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Global Registration

How much does it cost to set up a company in Australia?...

company in Australia

With the signing of Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement, the floodgates of opportunities have been opened for new busine...

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Global Registration

How to set up a Corporation in Canada?

Corporation in Canada

Canada has lately turned out to be one of the most attractive destinations for starting business because of its vibrant economy and immigrant friendly poli...

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Partnership Firm

Difference between Joint Venture and Partnership in Aus...

Difference between Joint Venture and Partnership in Australia

Confusion prevails over the differences between a joint venture and a partnership arrangement in Australia. Instead of focusing on the differences, the foc...

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Partnership Firm

Setting up a Partnership in Canada

Setting up a Partnership in Canada

Many people who do not wish to set up a big business and are satisfied with small business but want to take benefits from each other in terms of capital,.....

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Business Registrations

International Valuation Standards: An Overview

International Valuation Standards: An Overview

The importance of valuation standards cannot be belittled because of the significant role they play in regulating the professional valuation practice of th...

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Import Export Code

Setting up an import export company in the USA

Setting up an import export company in the USA

If you wish to set up a company which deals in import export business then you should consider reading this article till the end. Setting up a company invo...

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Startup Transfer Pricing in India

Emerging Transfer Pricing Issues and Challenges in Indi...

Transfer pricing issues

Introduction The Arm's length concept is followed by the Indian transfer pricing guidelines, which went into force on April 1, 2001. According to these law...

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Tax exemptions for start-ups and other incentives

Tax exemptions for start-ups and other incentives

A start-up, in the broadest sense, is a business venture launched by entrepreneurs, often young and inexperienced, who have new ideas that have the potenti...

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