
If we go by the definition, Audit is the examination or inspection of various books of accounts by an auditor followed by physical checking of inventory to make sure that all departments are following Documented system of recording transactions. It is done to ascertain the accuracy of financial statements provided by the organisation.

Services We Offer

Insurance Brokers Audit

An insurance broker is a liaison between clients seeking insurance and the insurance firms. A person who can be a direct broker, a reinsurance broker, or a composite broker for the time being registered by IRDAI is referred to as an insurance broker in Regulation 2(k) of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Insurance Brokers) Regulations, 2018.

Enterslice offers:

  • Accounting of books of accounts.

  • Monitoring the taxation of the brokerage services.

  • Insurance litigation that is difficult to navigate Technology risk consulting services.

  • Assessment and control of risks.

  • Insurance broker audit-related consulting.

Income Tax Audit

Tax specialists or corporations typically offer tax audit services to help people or businesses manage tax audit services. According to the Companies Act of 2013, numerous regulations enacted in India regulate various audit types, such as income tax, cost, stock, and corporate or statutory audits. An income tax audit determines whether a person or business properly filed their tax returns for the applicable assessment year. The guidelines for an income tax audit are given in Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act of 1961.

Enterslice offers:

  • Process control

  • Examining the notification or inquiry from the tax authority

  • Investigating the issues involved

  • Help to compile records and papers for the tax audit

  • Review the results of the tax audit.

Secretarial Audit

An independent and fair evaluation of a company's secretarial and corporate governance practices to see whether they are following applicable laws, rules, and guidelines is known as a secretarial audit. The majority of Indian enterprises are expected to comply with such audit criteria. The Companies Act of 2013 is the primary statute in India that governs secretarial audits. Companies shall request a secretarial audit report from the secretarial auditor following section 204(1).

Enterslice offers:

  • Secretarial audit Paper works needed

  • Coordinating with the appropriate authority to carry out the procedure.

  • Delivering complete services

NBFC Audit

According to Section 45 (I) (f) read with Section 45-I (c) of the RBI Act, 1934 as amended in 1997 - Non-Banking Financial Company or NBFC is an institution whose principal business is of receiving deposits or that of a financial institution such as lending, investment in securities, hire purchase finance or equipment leasing. As specified in December 6, 2006 of RBI circular the companies financing real or financial assets for productive or economic activity will be classified as Asset Finance Company.

Enterslice offers:

  • Filling up of the required Documents and forms

  • Evaluation of Process

  • Physical verification of all the securities

  • Complying with all the regulations as set out by RBI

Internal Control Audit Services

Internal control audit services are specialized services offered by organizations, and the auditors are to review and assess the efficiency of internal controls in an enterprise. An internal control mechanism is implemented to guarantee the accuracy of financial and accounting data to avoid fraud and encourage accountability. Internal controls can increase operational efficiency by increasing the accuracy of the financial reporting. The compilation of financial statements for external purposes and the reliability of financial reporting are reasonably assured by effective internal control over financial reporting.

Enterslice offers:

  • Services for internal auditing

  • Assurance of effectiveness and quality

  • Process Evaluation

  • Standardized methods of operation

  • Assurance from a third party

Internal Audit Co-Sourcing

Internal audit co-sourcing is a collaborative agreement between an organization's internal audit department and an external audit company or consultancy business. Internal audit co-sourcing enables your business to keep an eye on the critical risk areas within the organization, giving the board increased trust that the risks are being managed efficiently and impartially.

Enterslice offers:

  • Assess whether co-sourcing internal audits benefits your business

  • Directing the internal audit employees on-site.

  • Assist with the co-sourcing of services for internal audits.

Internal Audit Service

Internal audit services are an organization's internal controls, risk management procedures, and governance frameworks being evaluated independently and objectively. The benchmark for internal audit is established by the Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAI). Internal auditing is a risk management function carried out independently to support an organization's management, according to the ICAI. Internal audit assists in locating issues that arise during the application of the organization's rules and processes. Audits in finance, risk, statutory compliance, etc., may be conducted.

Enterslice offers:

  • The internal audit services are performed by qualified auditors who have received training.

  • Time, money, and internal resources can be saved.

  • Reports from audits will aid in locating flaws and general procedural compliance.

