FSSAI Registration

Do Industrial Canteens require FSSAI License?

Do Industrial Canteens require FSSAI License?

Industrial Canteen fall under the food business definition, and any business that fall under the purview of Food Business under section 3 (1) (n) of the Food Safety and Standard Act of 2006[1] requires an FSSAI License/certification to operate legally in India. Therefore it is safe to say that Industrial Canteens also require this license. In this article, we shall have an overview on Industrial Canteen and FSSAI.

What is FSSAI?

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, also called FSSAI, operates under the Food Safety and Standards Act. It is the primary governing body in the food sector for India. It functions as a decentralized government agency that has its cohorts in every state. The local cohorts of FSSAI is the body that works with local municipalities to conduct food inspections, health inspections, and restaurant inspections. 

Who requires FSSAI Certificate/License?

Any business, whether micro, small, medium, or large, if it’s serving consumable goods like food items, is required to get an FSSAI Certificate/License. Further, an approval from FSSAI guarantees that whatever products your business is providing is safe for human consumption. These certificate and licenses ensures food safety and general well being of the society.

Food and Plight of Workers

Industrial workers in India face a lot of hardships. One of these includes improper nutrition and long working hours. With the situation regarding long working hours and tedious labour improving, malnutrition and deficit of healthy nutrition is always faced by industrial workers like technicians, foremen, mechanics, etc.

This can be attributed to low wages that they are not able to focus on proper nutrition to support their bodies. Further, most factories and industrial units have canteens that are very shabby and barely provide nutritious food. 

READ  Do selling Food Supplements in India require FSSAI License?

Rise of FSSAI and Industrial Canteens

With the coming up of FSSAI, it had become mandatory to have industrial canteens which satisfies the essential health and safety requirements and which can also assure regarding food safety and health. 

Industrial canteens are often in factory units that cook and prepare food for the industrial workers of that unit. Just as factories and assembly lines, industrial canteens and their kitchen is dusty, shabby and not well equipped. Again the food service is also below par as it lacks the nutrition profile that it should have. This can be attributed to the ignorance of the welfare and development of industrial workers.

FSSAI has intervened in this regard, and now the food businesses are required to fulfil many different criteria. These include that the food safety and standards should be met and health standards should also be followed. Additionally, industrial units having their own canteen need frequent inspections from the Food Safety Inspector.

Now all departmental canteens, tiffin rooms, etc. housed in different offices of the central government is required to get the license to be able to manufacture and sell food. Having FSSAI License makes it binding upon the canteens to maintain a standard of food. Canteens have commonly been infamous for untidy corners, filth and lack of attention, etc.

The respective persons should register and obtain a license under the provisions of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations 2011. No person can carry on any food business without a valid license. Currently, canteens and tiffin rooms are also run in different central government offices.

READ  Process of FSSAI Registration through Food Safety Compliance System(FoSCoS)

What are the types of FSSAI Licenses?

There are basically three types of licenses. They are:

What are the types of FSSAI Licenses for Industrial Canteens?
  • Basic Registration– It is required for small sized food businesses. It is provided to those that pass an audit and food safety inspection conducted by a food safety inspector. Any FBO having a turnover of less than 12 lakh rupees are required to get this.
  • State License– It is required by medium sized businesses. It is provided to those that pass an audit and food safety inspection conducted by a food safety inspector. Moreover, FBO having an annual turnover of more than 20 lakh rupees, but less than 20 crore rupees are required to obtain this license.
  • Central License– It is the top tier license that is given to companies that have passed their audit and inspection and have also been approved for safety standards by a food and health inspection service agency. Food businesses having an annual turnover of more than 20 crore rupees are required to get this.

Documents required for obtaining license by Industrial Canteens

The documents required are as follows:

  • Duly filled Form A and B and signed by the proprietor/partner;
  • Copy of PAN card of the applicant self attested. In the case of partnership firm/Company, PAN card of the Company is also needed;
  • Address proof of the applicant. In case of the partnership/company, address proof of such firm and company with the address proof of the authorized representative;
  • Two passport size photographs of the applicant and an authorized representative;
  • Rent deed and registry copy of the registered office;
  • List of director/s/ members of the society/partners/trust on the letterhead of a particular firm/company/trust;
  • List of machinery and equipment installed in the premises;
  • Partnership deed/affidavit of the proprietor/MOA/AOA; and
  • NOC from the manufacturer.
READ  FSSAI Registration – Eligibility, Benefits, and Types

How does FSSAI help?

FSSAI helps in the following manner:

  • FSSAI regulates the guidelines for food articles and help in enforcing the food standards.
  • It lays down a proper process for food testing labs accreditation and notifies the labs accredited.
  • It helps in collecting data relating to the prevalence of food contaminants in food articles and other risks.
  •  It contributes to the development of food and phytosanitary and sanitary standards at the global level.
  • It promotes general awareness about safety standards.


The Ministry of personnel has directed the industrial canteens to comply with the statutory framework for manufacturing, storage, and distribution, and sale of food to ensure safety. Whether it’s hotels, restaurants, caterers, or industrial canteen, FSSAI License is a must for all. Therefore get your license today.

Read our article: License Requirement for a Homemade Food Business

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