Finance & Accounting

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Financial Reporting

Basic Concepts of Financial Statement Audit

Financial Statement Audit

Financial Statements Audit simply means the examination, inspection, or review of an entity's financial statements[1]. The process of financial statement a...

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Financial Reporting

Auditing Disclosures in Financial Statements

Audit Disclosure

The issues of auditing disclosures have been recently considered by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)[1]. Various factors su...

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Finance & Accounting

Accounting Treatment of Government Grants as per AS 12...

Accounting Treatment

A venture's receipt of government grants is crucial for the preparation of financial statements for two reasons. First, an appropriate accounting strategy...

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Finance & Accounting

Set Off and Carry Forward of Losses

Set Off and Carry Forward of Losses

Profit and loss are two sides of a coin. However, incurring losses can be demoralizing for the business, but the Indian Income-tax law does provide taxpaye...

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Finance & Accounting

Debt Collection: An Analysis

Debt Collection: An Analysis

Businesses often face a financial crunch due to delayed payments by their customers and the inability of the businesses to collect those payments and other...

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Finance & Accounting

Outsourcing Accounting Services: Checklist and Signific...

Outsourcing Accounting Services: Checklist and Significance

Today there are many entities offering accounting services to different businesses. Outsourcing the work of an accountant allows businesses to save a major...

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Finance & Accounting

Future of Cloud Accounting & Financial Services- A...

Future of Cloud Accounting & Financial Services - A Complete Overview

As automated and intelligent technologies are disrupting our lives rapidly, they are reinventing the accounting and financial services ecosystem. With the...

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Finance & Accounting

How to Prevent Your Business from Financial Fraud?

How to Prevent Your Business from Financial Fraud?

Financial fraud is quite frequent in an organisation regardless of strict regulatory requirements. Frauds are not always extraneous, like phishing; fraud c...

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