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Patent Registration

Patent Registration Process in India

Patent Registration Process

A Patent is granted to an inventor for its invention. It is a set of exclusive rights given to an investor. It is granted by the government for a limited.....

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ROC Creation of Charges Process India


A company needs funds and ROC for diversification, expansion or for financing various projects. For this, they depend upon share capital and borrowed capit...

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Business Registrations

What are the Benefits of Fixing a Business?


As companies grow and employees and business owners are stretched thin, all manner of mistakes, errors, and accidents that can put one’ company at risk b...

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Drug License

Do You Want to Start a Pharmacy Business in India? Obta...

Pharmacy Business

To start a Pharmacy business you will need to choose or create a business idea. While this is an obvious step many people who want their own business don't...

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What do We Mean by The Term “Independent Director Com...

An Independent Director

According to NASDAQ[1]- An independent director is a person other than the employee or officer of the company or any individual who is having a relationshi...

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MSME Registration

The Changing World of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise...


Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) are classified based on investment capital entity. It understood in India as an entity where the investment in plant &am...

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How to Start e-Commerce Business in India

how to start e-commerce business

E-commerce has revolutionized the online marketing techniques, In this article, We shall discuss the license and registration requirement for starting up t...

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Are You Planning to Start Your Company? – Conside...

Planning to Start Company

According to the Government rules and regulations, a company should follow all the instructions of the government. In fact, a company is not the owner’s...

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