Legal Agreements

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Legal Agreements

 Sample Format of Amalgamation Agreement

Power of Attorney

 Sample Format of Amalgamation Agreement  An amalgamation agreement is defined as an arrangement whereby the assets or liabilities of two or more...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of a License Agreement

License Agreement

Sample Format of a License Agreement In India License Agreement  When a person grants to another person or to a certain number of persons a right to do or...

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Legal Agreements

Asset Purchase Agreement sample Format

Asset Purchase Agreement

What is an Asset Purchase Agreement? An Asset purchase agreement is also known as APA or Business purchase agreement. An asset purchase agreement (APA...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Independent Contractor Agreement

Artist-Agent Agreement

An Independent Contractor Agreement is executed between an independent contractor and the hiring party for execution of any specific project and for the sp...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Sponsorship Agreement

Sponsorship Agreement

Sample Format of Sponsorship Agreement  An agreement between a party, called Sponsor and those entitled to enforce the sponsorship obligation is calle...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Pre-Incorporation Agreement

Pre-Incorporation Agreement

A pre-incorporation agreement is crucial to establish the organization, control, and operation of the proposed business during the pre-incorporation proces...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Arbitration Agreement

Arbitration Agreement

What is Arbitration Agreement? Arbitration Agreement is a form of Alternate Dispute Resolution wherein the parties can refer a dispute which arises during...

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Legal Agreements

Sample Format of Shareholders Agreement


What is Shareholders Agreement? A shareholders' agreement is an agreement between the shareholders of the company. A purpose...

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