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Privatisation of Banks: A Brief Overview

Privatisation of Banks: A Brief Overview

The government has decided to make a few amendments in the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021 which aims to privatise two public sector banks. The banks w...

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How do tax incentives impact household financial saving...

How do tax incentives impact household financial savings

The difference between income and expenditure is referred to as savings. Because investment is primarily financed through savings, a high level of savings...

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What are the Tax-Saving Investment options for Young Pr...

What are the Tax Saving Investment options for Young Professionals

Considering the fact that the costs of living has went up and due to the high inflation rates in the market, making informed decisions has become all the m...

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PML Act 2002: Special Courts, Role of Police, Duty of o...

PML Act 2002 Special Courts, Role of Police, Duty of other Departments

The legal denotation of the term Money Laundering is to process illegally obtained money through a legitimate business or send it to a foreign account and...

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Explaining Investigation Process in Money Laundering Ca...

Investigation process in Money Laundering

Money laundering can adversely impact any country therefore tackling and curbing money laundering with robust laws, and efficient enforcement system is nec...

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Decoding the Role of Financial Institutions and Technol...

Decoding the Role of Financial Institutions and Technology in Money Laundering Prevention

Money launderers have employed new methods of their operation. With the change in regulations and laws, money launderers have also used new routes through...

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Impact of Money Laundering on Society at large

Impact of Money Laundering on Society at large

Money laundering involves tainted tactic through which people make profits out of illegal activities. Money laundering is a process through which criminals...

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A look at some of the biggest Financial Scams in India...

A look at some of the biggest Financial Scams in India

Financial scams have hit the economy of nations across the globe. These scams have cost billions of dollars. Corruption and malpractices can taint the imag...

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