Internal Audit

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Internal Audit

Decoding the Viability of Internal Audit Using AI

Decoding the Viability of Internal Audit Using AI

Companies have great hopes for transformational technologies. Approaches using methods like artificial intelligence etc. have become increasingly accessibl...

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Internal Audit

Top Benefits of HR Audit for Companies

Benefits of HR Audit

Companies constantly try to keep up with the dynamic business environment by transforming the business model, re looking the customer services, and even re...

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Internal Audit

Detailed Overview of HR Audit Process for a Business...

HR Audit Process

Human Resource Department is the backbone of every organisation as it is tasked with managing one of the company's most valuable assets, i.e., employees. E...

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Internal Audit

What Are The Basic Principles Of Auditing?

What Are The Basic Principles Of Auditing?

According to Accounting Standards 200 (SA 200), basic principles of auditing or the basic principles governing an audit describe the basic principles which...

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Internal Audit

10 Differences between Audit Report and Audit Certifica...

10 Differences between Audit Report and Audit Certificate

Both the terms Audit Report and Audit Certificate have been used a lot in common parlance and often used interchangeable. However, there exists a lot of di...

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Internal Audit

Difference between Internal Audit and Statutory Audit:...

Difference between Internal Audit and Statutory Audit

Introduction   Confusion always looms over the difference between internal audit and statutory audit in terms of the appointment of auditors, the...

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Internal Audit

Objectives of Internal Audit: A general overview

Objectives of Internal Audit

Introduction   All the organizations want safety of their organizations for which they appoint an internal audit team as an integral part of thei...

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Internal Audit

What is the Difference between Internal and External Au...

Internal and External Audit

What comes to your mind when we talk about audit. Some may think of it as a painful and gruelling session to uncover mismanagement. But that can be mislead...

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