
Marketing Audit Checklist

Marketing Audit Checklist

With the constantly evolving market in India, organizations should always keep in mind that a potential customer has to be attracted to the respective brand. A sensational, effective marketing audit checklist has to be conducted by the organization to improve the marketing audit template products according to the standards and demands of the customers by planning a structure on marketing objectives. Every organization is aware that a legitimate marketing strategy is necessary for attracting their brands to the targeted audience, and therefore, companies usually have one effective marketing strategy plan, which they try to apply in every stage of their growth. As we know, the market is constantly evolving, with various options available for customers. Thus, a company should have a marketing audit checklist to stay relevant in the evolving market.

A regular marketing audit checklist has to be performed by the organizations to ensure that the respective organization is not falling behind the curve of marketing campaigns. This marketing audit checklist will examine the company’s marketing teams and its various marketing policies and strategies.

What do you understand about internal market auditing?

An internal marketing audit checklist is nothing but an analysis of the marketing resources, tools, and strategies that an organization has adopted to promote its respective brands. This Internal market Auditing not only analyses the scope of the marketing plans but also identifies or detects the marketing assets on how diligently they are contributing to the organizations to achieve their goals. The company, with the help of internal market auditing, can evaluate the working efficiency of its marketing department on a day-to-day basis. Some of the important outcomes of the internal marketing auditing are:

1. Internal Marketing Audit Checklist helps the company to identify its strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities in the respective company’s marketing strategy or plans.

2. It helps the company find a way to efficiently improve the marketing strategies, workflows, and various other procedures within the internal marketing plans of the organizations.

3. Various tools that are used for online marketing strategy are also examined or evaluated through an internal Marketing Audit Checklist to ensure the current market trend and thus stay relevant in this constantly evolving market scenario.

4. It is indeed important for the organization to ensure that its marketing strategy meets the respective company’s brand goals.

What are the Essential Elements of Conducting a Marketing Audit Checklist?

1. Scope of audit

The first element of the marketing audit checklist is to define the objective behind the audit program. A company must have precise knowledge and understanding of the marketing audit program expectations, areas where specific evaluations are required, and various other factors behind the marketing audit checklist. A stipulated time and cost have to be determined for the marketing audit program, as well as the marketing resources and methods of collecting data and analysis. Thus, a company should have clarity in its marketing strategy and scope to focus on the marketing audit checklist and avoid wasting time and resources on unnecessary information and sources.

2. External Environment

The marketing audit checklist also has to consider the external environmental forces of both macro and microenvironments that are indirectly affecting the market scenario such as political agendas, social, and technological advancement, legal trends and changes, customers, competitors, distributors, etc. All these factors are to be evaluated and examined on how it is influencing the respective companies’ current marketing strategy, market size, growth, segmentation, etc. To stay on trend in the relevant market, a benchmark on the marketing strategy has to be implemented to shine over the competitors and industry standards.

3. Internal Environment

Another important element of the marketing audit checklist is to analyze the internal environment that defines the respective marketing standard of the organization. Here, the internal environment refers to the company’s vision, mission, goals, cultures, structures, products, price, etc. A marketing audit checklist has to examine how these factors are affecting the market plans and tactics, as well as their weaknesses and strengths. With this process of analysis, a company will identify its effectiveness and efficiency in its performances and strategies.

4. Audit objective

It is indeed important for the company to check if the marketing objective is meeting the requirements of the company’s business objective. A marketing audit checklist shall evaluate if the objective of the company’s market strategy is relevant, consistent, coherent, and specific, aligning with the current market trend and customer demands. With the help of a marketing audit checklist, a company can detect a gap or inconsistencies in their marketing strategies and thus examine whether they are feasible and realistic.

