Government Registration

How to Obtain DPCC Consent? – Detailed Overview

DPCC Consent

DPCC stands for Delhi Pollution Control Committee. They issue a License named as “DPCC License” which is a type of no objection certificate given by the Government. This gives an assurance that the proposed business or the existing business entity does not cause any damage to the environment or its surroundings in the present day scenario or in the near future. With the various changes in the way of living or Development or Capacity improvement or Production process or setting up in industries, the Entrepreneurs are required to obtain first the “No objection” Certificate from the Board as prescribed by the Law. It is a mandatory provision under u/s 25/26 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 that no person without the previous DPCC consent shall take necessary steps to establish any industry, indulge in treatment and disposal of the waste.

Why DPCC Consent is required?

  • To prevention of water, air and noise pollution
  • Conservation of natural resources.
  • Improvement of the performance of the environmental, creating a better life for the people in Delhi.
  • Efficient waste management measures and practices so that all kind of wastes are recycled, reused and reduced.
  • Making the workplace eco-friendly for the environment by changing, amending adopting energy-efficient practices like CNG, solar lights, changing the tube lights to less consuming power and installing low energy equipment, etc.
  • Creating awareness about the environment amongst the Stakeholders towards conservation of rainwater by harvesting and reusing it, composting all the vegetable waste and other biodegradable waste, carpooling and traveling in the metro.

What are the documents required for obtaining DPCC Consent?

At the time of obtaining the DPCC certificate, the following documents are required:

  • Certificate of CA (Certificate Authority)
  • Location Plan or Site Plan of the Business Entity.
  • Details of the property, like Registration deed, Rent deed, lease deed
  • Document indicating the main objective of the business like a Partnership Deed, Memorandum of Association or A Sole Proprietorship certificate.
  • A certificate from Municipality or Local Body for Water Connection.

What is the procedure of obtaining DPCC Consent?

A step by step tutorial is given below:

  1. Fill the DPCC consent form and provide details related to your business.
  2. After creating the form, E-mail all the requisite documents to the Pollution Control Board and submit it.
  3. As soon as the officer provides the DPCC consent after verifying the documents, the office will inform within 30 working days.
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Read Also: Recent Laws for Solid Waste Management in India.

How can we curb the Waste in Delhi?

For curbing the waste in Delhi a certification is required. The E-Waste rules required for certification should apply to every manufacturer, producer, consumer, bulk consumer, collection centers, dealers, e-retailer, refurbished, dismantler and recycler. They are involved in the manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, collection, storage and processing of e-waste or electrical and electronic equipment. It is including their components, consumables, parts, and spares which make the product operational but shall not apply to:

  1. Used lead-acid batteries which are covered under the Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 made under the Act;
  2. Micro enterprises which are defined in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (27 of 2006); and
  3. Radio-active wastes which are covered under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (33 of 1962) and rules made thereunder.

For Curbing Pollution, what are the documents required to obtain Certificate for E-Waste Management in Delhi?

  1. Name and full address
  2. Contact Person with designation and contact details such as Mobile Numbers, Fax. No. and E-mail:
  3. Authorization required for any of the following:
  4. Generation during manufacturing or refurbishing
  5. Treatment, if any
  6. Collection, Transportation, Storage
  7. Refurbishing
  8. Details of E-waste
  9. Total quantity e-waste generated in MT/A
  10. Quantity refurbished (applicable to be refurbished)
  11. Quantity sent for recycling
  12. Quantity sent for disposal
  13. Details of Facilities for storage or handling or treatment or refurbishing
  14. In case of renewal of authorization previous authorization no. and date and details of annual returns.

What are the other crucial areas where DPCC plays an important role?

