive dividends. However, as per Section 2(22) of the Income-tax Act, the definition of dividend also includes the following scenarios:
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
Section 2 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, holds significant importance as it forms the basis for interpreting and implementing the different provisions of the Act.
It is imperative for individuals involved in income tax matters to possess a comprehensive comprehension of the definitions outlined in Section 2.
Section 2 of the Income Tax Act,1961 mentions all the necessary definitions that are required to be known to understand the Income Tax Act.
Section 24 of the Income Tax Act allows homeowners to claim a deduction of up to Rs. 2 lakhs on their home loan interest if the owner or his family resides in the house property. For the last financial year, the deduction limit is Rs. 1,50,000. However, if the house is rented out, the entire interest amount is waived off as a deduction.
Section 43B primarily pertains to a comprehensive list of expenses that can only be claimed as deductions if they have been actually paid. It is important to note that Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is not considered an expense but rather a tax that is deducted on behalf of the deductee and subsequently deposited into the government's treasury.To illustrate this, let us consider an example. If an expense is deemed disallowed under section 43B for the fiscal year 2016-17 but is actually paid in April 2018, the deduction for this expense will be permitted in the assessment year 2019-20. It is crucial to understand that in this scenario, the deduction is not allowed in the assessment year 2018-19, even if the payment is made prior to the due date for filing the return of the assessment year 2018-19.
Section 2 (1B) of the Income Tax Act provides a definition for the term “amalgamation” in relation to companies. According to this section, “amalgamation” refers to the merging of one or more companies with another company or the merging of two or more companies to form a single company.
As per Section 2(24) of the Income Tax Act, income encompasses salaries, which refers to any payment received by an individual from their employer, including but not limited to salary, wages, annuity, pension, gratuity, or any other form of payment. Such income is subject to taxation.
Section 10 of the IT Act, 1961 outlines the provisions for income tax exemption benefits related to a range of allowances disbursed. These allowances encompass rent, tuition fees, travel, insurance policy premiums, gratuity, and other similar categories.
The Budget 2023 has increased the current basic exemption limit from Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 3 lakh. Consequently, an individual's income will be subject to taxation if it surpasses Rs 3 lakh within a financial year.
Section 79 aims to deter the exploitation of a company's historical losses by a new owner who acquires the company solely with the intention of utilizing its accumulated losses to minimize the tax obligations of their other lucrative enterprises or to obtain tax reimbursements.
Section 71 discusses the provision for setting off losses against income in the case where the computation under any head of income results in a net loss for a particular assessment year. The assessee is entitled to have the amount of such loss offset against any income assessable under a different head for that assessment year, subject to the provisions outlined in this Chapter.
Taxpayers can benefit from tax exemptions and reduce their taxable income by utilizing Section 80 of the Income Tax Act 1961. By engaging in specific activities, individuals can qualify for tax deductions of up to Rs 150,000 within a financial year under Section 80 C.
The company, which was previously under public ownership, must ensure that it retains a minimum of 51% of voting power either directly or through its subsidiaries following the completion of strategic disinvestment, as per the compliance requirements.
The section provides a definition for transfer, encompassing the transfer of a capital asset. This includes various actions such as sale, exchange, relinquishment, or extinguishment of the capital asset. Additionally, it covers the extinguishment of any rights associated with the asset or the compulsory acquisition of the asset under any law.
Any income that is not eligible for exclusion from the total income as per the provisions of this Act shall be subject to income tax under the category of “Income from other sources”, provided it is not liable to income tax under any of the heads mentioned in section 14, items A to E.
Where the assessee is an unregistered firm that has not been assessed as a registered firm under the provisions of clause (b) of section 183, any loss of the firm shall be set off or carried forward and set off only against the income of the firm.
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