5. Implementation plan

Lastly, after completing the internal and external evaluation, the marketing audit checklist has to develop an implementation plan. This implementation plan shall mention the specific marketing action plans and strategies, responsibilities, cost and budget, resources, etc. A company’s marketing team shall be assigned various roles to achieve the marketing goal. This implementation plan shall also be accompanied by the monitoring and examination of the marketing activities of the respective companies. Hence, a systematic implementation plan on the marketing program helps the company to achieve its goal in an organized manner.

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List of Procedures for Internal Marketing Audit Checklist

Given below are the best practices for various procedures for the Internal Marketing Audit checklist:

1. Preparation of Marketing Goals

For every company, a marketing goal has to be formed to plan the strategy to achieve the same. The marketing Audit Checklist will evaluate the company brand goal by identifying how far the organization has achieved the respective marketing goals. An analysis of the internal marketing strategy will help the company to understand how far they have come to achieve the said goal and the kinds of improvements to be performed to achieve the marketing goal faster.

2. Evaluate Data Collection

Data collection is the key element for any evaluation of the company’s internal marketing audit checklist. The more the data is collected, the better the brand marketing is understood. The marketing Audit Checklist, with the collection of data, will examine the company’s internal marketing team, their roles and responsibilities, and whether the size of the marketing team is enough to achieve the brand goals.

Function data are also examined through the internal marketing audit checklist to identify the target audience and unique selling proposition for each product and service of the respective company. An organization shall also know how the brand voice is connected to the targeted audience and why the customers prefer the respective brand over the others in the market.

3. Review and Result

The Marketing Audit Checklist’s most important stage is to review the data collected and draw a conclusion. Through this review, a company will have a clear idea of the marketing strategy or tactics to achieve the brand goals and various other improvements that are required to be performed by the respective company.

Most commonly, a company prefers a third party to perform such a review on a marketing audit checklist to prevent any kinds of biases with the company’s marketing team. Thus providing a genuine review of the company’s internal marketing policies and strategies.

4. Marketing Plan Development

The respective company, after evaluating the various marketing plans and strategies and their shortcomings, can now prepare a marketing plan that can better serve the respective company’s brand. This marketing plan shall not include those tactics and formulas that have not contributed to the earlier brand campaigning of the organizations. A fresh or new marketing plan has to be established by the organization to achieve the current market goal along with the improved marketing mindset of the company’s marketing teams.

What are the benefits of a marketing audit Checklist?

Given below are the five benefits of a marketing audit Checklist:

1. The marketing audit Checklist helps the company to look back at the previous marketing policies and strategies to check if it was efficiently contributing to the company’s growth and items and strategies that did not align with the company’s growth. This assists the organization in getting an idea of what strategies and policies are effective and what is not.

2. Looking back on the previous marketing data helps the organization to make informed future decisions on various marketing factors, such as the cost of new marketing campaigns and advertisements and the improvement of the existing ones. Thus, cross-checking the previous data helps the company to make better choices.

3. The Marketing audit checklist also compares the respective companies’ peer competitors by detecting and identifying the weaknesses and strengths and understanding where they are lacking and where they are doing right. Considering all these factors helps the company to understand and identify where it stands in the comprehensive market trend.

4. A company, through the marketing audit Checklist, can identify its strengths and weaknesses, and accordingly, the company can use them in its future business perspectives and improve its marketing efforts from time to time. There is also an area where a company has to look into the various weaknesses that the company has to work on to improve business growth.

5. A company must have clear marketing goals. Otherwise, a company will not be able to measure the advisement and marketing efficiency of the respective organizations. A marketing audit checklist will assist the company in setting a clear marketing goal, and accordingly, the company shall make the changes in the marketing policies and strategies that will directly affect the business goal.


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How to set goals in marketing

A company needs to have a comprehensive checklist to achieve its goals in marketing by examining the progress of the marketing plans and analyzation on how far the company is efficiently growing the business. Additionally, marketing goals also help the company to stay focused and determine whether the progress of the affiliate marketing campaign and online marketing efforts is meeting the business requirements. For a successful marketing strategy, a company must have effective marketing goals. 

