RBI Notification

RBI Notification: Review of FIP under the AA Framework

RBI Notification: Review of FIP under the AA Framework

The recent notification RBI/2023-24/76 DoR.FIN.REC.52/03.10.123/2023-24 dated October 26, 2023, from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), marks a significant step in the evolving landscape of India’s financial information management and the broader FinTech ecosystem. Addressed to all regulated entities of the bank, this directive underscores a pivotal revision in the Account Aggregator (AA) framework, specifically in the context of the Financial Information Provider (FIP). This article delves into the intricacies of this development, exploring its implications, background, and future prospects.


The Account Aggregator framework, introduced under the Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016, revolutionized the way financial data is shared in India. Designed to enable consent-based data sharing and ease of financial information access, AAs became instrumental in creating a more integrated, transparent financial services landscape. The role of FIPs in this structure is crucial, as they are the entities that hold and potentially share the financial information of individuals upon their consent.

The Key Update and Its Significance

The latest RBI notification heralds a significant shift: the replacement of ‘Pension Fund’ with ‘Central Recordkeeping Agency’ (CRA) as the FIP in the AA ecosystem. Let’s unpack this change:

  1. Understanding CRAs: In the National Pension System (NPS), CRAs play a central role. They are the interfaces between subscribers and other NPS intermediaries, maintaining vital information like subscriber balances. Recognizing this pivotal role, the update to categorize CRAs as FIPs under the AA framework feels both natural and strategic.
  2. Enhanced Data Accessibility: For NPS subscribers, this change means more streamlined access to their pension-related financial information. The integration of CRAs into the AA framework can empower individuals with better oversight and management of their retirement savings.
  3. Implications for the Pension Landscape: This inclusion is a nod towards the increasing importance of the NPS and pension funds in the broader financial planning paradigm of Indians. It highlights a shift in focusing not just on present financial needs but also on future security.
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Broader Impact on the AA Ecosystem

  1. Strengthening the Financial Infrastructure: By bringing CRAs under the AA fold, the RBI is fortifying the financial infrastructure for more robust, secure, and comprehensive financial information exchange.
  2. Enhanced Transparency and Security: The AA framework’s consent-based information sharing model, coupled with the inclusion of CRAs, strengthens the system’s transparency and security, building greater trust among consumers.
  3. Future-Proofing Financial Services: This move indicates a forward-looking approach by the RBI, acknowledging the dynamic nature of financial services and the growing role of digital technologies.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Implementation: The practical aspects of integrating CRAs into the AA framework will require meticulous planning, robust technology solutions, and seamless collaboration among stakeholders.
  2. Data Privacy and Security: With increased data sharing, ensuring the utmost data privacy and security becomes paramount. The RBI and involved entities must ensure stringent compliance with data protection standards.
  3. Consumer Awareness and Education: A significant onus lies in educating consumers about the benefits and workings of this system, ensuring that they can make informed decisions about their financial data.


The inclusion of CRAs as FIPs within the AA framework is more than a regulatory update; it’s a strategic move towards a more interconnected and transparent financial ecosystem in India. It reflects an understanding of the evolving financial needs of individuals, particularly in the realm of retirement planning. This change not only streamlines access to pension-related financial information but also signals a broader shift towards a future-oriented financial planning culture in the country.


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