
Essentials any Marketing Strategy should include in 2019

Marketing Strategy

It goes without saying that strategy plays a crucial role in today’s tech world. More so, is the strategy of utter importance when developing a digital marketing strategy. Unlike traditional marketing, the internet has revolutionized the manner in which companies market their products and services. It’s for this reason that new ingenious methods have to be developed.

Unlike 2018, the year 2019 seems to focus mainly on search engine optimization, social media marketing, and video marketing. Even so, it is important for businesses to explore for better tools and unique features to guarantee capitalization of any opportunities that may come up to be successful. This article will highlight key essentials that you should include in your digital marketing strategy in a bid to grow, learn trending tactics and thrive in the year 2019.

Explore new mediums for your website content

When it comes to digital marketing, content plays an incredibly powerful role. The type of content you display will take a positive or negative toll for both buyers and researchers alike. That said, the world today is full of different publishing mediums that any digital marketer should fully utilize.

To get better results in any marketing strategy, it’s important that the marketer constantly expands the digital marketing boundaries. In 2019, adding a new medium to market your content will be a great way to achieve this. You can start by finding out which mediums are new in 2019 and how to utilize them. You can utilize different mediums such as Instagram Stories, YouTube Ads, Podcasts, Facebook Live, Facebook Watch, Facebook Messenger Chatbots, and many others. You will be amazed at the extent of traffic you will pull just by extending your medium of digital marketing.

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Keep your website organized

Some of the key essentials for search engine optimization include metadata, keyword research, and keyword density among others. While these aspects of a blog post are truly important, they only form the baseline of a good blog post that is created.

According to Google, more than 3 million new posts are posted on the internet each and every day. With such massive content, Google has found it important to determine different factors that will determine whether a blog post is relevant and authoritative. Such factors include:

Domain authority: This is basically a value that suggests how your website is going to be ranked in the search engine. It ranks from 1 to 100.

External Ranking Factors: External factors include factors such as the number of ranked pages in the website, number of customer r reviews, external backlinks and the number of shares among other factors. They play a crucial role in determining how your page is going to be ranked by the search engine.

Internal Ranking Factors and site organization: When it comes to internal ranking factors, how your website has been organized plays a crucial role. A neatly organized website will boost your search engine rankings because there is a better understanding of the hierarchy of content in your blog or website.

By utilizing all the factors together, you will be able to get a well-organized website, thus raising your websites’ domain authority. In order to achieve this, it’s important to integrate a content pillar project in your website, remove old, unnecessary blog posts/pages from your website and create external backlinks to contents in your website.

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Create consistent content for your constant audience

As mentioned before, there are numerous mediums available today. This has led to more personalized media experience, which has led to a smaller audience that has been segmented further. However, the audience is more focused on specific content. This greatly changes strategies that marketers use year in year out. In order to achieve this, one strategy to be used is to create not only an amazing target but also content that is crafted o specifically meet the needs of your audience. In order to achieve this, you should, first of all, identify your audience that you need to create content for. Next is to publish consistent content that is specifically targeted to the micro audience you identified. As you attain consistency in creating awesome content, you should finally be able to adapt to aligning your content with your micro-audience. This will prove impeccable in increasing the number of your views and further promote your business.

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