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A few of the strategies on how to set a goal in marketing a company are

1. A company must understand and identify the objectives behind the business strategies.

2. A marketing strategy needs to be created by the company before setting any targets, considering the target audience, budget, objectives, etc.

3. A realistic approach has to be adopted by the company as the marketing strategy that is not unrealistic to achieve. Hence, a marketing goal has to be ambitious yet achievable.

4. A company shall ensure that marketing targets are specific.

5. A marketing goal shall have a stipulated deadline so that the company marketing team doesn’t go off track and thus remains focused and motivated. However, meeting the marketing deadline also helps the employees of the company be accountable, thus preventing any kind of conflict that may occur within the internal working of the respective organizations.

What tools to use to create a marketing analysis

A company to research various market trends can use plenty of tools that are available on various websites such as  Qualaroo, Google Trends, Survey Monkey, Statista, Google Keyword Tool, Tableau Software, Typeform, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Upwave, Answer The Public, Social Mention, Think with Google, BuzzSumo, Make my Persona, PureSpectrum Insights, Loop11, Qualtrics, Similarweb, Userlytics, Temper, brand mentions, GrowthBar, Ubbersuggest etc. Such marketing tools help the company to have a smart marketing template.

Why is SWOT analysis Important?

SWOT acronym is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT is a tool that is used by companies to identify and detect various strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities, and threats that build the company’s current and future goals and operations.

Marketing Audit Checklist conducts a SWOT analysis to check if the marketing strategy of the respective company is doing well and various other opportunities a company can grow. It also detects the area where the company brand is lacking behind and other complications involved in reaching the marketing goal through opportunities.

How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis?

A marketing audit checklist shall prepare a list of documents on various relevant factors on marketing strategies that would affect the company’s growth and thus accordingly categorize such factors into various sections such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT analysis shall include complete details on respective companies’ marketing plans and strategies.

The marketing audit checklist shall introduce precise planning and strategy to overcome the gaps in the company’s marketing policies by improving the various weaknesses.

Below is the procedure on how to conduct a SWAT analysis:

1. A comprehensive team from various departments of the company is to be put together to achieve a comprehensive idea of the company’s business structures.

2. It is indeed important to set up a goal on why a company is conducting a SWOT analysis. I.e. a clear goal has to be decided before a major decision is taken by the company.

3. The marketing audit checklist has to prepare a list of company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, for example, by identifying the company’s strength, an idea of how a company asset is contributing to the growth of the organization and where a company can excel, whereas weaknesses refer to the situation where the company is falling short.

4. A company shall conduct a program on refining, prioritizing, and organizing each category for the marketing plans and strategies. Company, after a SWOT evaluation, shall refine and prioritize the categories that are to be tackled and worked upon. However, the marketing audit checklist shall also identify the category that can be done easily without putting them off from the business marketing plans and strategies.

5. Lastly, after completing the SWOT analysis through the marketing audit checklist, a company shall now create an action plan for marketing strategies.

Why Create Marketing Efforts?

A company, through a marketing audit checklist, shall create a marketing strategy to attract potential customers and develop the company’s business plan and strategies. The primary element behind the creation of a marketing strategy is to advertise and promote the brand to a targeted audience in the relevant market. The said marketing strategy process involves research, goal setting, marketing channels, and positioning.

A marketing strategy helps the company to align its marketing team to work on the specific, precise goal or target, identify the target customer demands, and various other factors that empower the company to invest or capitalize on the current emerging trend. It helps the organization with clear goals and targets. However, marketing strategy helps the company target the right audience at the right time, build a solid brand identity, etc.

Some of the procedures under marketing strategies are research on various markets, setting up goals, identification of the target audience, competitive market analysis, identifying the marketing channels, developing a craft on key messaging, etc.

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Why is Content Digital Marketing Audit Checklist Strategy Important?