The DPCC plays an important role in the Biomedical Waste Management (BMWM) Authorization. Waste handling is vital in a place where the area for management of such type of waste is really very difficult. The Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) notified on Bio-medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998 were notified by the Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF). Powers were conferred under Section 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and by the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998. The rules are applied to people who handle biomedical waste by generating, collecting, receiving, transportation, treatment, disposal, etc. They majorly include hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, nursing homes, veterinary institutions, animal houses, pathological laboratories, blood banks, health camps, medical or surgical camps, etc.

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What are the General Guidelines which are required to be followed?

The Delhi pollution control committee has made the following guidelines. Some of them are:-

  • In the mixed land use areas or zones, the categories of industries which are permissible, it should be as per by-laws of the notified Master Plan. It should be applicable in only those industries will be eligible for the grant of Pollution Control. No Objection Certificate should be taken through the Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
  • No proposed industry of any category should be allowed in the approved residential area of any town or city of Delhi. No consent should be given by the State pollution control board within the prescribed limits to the red or orange industries except in the designated industrial area or zone.
  • All Orange or red or green category of industries that should be established in the areas or zone other than designated or approved areas. It should be like an industrial area, industrial focus point, approved industrial park, industrial estate, the industrial zone of the statutory or non-statutory master plans. Approval should be given It should be established at a distance of 100 meters outside the Municipal Council limits, designated residential area by the Competent Authority of the State.

How to Curb with Pollution?

Various measures have been taken to curb pollution. Some of them are:-

1. Moving to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

Various policies are required to be made to encourage wide use of CNG which can ultimately reduce the pollution level.

2. Implementing emission standards

Standardizing the norms for emissions of gaseous discharge from the cars. With the increased motorization without any stringent measures that regulate the quality of fuel and monitor vehicle technology, will eventually make air pollution irreversible.

3. Reforming tax policies which reduce incentives to purchase diesel cars

The diesel emissions have a strong link with lung cancer and other breathing problems. Thus the report blames the decreasing price gap between diesel fuel and petrol as the reason behind the rise of dieselization of cars.

4. Improving public transport

The Government should encourage people to switch people to public transportation.

5. Creating more cycle paths

The cycle lanes and pedestrian lanes should be expanded while keeping a high degree of safety in mind.

6. Enforce tough quality and fitness measures on private vehicles

The government should put strict measures for the old and less maintained vehicles which increases above-average emissions.

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7. Implementing alerts on air quality

The quality of air in Delhi-NCR has reached its detrimental levels. Awareness is required to be created amongst the people. Urgent policies are required to be implemented to reduce toxic pollution levels throughout Delhi-NCR.

DPCC License


The level of pollution has increased tremendously in the last few decades. The pollution level has been such that people have started generating breathing problems. The amount of pollution is too high which cannot be cured by the Government alone but the citizens should proactively take their part as well to reduce the level of pollution. In New Delhi, the level of particulate pollution had shot up in the last five years. There was a slight improvement in the air quality but later in the 2015’s, it increased by 75 percent. This sudden rise in pollution was majorly due to the increased number of vehicles that period of time.

The National Green Tribunal has directed DPCC to submit required action against all the defaulting industries in various parts of Delhi. The tribunal clearly set that the power to compensate under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and the Environment Protection Act, 1986 is exercised exclusively by the DPCC. This cannot be further delegated to the municipal corporation or the SDM. They are free to exercise their own statutory powers under the various laws provided by the law. Some of them are Municipal Act, The Code of Criminal Procedure and any other enabling statutory powers.

The Supreme Court had appointed Environment Pollution Prevention and Control Authority (EPCA) along with Central Pollution Control Board and Delhi Pollution Control Committee to curb the pollution levels within Delhi-NCR. A Draft proposal was made to improve air quality in the national capital which provides guidelines and all the effective measures required to be taken by the people living in that area. A final draft was uploaded by EPCA for the comprehensive plan. This targets to curb the air pollution in Delhi-NCR and deduce the annual average of PM by 70 percent to so that it meets the entire standard for clean air and protects the health of the public.

Read Also: Importance of Environmental Impact Assessment in India.

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