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How to get Patta Chitta online in India?

Patta Chitta online

Patta Chitta online is land revenue reports that are maintained by the Tamil Nadu Government containing all the details of the property related to each person. A Patta Chitta document plays an important part in all property dealing transaction in Tamil Nadu like property pledge, property transfer, property legal opinion, etc.

Today in this article, we will update you with all the keen points’ related to the Patta Chitta like how to get Patta Chitta, how to apply for Patta Chitta online, etc.

Now, let’s wipe the dust from the Patta Chitta

What is Patta?

Patta and Chitta are separate documents. Patta is a government record that contains the details of the land ownership, area of land, location with survey details. The Patta comes into the picture when you go for purchasing any property in Tamil Nadu. This document ensures that the property is being purchased from the rightful owner as per the government data.

For a clean property record title, the person who is selling must have a valid Patta for the land and also ensures that he or she is selling the property in the right manner. After the deal, the buyer has the duty to inform or apply to the concerned Taluka Office for transfer of Patta with buyer’s name to maintain a clear title.

The next one is the Chitta.

What is Chitta?

A government document pertaining to immovable property that is prepared by the concerned village Administrative Officer and Taluka Office is a Chitta. In the Chitta, the classification of the land between Nanjai and Punjabi is provided along with the details of the owner of the property.

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Here Nanjai refers to the land covering plenty of water usually with water bodies like rivers, canals, ponds, etc. Punjab, on the other hand, means the land covering a small number of water bodies and with facilities like bore wells, etc.

Now, moving further to know the procedure of getting Patta Chitta Online

How to get Patta Chitta Online?

The government of Tamil Nadu has taken a step in an advance to go online. They have the computerized records of the Patta Chitta which are made online. They have the access of Patta Chitta online where you can approach the Taluka for any information. The following are the procedure to obtain Patta Chitta online.

  1. Go to Patta Chitta Website

The website is available in two languages- English and Tamil.

  1. Selector View Patta / Chitta/ FMB/ TSLR Extract

Select the option of your need and obtain the district in which the property is located.

  1. Details of the Property

After selecting, fill the details of the property for which the Patta Chitta Is required according to the dialog box appearing on the screen. The Dialog box will ask for Taluk, Village, Ward and even the block with the survey number and Sub Division Number.

  1. Patta Chitta from town Survey Land Register

On submission of the property details, a certificate is issued by the Town Survey Land Register online with details of the property. The certificate includes information like the type of construction on the property, municipal door number, and locality, type of land, etc.  The issued certificate validity can be checked online in no time.

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What do we mean by Transfer of Patta Chitta?

At the time of transfer of Patta Chitta, the property owner can knock the door co0necrned Taluka office or village administrative officer for the same. In case of Transfer of Patta Chitta on the matter of the property transfer, an application fo9r transfer should be made in the prescribed format to the concerned authority.

Documents Required for Patta Chitta Transfer

The following documents must be submitted for Patta Chitta transfer –

  • Signed Patta transfer application
  • Copy of the sale deed and the documents must be submitted for verification
  • Proof of the possession like EB bill or property tax[1] receipt
  • Encumbrance certificate

How to check the status of Patta Chitta?

If you wish to check the status of the Patta Chitta what you need to do is to enter your Application ID and the status of your Patta Chitta will be reflected.

What is the Validity of the Patta Chitta Certificate?

The validity of the issued certificate can be checked anytime from accessing the site online. All you need is to just add the reference number.

What are the Requisite Fees?

A Patta Chitta can be obtained by just paying the nominal fees of Rs 100 through online means.

For more information visit us at Enterslice.

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