CE Certification

6 Simple steps to get CE Marking Certification in India

6 Simple steps to get CE Marking Certification

Introduction to CE Marking Certification

Getting a certified product or safe product is a right and desire of every customer around the world. CE is kind of certification mark on the products that are related to health, safety, and environment. It is originated in Europe. In Europe, there is a regulating authority called the EEA that means the European Economic Area. The EEA authenticates the quality of their listed products. Products located within the European Economic Area have to mandatorily obtain CE marking certification. Importers, as well as the manufacturer of the goods, need to ascertain that EC marked goods are up to the standards.

Today, in this article we will tell you about the basics of CE Marking Certification, How to get CE marking Certification, and the kinds of the CE Marking Certification.

The EEA is bundled with European Countries like Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. It is also considered as the EEA single market. CE stands for the “Conformite Europeenne.” The literal meaning of the CE is the European Conformity but later it changed it to CE mark in 1993. The products which are exported to EEA by the other countries can also have the CE marking as the EEA standards is a sign of guarantee.

Benefits of CE Marking Certification

  • Products bearing CE marking can be traded in the European Economic Area without restrictions;
  • Provides the same level of health, and environmental protection for consumers throughout the EEA.

What are the Services that are provided under the CE Marking Certification?

The Logo has a substantial value of a standard on which people trusts and to make that trust more strong the CE technical experts is matching step by step with the changing trends of different products and making it more competitive to pass the level. They also act as an advisory to the manufacturers. CE is a standard of the international standard because many products are sold outside the EEA.

What is the CE Marking ISO Certification Service?

The CE Marking is one of the finest and most acknowledged standards that is brought forth by EEA and permits the manufacturer to use the mark to lighten the standard.

Now, ISO Certification is an International non- government organization that independently controls or manages the quality management system with some standard. The ISO mark silently changes the mind of the customer from not trusting a product to trust the product after the ISO mark. It also increases the value and trust in the product. 

There is no mandatory or necessary rope attached to the product to get this certification but it just makes a product of minimum standard to a high standard after the ISO mark[1].

What is CE Marking of Electronic and Electrical Equipment?

The European Commission lifts the curtain from the harmonized conformity with the EU EMC that puts all their attention in checking the quality, safety and non- health hazardous substance in the products.

The EC made CE marking mandatory stamp for the production of electronic and electrical equipment that is sold in EEA. This made a particular standard of the above equipment safe and ready to use and make the product less harmful to the mankind of the users.

How to get the CE Marking Certification?

Well, the procedure involves a series of steps that are outlined below. The procedure of getting CE marking certification may get different depending on the product and the nature of the risks it presents-

How to get the CE Marking Certification?

  1. Identify the EU Requirements of the product

Check what kinds of directives are applied to your product first. If in case you have more than one directive then you have to apply for all of them.  Following are some of the examples-

  • Electrical equipment;
  • Machinery;
  • Toys;
  • Medical devices;
  • Lifts;
  • Personal Protective Equipment.
  1. Check whether the product fulfills the specific requirements

Determine the extent to which your product complies with the essentials requirements for design and manufacturing in the applicable directives.

  1. Check whether the products must be tested by Notified Body

Select the conformity assessment procedures from the options that are available by the directive for your product. The Directives often use a series of questions about the nature of the product to classifies the level of the risk and refer to a chart called “Conformity Assessment Procedure”. Not only this, the chart includes all the acceptable options available to a manufacturer to certify their product and affix the CE marking.

  1. Test the Product

Select the applicable products standards and test method for your product standards as per the notified body. Establish an Authorized Representatives in the European Union for your product.

  1. Compile the technical dossier

The technical dossier should include all the required documents that will help to prove that the product has compiled all the technical requirements.

  1. Affix the CE Marking Certification and Register the product

Prepare a Declaration of Conformity for tracing the product to the manufacturer or the authorized representatives in the European Union. Register your product in EU. Affix the CE Certification to your product after getting the approval from the authority.

What are the testing areas covered under the CE Conformity Assessment?

The following are the necessary areas of the conformity assessment which includes as described- 

  • Types of approval testing;
  • Compatibility tests like electromagnetic, biological compatibility etc.;
  • Safety tests in our own testing laboratories;
  • Examination of product design;
  • Preparation of expert appraisal reports;
  • Certification of quality systems.

Some more important points-


While the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring the product compliance and affixing the CE marking, the importers must make sure that the product they place on the market complies with the applicable requirements. They do not present a risk to the European public. The importer needs to verify that the manufacturer outside the parameters of EU has taken the necessary steps and that documentation is available upon the request.


The Distributor should have a basic knowledge of the legal requirements including the products that bear the CE marking and the accompanying the documentation.  The documentation should be able to identify the products that are clearly are not according to the compliance. It must be able to clearly demonstrate to national authorities that they have acted with the due care and have the affirmation from the manufacturer or the importer that the necessary measures have been taken.


The CE Marking is one of the finest and most acknowledged standards that and permits the manufacturer to use the mark to lighten the standard. We at Enterslice will help you to get the CE Marking Certification for your product.  To know more contact us.

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