A content strategy is a plan that is used by various digital marketing audit checklist teams of an organization as a plan on how to create, publish, promote, structure, target, and execution media assets such as blogs, landing pages, social media campaigns, videos, social media marketing, etc with an aimed to achieved various business goal like growing website traffic like SEO or generating digital marketing strategy leads.

A few of the reasons why content strategy analytics is important are:

1. A content strategy helps the company set up a goal and steps on how to achieve the said goals.

2. A company can track the progress of marketing strategy plans through a content marketing strategy and a time to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s marketing function.

3. A content marketing strategy helps the company to look for new content creation on the current market trends, therefore helping the company to target new audiences along with new opportunities and brand awareness.

4. A company can cut the cost and budget on various projects. Content marketing strategy helps the company to define how much money should be invested in each project and how a company can cut the marketing budget.

5. A content marketing strategy assists the company’s marketing team in optimizing the day-to-day marketing context.

What are the Media Marketing audit examples?

Two important examples of marketing audits that are commonly used by the companies are:

1. Audit your Digital Marketing Audit

A digital marketing Audit ensures a thorough evaluation of the company’s social media audit for market effectiveness. For example, a company monitors the digital channel through auditors who often use digital marketing metrics. For example, email marketing strategy, conversion rate, social media marketing audit metrics, social media accounts audit, etc.

2. Content marketing audit

A content marketing audit is a subsidiary of digital assets marketing. Content marketing is a process of evaluating a website audit, such as content, to attract the target audience by examining the website’s pages, like blogs, landing pages, and service pages. For example, an SEO audit to identify the keywords that generate the maximum leads and accordingly use such keywords to attract the target audience in the concerned websites. The auditor generally assesses the keywords in headings, alignment, meta descriptions, page titles, etc.


With constantly evolving market trends in India, a company shall conduct a marketing audit checklist on a day-to-day basis to ensure that a company’s business is running smoothly and efficiently. The marketing audit checklist assists the organization in identifying and detecting the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. However, a marketing audit allows a company to identify the customers’ demands and needs and how the company can fulfil them.


  1. What are the 7 components of a marketing audit?

    The 7 components of a marketing audit are task environment audit, marketing strategy audit, marketing organization audit, marketing system audit, marketing productivity audit, marketing function audit, and macro environment audit.

  2. What is a marketing audit checklist?

    A marketing audit checklist is a procedure to examine or evaluate the respective companies' marketing plans and strategies to check if they are aligning with the current market trends and identify areas of improvement. Some of the famous marketing audits include target market analysis, SWOT analysis, digital market audit, content strategy audit, etc.

  3. What are the six steps of a marketing audit?

    The six steps of a marketing audit are the evaluation of the marketing strategies, goal identification, objectives, data collection, SWOT analysis, and the creation of an action plan.

  4. How do you do audit marketing?

    An audit marketing shall be done in a very comprehensive manner such as market research, SWOT analysis, identifying the areas to audit, and identifying the right goals and objectives, recommendations, tracking, etc.

  5. What is a marketing audit?

    A marketing audit helps the company detect and identify the biggest strengths and weaknesses of the current market strategies of the respective company to maintain the efficiency of the marketing strategies.

  6. What are the 3 elements of a marketing audit?

    The 3 elements of a marketing audit are market research on the competitors, SWOT analysis, and a market analysis.

  7. What are the 7 steps of marketing?

    The 7 steps of marketing are creating a marketing goal, market research, SWOT analysis, setting up a budget and cost, determining the marketing mix, choosing marketing tools, and lastly, reviewing and updating.

  8. What is the scope of the marketing audit?

    In general, the scope of a marketing audit is to examine the company's marketing strategies. However, the scope of a marketing audit depends from company to company and its requirements, such as digital marketing, branding, etc.

  9. What are the four components of a marketing audit?

    The four components of a marketing audit are digital branding and marketing, advertisement and outreach, customer care service, and collateral.

  10. What is an internal audit in marketing?

    Internal audit marketing is a procedure to check the organization's marketing structure and its functions and how efficiently they are contributing to the growth of the company.

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