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Transfer pricing is an accounting practice that compares the transfer price of a controlled transaction with that of an uncontrolled transaction. Transfer price is the market price of goods supplied or services rendered. Controlled transactions are those transactions that take place between two associated or related enterprises whereas uncontrolled transactions are those which take place between unrelated enterprises. Transfer pricing leads to tax savings and prevents tax evasion.Technological advancement and the digital revolution have made the intellectual property a key profit driver of an organization. Transfer pricing in intellectual property means the intellectual property is transferred between two related enterprises within one organization but in different jurisdiction. Such related transactions are required to be conducted at arm’s length price for taxation purposes. Arm’s length price is the concept of charging a transaction between related parties in the same manner as would have been charged if the transaction was between two unrelated parties. The OECD has attempted to define intangible assets as, “things not having any physical form and capable of being owned and controlled for business purposes.”
MNCs usually transfer their profits from a high tax jurisdiction to low tax jurisdiction having their associated enterprise. The shifting of profits shifts the tax base of the MNC to the low tax jurisdiction and the MNCs end up reducing their tax liability. The essence of such a transaction is that it evades the duty to pay taxes. When the transfer involves intellectual property, transfer pricing becomes even more complex. The difficulty arises in calculating the transfer price in intellectual property as there are many variables affecting the price.
Multiple transfer pricing methods can be used by organizations to calculate the transfer pricing of intellectual property. The most appropriate method for an organization depends on the circumstances in which the transaction is undertaken, the availability of data, etc. The OECD has laid down guidelines that can be used to select the most appropriate method. The following are the methods that can be used to select the most appropriate method for calculating the transfer price:
India is one of the signatories of the OECD model and has introduced the transfer pricing provisions into the Indian Income Tax Act[1]. Even though it is not expressly mentioned in the Act but these provisions are made in line with the OECD guidelines. With the implementation of the transfer pricing provisions, India has become one of the leading jurisdictions in transfer pricing-related matters and jurisprudence. The transfer pricing provisions were enacted to prevent the increase in fraudulent transfer pricing transactions which erode the tax base. The concept of arm’s length price was introduced to trace transactions between associated enterprises that are not reasonable. These provisions were also applicable to determine transfer pricing in intellectual property. To determine the transfer price of an intangible it must have a market price. Applying rules of transfer pricing in intellectual property is difficult as intangible assets are unpredictable and hard to compare in the market. The proviso to Section 92B of the Income Tax Act defines the term ‘intangible property’ by providing a list of 12 things that can be considered as ‘intangible property’. The OECD Model has segregated the term ‘intangible asset’ into two categories namely the ‘trade intangible’ and the ‘marketing intangible’. Trade intangibles cover the know-how related to the products and services made through research and development whereas the market intangibles cover the names of trademarks, logos, etc which are used for the commercialization of the product or service.
With the rise in the transfer pricing of intellectual property, the laws relating to it evolved. The courts in India by adjudication improved the jurisprudence related to the transfer pricing of intellectual property. In a landmark case of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications vs. CIT, the Delhi High Court while dealing with the term ‘market intangible’ held that advertisement, marketing, and promotion (AMP) give rise to international transactions. Further, in the case of Bausch and Lomb, the Delhi High Court held that AMP is not a transaction, it is a function. Then in the case of M/s Sony India Limited and others, the Delhi High Court has held that the tax authorities do not have the discretion to disregard the original transaction and substitute it with another transaction. The exception to this can be used only in two exceptional circumstances that are:
Transfer pricing is one of the most important aspect for tax authorities, especially in developed nations that are struggling to retain taxing rights over businesses that are exploiting labor and materials and lower taxes offered by different countries. In addition to this, the rules on transfer pricing in intellectual property are still at the stage of evolution. The present legal framework is not efficient to cater to the new and emerging issues concerning intellectual property. With the rapid advancement in technology, unique intangibles might appear which might need a new approach. At this stage, the combined efforts of the international organizations along with all countries are needed to design a uniform approach to the rules on transfer pricing in intellectual property and standardize certain principles that would help improve the subject. Further, the unified approach must be flexible enough to allow a change in law whenever needed.
Also Read:Transfer pricing provision in IndiaTransfer Pricing and Its ImplicationOverview of Transfer Pricing in India
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