Insurance Audit Services

The investigation and evaluation of an insurance company's operations, financial records, and compliance with legal requirements are called insurance audit services. According to the 2013 Companies Act, an Indian insurance company is registered. Usually, external auditors or audit companies with experience in the insurance sector provide these services. The policy and liability procedures, tax records, risk assessments, and other financial records of insurance are all subject to examination by insurance auditors during insurance audits.

Enterslice offers:

  • Evaluate the efficiency that will aid in spotting probable mistakes.

  • Adjust the accounting reports to reflect any significant departures from the current legal framework.

  • Make suggestions for the tax system.

Human Resource Audit

A human resource audit systematically assesses and evaluates a company's human resource practices, policies, processes, and systems. It determines which practice areas or processes within the HR department are adequate and effective. It offers a chance to evaluate what the company is doing well and how things might be carried out more effectively and affordably.

Enterslice offers:

  • To find out what is best for your organization, review your procedures.

  • Ensuring that everyone adheres to the same set of instructions.

  • Increased customer service and process improvements.

  • Ensuring adherence to the law.

  • Improving the process's quality of human resources both externally and internally.

Public Limited Audit

A public limited company is a distinct legal business entity that makes its shares available for public trading on the stock exchange. The Companies Act of 2013 requires a Public Limited Company to disclose its financial situation and status to the general public to maintain its openness. The main goal of the limited public audit is to evaluate if a business accurately portrays its financial status. Examining the data provided to the auditor, such as the books of accounts, bank balance, and financial statements, is how it is done.

Enterslice offers:

  • Skilled people with experience conducting a limited public audit.

  • Preparing a public limited audit technique that is effective and efficient by outlining the goals and parameters.

  • Obtain written confirmation that the audit area is adequately regulated.

  • Evaluating the audit areas' strengths and shortcomings and reporting their effectiveness

  • By delivering a report of all the findings, along with appropriate recommendations and conclusions, to notify management of the effectiveness of operations and the sufficiency of controls.

  • Evaluating every activity the management takes concerning reporting methods and follow-ups.

  • Must uphold moral and professional standards to guarantee audit work's accuracy and reliabilit

Private Limited Audit

An audit of a private limited company's financial records, statements, and activities is referred to as a private limited audit. Meeting the compliance criteria comes after registering your business as a private limited company. Implementing One-day Incorporation with SPICe, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has simplified the firm incorporation procedure. Regardless of the company's turnover, every audit is required under the 2013 Companies Act. The company must choose a practising Chartered Accountant for Private Limited Audit.

Enterslice offers:

  • Reviewing audit evidence, reporting audit areas' effectiveness, and assessing the audit areas' strengths and weaknesses.

  • Reporting the results, recommendations, and conclusions to the management to inform them of the effectiveness of operations and the sufficiency of controls.

  • Evaluating every move the management has performed regarding reporting methods and follow-ups.

  • Observing professional and ethical standards to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of audit work.

Financial Statement Audit

An unbiased external auditor or audit company will thoroughly examine and confirm an organization's financial statements as part of a financial statement audit. A financial statement audit aims to reassure interested parties that the financial statements have been prepared honestly and accurately in line with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or the applicable accounting standards. A financial statement audit is also necessary to ensure compliance with regulatory bodies and safeguard your company from dishonest financial practices.

Enterslice offers:

  • Adherence to regulations

  • Advice on Controls and Weaknesses in the Processing System

  • Accounting Treatments for Complex Transactions are Confirmed

  • Independent Evaluation of Accountants' Reports Based on Externally Reported Information

NGO Audit

NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are essential to the social and economic growth of the economy. The activities of Indian NGOs have been stated to have significantly increased over time. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs introduced a standardized framework for NGOs' accounting and reporting.

Depending on the method or form of registration, the NGO is required to have an audit of its financial records under the Incorporation Law. The 2013 Societies Act, Trust Act, or Companies Act must be followed when conducting an NGO audit. NGO audits must be completed following the 1961 Income Tax Act. When an entity's total income surpasses the maximum amount not subject to income tax in any prior year, Section 12A(b)'s requirement that NGOs undergo an income-tax law audit becomes applicable. Section 12A(b) of the Income Tax Act 1961 states that an organization's receivables must undergo a mandatory audit.

Enterslice offers:

  • The application of accounting rules practises, and methodology.

  • Assisting the NGO with planning and budgeting for any proposed development initiative.

  • To keep track of and examine the NGO's financial records.

