Customs Circulars

CBIC Issues Circular on Pioneering Advance Assessment for Courier Shipping Bills

CBIC Issues Circular on Pioneering Advance Assessment for Courier Shipping Bills

In a progressive move to bolster the ease of doing business, the Indian Customs authorities have issued Circular No. 28/2023, paving the way for the advance assessment of Courier Shipping Bills. This strategic directive emanates from the Ministry of Finance’s Department of Revenue and bears the potential to significantly curtail the dwell time— a critical factor in trade facilitation. As we dissect this circular, it’s pivotal for stakeholders in finance and trade to grasp the nuances of this policy change and its prospective impact on the customs clearance ecosystem.

The Policy Shift

The circular, dated 8th November 2023, responds to representations appealing for a more streamlined customs process. This call for reform underscores the relentless pursuit of efficiency within the sector. The crux of the circular lies in its authorization of advance assessments via the Express Cargo Clearance System (ECCS), signaling a shift towards a more anticipatory approach to customs administration.

Advance assessment allows traders to obtain a customs assessment of their goods before their arrival. This procedure is not merely a logistical alteration; it’s a conceptual revolution in trade processing—transforming the traditional reactive customs approach into a proactive facilitation process.

Technical Enablement and Implementation

The Directorate General of Systems has endorsed the technical feasibility of this initiative, marking a commendable collaboration between policy and technology. The technical adjustments to ECCS underscore a commitment to innovation and responsiveness to stakeholder needs. Advisory No. 11/SYS/WZU/2023, issued alongside the circular, provides the technical guidance to operationalize this policy, reflecting the thoroughness of the Board’s planning.

Field formations are now tasked with disseminating this information through Public Notices, ensuring that the business community is well-informed of the new process. This step is crucial for the effective on-ground implementation of the advance assessment facility.

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Real-World Implications

The implications of this regulatory enhancement are multifold. Primarily, it could drastically reduce cargo release times, thereby expediting the entire supply chain. For businesses, especially those operating on just-in-time principles, this could translate into significant cost savings and increased competitiveness.

Moreover, the ripple effects of this policy could extend to improved rankings in ease of doing business indices, potentially attracting higher foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Global case studies reveal that countries adopting similar measures have seen improved customs efficiency and trade volumes.

Forward-Looking Insights

Looking ahead, the circular may serve as a harbinger for further digitization and procedural reforms in customs. It sets a precedent for other departments to emulate, fostering a more conducive environment for international trade. One can anticipate a surge in the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence in customs operations, heralding a new era of smart trade facilitation.


Circular No. 28/2023 is a testament to the Indian Customs authorities’ commitment to trade modernization and stakeholder engagement. As this policy takes effect, it will be incumbent upon the finance sector to adapt to the new operational dynamics it ushers in. This policy innovation is not just about accelerating customs clearance; it’s about reimagining the entire ecosystem to be more responsive, efficient, and future-ready. It is a commendable step towards trade optimization and positions India on a progressive trajectory in the global trade arena.


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