  • An NGO's project is evaluated with the assistance of subject-matter specialists, including financial analysis.

Advertising Audit

A company's advertising and marketing efforts are systematically evaluated through advertising audits, sometimes called marketing audits. A company's advertising campaign will be evaluated to determine its effectiveness, efficiency, and overall performance.

Enterslice offers:

  • Financial Risk, Transactions, and Restructuring Cyber Risk

  • Assurance and internal auditing

  • Management of Strategic and Reputational Risks

  • Operational and Regulatory Risk

  • Strategies for remarketing

  • Video and Display Campaigns

Media Audit Services

To evaluate an organization's media investment's efficacy, efficiency, and overall success, media audit services include reviewing and analysing media activities, including media planning, procurement, and placement. Media audits are carried out by specialized audit companies or organizations that evaluate media strategy, practises, and results.

Enterslice offers:

  • Ensuring that present media sources are operating as anticipated.

  • The external agencies run their operations openly.

Cinema Audit Services

The evaluation and analysis of cinema operations, management, and financial performance are called "cinema audit services." These audits are often carried out by specialized companies or consultants knowledgeable about the film exhibition business. The goal of cinema audit services is to evaluate the effectiveness, profitability, and efficiency of cinema operations, pinpoint areas for development, and offer suggestions for reducing performance.

Enterslice offers:

  • Competitor Research

  • Cost-effectiveness by bundle and group

  • Action items/recommendations from the audit

  • Costs for Standard and Premium Cinema Packages are negotiated.

Management Audit

A management audit is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of the company's operations, successes, and functions. An impartial and methodical study evaluates the company's operations and performances. The primary goal of this kind of audit is to identify risks in management activities and, if necessary, to make suggestions for potential adjustments. It directs management towards the most effective and efficient administration of activities.

Enterslice offers:

  • Analyzing the internal control procedures.

  • Examine current company procedures, norms, and regulations to suggest best practices.

  • Analyze the effectiveness of the risk management framework.

  • Identifying and making recommendations for cost-cutting measures, revenue-optimization strategies, etc.

  • Helping to fulfil the client's requirements for corporate governance.

Virtual Audit Service

Instead of performing audit processes and on-site activities at the audited organization's facilities, virtual audit service refers to performing them remotely using digital communication and collaboration tools. With the development of technology and the rising demand for remote work capabilities, virtual audits have become increasingly common.

Enterslice offers:

  • Financial audits and compliance audits.

  • Audit of information systems.

  • Operations Review.

  • A tax audit.

Audit Service

"Audit services" refers to the expert services offered by auditors or audit companies to assess and evaluate an organization's financial records, systems, and processes. The main goal of audit services is to provide independent and objective assurance of the correctness, dependability, and compliance of an organization's financial information and internal controls. Checks, controls, and assurance are part of an audit. They can be performed legally or even voluntarily by an organization to guarantee that the financial image of the business is accurate.

Enterslice offers:

  • Certified and fully qualified accountants

  • Capable of working as auditors in your particular industry.

  • Full compliance with the auditor's rules of conduct.

  • Keeping in touch with you continuously while the audit is being conducted.

Global Audit

An audit carried out on a global or international scale is called a global audit. The financial accounts and activities of a multinational corporation or an organization with operations spread across several nations are often audited. Additional considerations that auditors must consider include differing accounting standards, currency conversions, tax legislation, and adherence to local rules and regulations in various jurisdictions.

Enterslice offers:

  • Regulatory Audit

  • Consolidation and reporting package audit

  • Accounts audit under IFRS and GAAP

  • Diligent effort

  • Assistance with tax declarations and accounting close

  • Business reorganization

  • Review of the process

Stock Audit

Physical inventory verification is known as a stock audit. But occasionally, depending on the assignment's terms of reference or engagement letter, it might also contain the appraisal of the inventory. The primary goal of the audit's execution is a crucial consideration while conducting a stock audit.

Every company must conduct a stock audit at least once a year to confirm and update the physical and computed stock's accuracy. The actual and book stock differences can thus be checked and corrected using a stock audit. Different audits may be conducted for various reasons. For instance, in some instances, an audit may be done to check for theft (usually of smaller items) or to ensure that the assets or goods are stored properly.

Enterslice offers:

  • Identify the locations of the inventory.

  • Examine the letter of bank agreement.

  • Obtain a copy of the contract between the client and the bank.

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